Erythroderma in the course of lichen planus

Syn .: Generalized dermatitis.

Def .: Generalized dermatitis in the course of lichen planus (LP) (Fig. E-19)

Epid .: A relatively rare disease. It can occur in patients with a seed-bearing variant of LP.

Etiol .: It usually is a complication of overly aggressive LP treatment.

Loc .: All skin inflamed. Usually the face remains free from lesions.

Clinical: The characteristic symptoms of the disease are obscured by the increased inflammation of the skin, but sometimes the presence of individual characteristic papules of LP can be observed, there may also be typical changes on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity or genital organs.

DR: Other causes of erythroderma. Treatment: This variety requires general administration of steroids or immunosuppressive drugs. Locally – as in the classic LP.

Year: Good, the disease usually lasts for several weeks, but may be protracted up to several months.

DIG. E-19. Generalized lichen planus with a tendency to erythroderma.

Lit.: [1] Daoud M.S., Piettelkow M.R.: Lichen planus. [W:] Freedberg I.M., Eisen A.Z., Wolff K. i wsp. (red.): Fitzpatrick‘s Dermatology in General Medicine. Fifth Edition. The McGraw Hill, 1999, 561-77.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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