Erythrocytes (red blood cells) – norm, structure, function, diseases [EXPLAINED]

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Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, are morphotic elements that give the blood its characteristic red color. Their function is to transport oxygen in the bloodstream. See what the norm of red blood cells is and what their decreased or increased number may indicate.

Blood and erythrocytes – basic information

Blood is a body fluid, the basic components of which are: the fluid part, i.e. plasma, and cells, i.e. red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

Blood circulates through the human body through the circulatory system, fulfilling a transport function and ensuring communication between various body systems. The total volume of blood that circulates in the adult human body is approx. 5 liters. This is about 8% of the total body weight. On average, men have about one liter of blood more than women.

Specialized blood cells are suspended in plasma, which is the liquid part of the blood. Plasma, in other words plasma, accounts for up to 55% of the blood volume. Plasma is 90% water and is a solution of proteins, salts and low molecular weight chemicals. Plasma contains mainly phosphates and chlorides as well as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium ions.

Blood cells, including erythrocytes, make up about 45% of the blood volume. Among them, there are also leukocytes and thrombocytes. Erythrocytes are red blood cells and their most important function is to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin and a protein that is responsible for attaching and transporting oxygen in the blood.

Leukocytes are white blood cells whose primary function is the immune response. Leukocytes come in two forms as agranulocytes and granulocytes. Agranulocytes are monocytes and lymphocytes, while granulocytes include neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils. The role of granulocytes, including eosinocytes, is a non-specific immune response.

Thrombocytes are platelets that help blood to clot. The absolute number of individual blood elements varies from vertebrate to vertebrate. In humans, the correct values ​​are:

  1. erythrocytes – 4,5 to 5,5 million per μl of blood;
  2. leukocytes – 4 to 000 per μl of blood, including: neutrophils – 11 to 000 per μl of blood, eosinocytes – 2 to 500 per μl of blood, basophils – 7 to 500 per μl of blood, lymphocytes – 40 to 400 per μl of blood, monocytes 10 to 100 per μl of blood;
  3. thrombocytes – 300 per μl of blood.

If you want to know more about blood components and their functions read on: Blood – composition, functions, role in the body

Erythrocytes – structure of red blood cells

Erythrocytes are one of the major blood counts. They are cells filled with enzymes and hemoglobin. These cells are disk-shaped with a central concave on both sides. They do not have a cell nucleus, therefore their cellular abilities are severely limited. Red blood cells do not contain mitochondria and do not undergo aerobic metabolism, and the main source of ATP is glycolysis. Human red blood cells are very small, only 6-7 µm in diameter and 2 µm thick.

The first records of erythrocytes date back to the XNUMXth century. During this time, red blood cells were observed and accurately described by Antonie van Leeuwnhoek, a Dutch city clerk, entrepreneur and naturalist. He is also considered the father of microbiology.

For proper blood flow, red blood cell production and cardiovascular health, it is worth reaching for Burak + with iron and vitamin C for the circulatory system – a dietary supplement that you can conveniently order at Medonet Market.

Do you know what eosinocytes are? Check: Eosinocytes – characteristics, functions, action and norms of eosinocytes [EXPLAINED]

Erythrocytes – production and breakdown of red blood cells

Erythrocytes are produced in the bone marrow, which is found in the spongy substance, i.e. in the epiphyses of long bones and flat bones. The process of erythropoiesis takes place there, in which erythrocytes are formed from erythrocyte stem cells at a rate of about 120 million per minute.

Before birth, in the womb, red blood cells are also made in the spleen. It is interesting because in adulthood it is the spleen that is the place where damaged or “used” erythrocytes are destroyed. The life expectancy of an erythrocyte is four months.

For the production of erythrocytes, most of all iron (about 80%), vitamins B6, B12, C, E and folic acid are needed. They owe their red color to hemoglobin, which is also their main functional element.

The number of erythrocytes in the blood depends, among other things, on the age, sex and lifestyle of a person. Red blood cells have a low amount of organelles because they lose their nucleus, mitochondria, centrioles, and the Golgi apparatus.

Ecological convalescent juice supports the production of red blood cells. Drinking it regularly supports the functioning of the entire body. Also try Living Multivitamin Woman Terranova, designed specifically for women.

