Erythroderma – generalized dermatitis. Symptoms and Treatment

Syn.: Erythrodermia, erythroderma.

Def .: Any generalized dermatitis (inflammation of the entire skin) for any reason whatsoever.

Etiol .: Primary and secondary erythroderma. Depends on the disease in which erythroderma occurs or the causative agent of it.

– In the course of acquired skin diseases: psoriasis vulgaris, generalized pustular psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, skin lymphomas, seborrheic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, red follicle dandruff, lichen planus, GVHD, chronic actinic dermatitis, pemphigus deciduous, Norwegian scabies, SSSS , Leiner disease, generalized candidiasis of the skin of newborns.

– In the course of congenital skin diseases: erythrodermic varieties of ichthyosis, EBH.

– After exposure to physical and chemical factors (sunburn, thermal burns, toxic contact dermatitis).

– Erythroderma caused by the introduction of drugs (drug-induced erythroderma) or other substances into the body, including toxic epidermal necrolysis, DRESS syndrome, erythroderma in the course of drug-induced maculopapular exanthema.

– Accompanying neoplasms – as a paraneoplastic syndrome, most often in the case of hematological neoplasms (e.g. Hodgkin’s disease).

– Idiopathic: the cause of erythrodemia cannot be found in 5-10%.

Clinical: Partially dependent on the cause. Common problems include: thermoregulation disorders, increased inflammation and damage to the epidermal barrier, water and electrolyte disturbances, long-lasting erythrodemia, hypoalbuminemia with relative hypergammaglobulinemia, decreased levels of iron, folic acid and, consequently, anemia, as well as circulatory, renal and hepatic complications. Toenail lesions include transverse grooving or creasing of the plates. There may be increased hair loss in the mechanism of telogen alopecia, and in severe cases, anangenic alopecia. Ectropion may develop.

Healing: In addition to treating the underlying disease, it includes treating general symptoms and maintenance therapy (in severe cases, especially epidermal depletion, also in the intensive care unit): correcting fluid and electrolyte balance disorders, antipyretic drugs while avoiding hypothermia. Treatment of acute complications (heart, kidney, liver failure) and chronic complications (e.g. amyloidosis). In the creaking of the epidermis, lactation is prevented and infections are treated.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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