Erythrocytes in urine – is there anything to be concerned about?

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It has been known for a long time that prophylaxis in detecting diseases is the most important. Regular blood, stool and urine tests can protect us from the serious consequences of many diseases. What if red blood cells are found in the urine test results? When there are more than 3-4 of them in the field of view, which is a physiological state, we should perform another, more detailed examination.

Urinalysis for red blood cells

We must prepare properly for the urine test. Properly care for the hygiene of intimate places. Collect the middle stream of urine, preferably in the morning, into a special container. If the result of a urinalysis test shows the presence of red blood cells, the diagnosis should be extended immediately. Erythrocytes in the urine, or hematuria, may indicate diseases of the urinary system. Starting from minor infections, through cystitis, to kidney problems or even cancer. Sometimes they are also the result of a serious injury to the kidneys or bladder. It happens that red blood cells in the urine are the result of menstruation, sexual intercourse or haemorrhoids. If in doubt, we should repeat the test.

Fresh red blood cells and leached red blood cells

During microscopic examination of the urine sediment, it is determined whether we are dealing with fresh or leached erythrocytes. Fresh ones indicate a disease of the lower urinary tract, i.e. the urethra or the bladder. Their presence can also be identified by observing the color of the urine – in this case it may be pink. The presence of leached erythrocytes in the test may herald more serious health problems, such as nephrolithiasis or kidney tumors. This result heralds problems with the upper urinary tract, including the kidneys and ureters. The urine may then turn brown. However, you should not be influenced by the color, because even after eating beetroot, urine may acquire an unsettling shade. So let’s watch the signals coming from our body and be alert to any changes. Each disturbing signal should be consulted with a doctor.

Erythrocytes in the urine of pregnancy

Moms-to-be often search the search engine for “erythrocytes in urine during pregnancy”, even if they are still before the test is performed. Are they rightly worried? If they feel bad, have bladder pain or a burning sensation while urinating, it may be an infection, but not necessarily a haematuria. Each ailment in pregnancy should be investigated, as failure to act in the case of any medical conditions may have a negative impact on the child’s development. Many drugs can be safely used during pregnancy, so do not be afraid of the treatment itself. Urinary tract infections, due to their location, can be particularly dangerous for the fetus. And its development can be disastrous for both the mother and the baby.

Urine testing is non-invasive and painless. The only inconvenience is the need to return the sample to the laboratory, as even the results can be conveniently read via the Internet. Let us not allow laziness or fear to take precedence over our health. Diseases related to the presence of red blood cells in the urine are often asymptomatic. If detected in time and the patient undergoes treatment, there is a chance of a full recovery.

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