Who can donate blood for plasma therapy to treat COVID-19? Check: Only 60 percent. the collected plasma is suitable for administration to patients. Who cannot donate? [WE EXPLAIN]

Erythrocytes – functions

The main function of red blood cells is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Oxygen binds to hemoglobin, which is packed with red blood cells. Each hemoglobin has as many as four heme molecules, so it can transport one to four oxygen molecules.

Interestingly, carbon dioxide can also bind at this point, so erythrocytes are also partly responsible for the discharge of CO2 into the lungs. However, most of it is transported in plasma (about 85%). Unfortunately, carbon monoxide, or carbon monoxide, has a greater affinity for heme than oxygen, and that is why it is so toxic – it just blocks the places in the red blood cells where oxygen should attach itself.

Red blood cells do not divide due to the loss of the nucleus. Therefore, they cannot perform normal cellular functions, they do not have a mechanism that could repair damage and after a few months (about 120 days) their functioning is destroyed. Therefore, our body must constantly produce new erythrocytes.

Cardio Multi Viridian, a dietary supplement in capsule form available on Medonet Market, will help regulate the amount of red blood cells in the body.

Why is it worth having a blood count regularly? Check: You got it in your blood – what can you learn from the most basic test?

Erythrocytes – norms of red blood cells

Blood morphology is one of the basic diagnostic tests and even in healthy people it should be performed regularly at least once a year. Among other things, it allows you to get a lot of information about red blood cells. The test result will show your red blood cell count as «RBC».

The norm of erythrocytes is slightly different for women and men. In women it ranges from 3,5-5,2 million / mm3, and in men it is 4,5-5,4 million / mm3. However, it should be remembered that this is a population mean. There are people who constantly have a slightly reduced or slightly elevated amount of erythrocytes in the blood, and this does not indicate a disease state. The norms of red blood cells in children at different stages of development are also different, so the test results should always be analyzed taking into account gender and age.

In the blood count, the result will be a list of indicators along with the standards adopted in a given laboratory. Below are the norms of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit for women, men and children:

Red blood cell (RBC) norms:

  1. 3,5 – 5,2 million / mm³ for women;
  2. 4,2 – 5,4 million / mm³ for men;
  3. 3,5 – 5,4 million / mm³ for children.

Hemoglobin norm (HGB, HB):

  1. 14-18 g / dL in men;
  2. 12-16 g / dL in women;
  3. 10-15 g / dl in children.

Norm hematokrytu (HT, HCT):

  1. 40-54% in men;
  2. 37-47% in women;
  3. 50-70% in newborns;
  4. 30-45% in children.

However, in the case of MCV (mean red blood cell volume index) the norm is the same for all age groups and ranges from 82 to 92 fl (femtoliters).

For the production of red blood cells and the proper functioning of the entire circulatory system, we recommend Burak forte with iron and vitamin C for the circulatory system – the Herbapol dietary supplement in Krakow available at a promotional price on the Medonet Market.

Read more about the red blood cell count (RBC).

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Erythrocytes – information about the test

Red blood cell counts are always performed as part of the blood count. The test involves taking a blood sample from a vein in the arm. You should prepare for it properly, so on the day of collection, do not exercise, smoke or drink coffee. Performs morphology in the morning and on an empty stomach. Although a meal has no effect on the number of red blood cells, it may bias the results for other blood counts. It is also not recommended that morphology be performed on women during their menstrual period. Price of a red blood cell test, i.e. morphology, usually amounts to about PLN 10.

Blood counts and a general urine test are basic tests that everyone should do at least once a year. They allow you to detect serious diseases at an early stage. Take care of your health and buy a research package on Medonet Market.

There is a short wait for the results of the basic morphology, and in many clinics they are available for collection on the same day.

What tests should be performed at least once a year? Check: Eight tests worth doing at least once a year

Erythrocytes – what is the test?

As already mentioned, the amount of erythrocytes in the blood is assessed during the morphology. This study allows you to quantify and qualify blood components. FROM blood count result we can learn about the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit. The morphology also allows us to know the parameters that relate to red blood cells. These are:

  1. MCV – average red blood cell volume indicator – informs you whether they are normal, too large or too small;
  2. MCH – an indicator that determines the average content of hemoglobin in the blood cell;
  3. MCHC – together with the MCH parameter (average hemoglobin content in the blood cell) it shows the average amount of hemoglobin present in the erythrocytes;
  4. RDW CV – an indicator of the size of red blood cells, more precisely the difference in the size of red blood cells. The result is given as a percentage. The correct level of the WFD CV ranges from 11,5 to 14,5%;
  5. hematocrit – percentage of red, white and platelets to plasma;
  6. OB (Biernacki’s reaction, precipitation), informing about inflammation in the body.

What is Biernacki’s reaction and what does it indicate? Read: OB – Biernacki’s reaction. What is the erythrocyte sedimentation index?

Erythrogram – optical evaluation of blood cells

Nowadays, blood analysis is performed with the use of automatic analyzers. However, the terms they define are still used the appearance of erythrocytes. These terms are used to, for example, accurately describe the nature of a given ailment.

When determining the size of erythrocytes, the following terms are used:

  1. microcytes – small red blood cells;
  2. macrocytes – large red blood cells;
  3. megalocyty – giant red blood cells.

These terms, due to the morphology, correspond to the MCV index describing the volume of erythrocytes. If red blood cells of different sizes are found in the blood, it is known as anisocytosis.

Another parameter is the abnormal shape of the red blood cells. The following terms are used to define it:

  1. sferocyty – round erythrocytes;
  2. leptocyty – thin red blood cells;
  3. owalocyty – oval erythrocytes;
  4. akantocyty i echinocyty – erythrocytes with protrusions;
  5. schizocyty – fragments of erythrocytes;
  6. thyroid erythrocytes.

The presence of erythrocytes of various shapes is called poikilocytosis.

The color of red blood cells is also important in distinguishing between erythrocytes. The following terms are used to describe the color of red blood cells:

  1. hypochromia – weaker color with increased central luminosity;
  2. hyperchromia – strong color and no brightening inside;
  3. polychromatophilia – heterogeneous color of one blood cell;
  4. anisochromia – the presence of both normal and abnormal staining cells.

The color of erythrocytes is influenced by the concentration of hemoglobin. As a result of the morphology, these are the MCH and MCHC indicators.

Other abnormalities can also be identified in the determination and evaluation of erythrocytes. Among them, the most frequently mentioned are:

  1. erythroblasty – immature erythrocytes containing a cell nucleus. They appear in the blood in the case of increased production of erythrocytes or in the course of blood cancer;
  2. blood cell rolling – this process takes place when the erythrocytes become coated with antibodies;
  3. Howell-Jolly bodies – that is, the remains of the cell nucleus. They are usually seen in anemia;
  4. Heinz corpuscles – damaged hemoglobin, occurs in thalassemia and methaemoglobinaemia.

The presence of Howell-Jolly and Heinz bodies is collectively referred to as intra-erythrocyte inclusions.

Blood blasts? What are they and what do they mean? Read: What are blood blasts?

Erythrocytes below normal

A condition in which the number of red blood cells is below normal is called erythrocytopenia. On the other hand, if there are more red blood cells, it is called erythrocytosis.

Low levels of red blood cells usually indicate anemia. The symptoms of anemia are paleness, weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness and difficulty concentrating. Anemia, or anemia, arises as a result of chronic diseases, a deficiency of ingredients necessary for the production of red blood cells (e.g. iron, folic acid, vitamin B12), and also as a result of significant blood loss or birth defects. Rarely, erythrocytopenia is caused by fluid overload.

Adequate supplementation helps to provide the daily dose of vitamin B12 needed for red blood cell production. Dr. Jacob’s offers the iodine, selenium and vitamin B12 dietary supplement available at Copper also takes part in the process of producing erythrocytes, provided by the Solgar copper chelate supplement.

Is it worth using supplements? Read: Pole supplementoholic

Erythrocytes above normal

On the other hand, an increased number of erythrocytes most often indicates dehydration or hypoxia in the body. In the latter case, smoking, lung disease, congenital heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea, or prolonged exposure to high altitudes (high altitudes) may be the cause of the greater proliferation of erythrocytes. In some situations, erythrocytosis indicates polycythemia vera – a disease of unknown etiology in which the number of platelets and leukocytes also increases.

With what symptoms and diseases is it worth going to a hematologist? What does a hematologist do? Check: Hematologist

Erythrocytes in pregnancy

The normal level of erythrocytes in pregnant women should be about 2-5,4 million / ul. Lower levels of red blood cells may indicate anemia or a state of physiological anemia, which is found in 40 percent of pregnant women.

Additionally, it is worth remembering that urinalysis is the basic test that should be performed by a pregnant woman during each follow-up visit. Urinary tract infections are usually the cause of elevated red blood cells in pregnancy. Pregnant women are much more exposed to this type of infection than other women.

In some cases, in turn, hematuria may be observed, which is the result of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Blood in the urine can also be a symptom of sickle cell anemia or diabetes.

What are the symptoms and causes of gestational diabetes? Check: Gestational diabetes – causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention [EXPLAINED]

Sickle cell anemia – deformation of erythrocytes

Sickle cell anemia is congenital anemia. Its basis is improper structure of hemoglobin. This means that the erythrocyte itself cannot take the correct shape and takes the form of crescents (sickles). For this reason, erythrocytes cannot efficiently transport oxygen, and the dangerous phenomenon of erythrocyte sticking together may occur, which increases the risk of edema, vascular obstruction and heart attacks. In patients with sickle cell anemia, erythrocytes are also prone to breakdown. The disease is caused by a point mutation which is hereditary.

What is blood plasma and what does it consist of? Check: What is plasma and what does it consist of?

Polycythaemia Vera – overproduction of red blood cells

Polycythemia is a disease that causes disproportions in the number of morphotic elements in the blood. Stands out:

  1. polycythemia vera – in its course there is an overproduction of erythrocytes, platelets and granulocytes;
  2. secondary polycythemia – the disease is accompanied by excessive production of red blood cells, a significant increase in hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration;
  3. polycythemia – in this case, there is no overproduction of erythrocytes, but a disproportion between their number and the amount of plasma.

Polycythemia vera is also known as Vaquez-Osler disease. Most often it is diagnosed quite late, after the age of 60. It is suspected that the factors causing the development of the disease include genetic predisposition and ionizing radiation, but its etiology has not yet been known. Polycythaemia Vera is characterized by headaches, itchy skin, high blood pressure, nosebleeds or tinnitus. Unfortunately, in some cases polycythemia turns into chronic myeloid leukemia.

What are the causes and symptoms of leukemia? Check: Leukemia – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Erythrocytes in the urine

In the diagnosis of diseases, urine testing is extremely important, as it allows you to quickly detect a number of abnormalities. One of them is the red blood cells in the urine. If red blood cells are found in the urine sample, this indicates haematuria, which is blood entering the urine. There may be various reasons for this, so it is essential to determine what type of blood cells you are dealing with. They can be:

  1. fresh erythrocytes – they come from the urinary tract and are an indicator of diseases in the lower urinary tract, i.e. mainly the urethra or the bladder
  2. leached erythrocytes – this type of red blood cells has an altered appearance, which may indicate a renal origin and conditions such as kidney stones or kidney cancer.

Sometimes the appearance of red blood cells in the urine is associated with menstruation or haemorrhoids.

What is hypoxemia and how do you recognize it? Read: Hypoxaemia – what is it and how can it be treated?

How to support the red blood cell formation process?

Erythrocyte formation is a multi-step process that is influenced by several different factors. One of them is a hormone produced in the cortex of the kidneys and the liver, called erythropoietin. It affects the stem cells present in the bone marrow and regulates the entire process of multiplication and maturation of erythrocytes, i.e. erythropoiesis.

For red blood cells to appear in the blood, a reticulocyte must first be formed. Its final transformation into an erythrocyte depends, among others, on from the presence of hematopoietic factors in the body, which include: iron, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and vitamin C. It is for this reason that we can limit various types of vitamin and mineral deficiencies by using a varied diet rich in iron and B vitamins.

To support the body, try the DuoLife Moja Krew dietary supplement. The preparation contains a wealth of vitamins, minerals and fruit and vegetable extracts, thanks to which it helps to maintain an adequate level of red blood cells and affects the proper production of blood.

Can vitamin supplements harm us? Check: How much do vitamin supplements harm us?

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