
General description of the disease


Erythremia (otherwise Vakez disease or polycythemia) – a disease of the human hematopoietic system of a chronic nature, during the course of which the amount of erythrocyte formation in the bone marrow is increased.

Erythremia is considered adult disease (age category from 40 to 60 years old), and mostly men are ill. The disease is very rare among children.

Causes this disease has not been announced to this day. In order to diagnose erythremia, it is necessary to do a blood test, to obtain more detailed information on the number and content of leukocytes, a bone marrow biopsy is done. Also, there is an increase in hemoglobin levels and an increase in blood viscosity.

Polycythemia occurs in three stages.

At each stage of the disease, different symptoms appear.

  1. 1 initial stageErythremia begins with increased fatigue, dizziness, noise and a feeling of heaviness in the head, itching and slight redness of the skin may be disturbing. At the same time, there is a sleep disorder, mental abilities decrease, limbs constantly vegetate. There are no external signs of Vakez’s disease at this stage.
  2. 2 Deployed… At this stage, the patient suffers from severe headaches (often similar to migraine attacks), pain in the heart region and bones, the pressure is almost always increased, the body is severely exhausted, due to which there is a strong weight loss, deterioration of auditory and visual abilities, increases in the volume of the spleen. Distinctive features are the redness of the mucous membranes of the palate, tongue and conjunctiva, the skin acquires a red-cyanotic hue. Blood clots and ulcers appear, with the least trauma, bruises appear, and when teeth are removed, severe bleeding is observed.
  3. 3 TerminalIf you do not take therapeutic measures, then due to vascular occlusion, an ulcer of the duodenum, stomach, cirrhosis of the liver, acute leukemia and myeloid leukemia can form.

Useful foods for erythremia

To combat polycythemia, the patient should follow a plant and fermented milk diet. Recommended for use:

  • raw, boiled, stewed vegetables (especially beans);
  • kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, sourdough, fermented baked milk, sour cream (necessarily without fillers, better home-made);
  • eggs;
  • greens (spinach, sorrel, dill, parsley);
  • dried apricots and grapes;
  • Whole grain meals (tofu, brown rice, whole grain bread)
  • nuts (almonds and brazil nuts);
  • tea (especially green).

Traditional medicine for erythremia

For treatment, the use of leeches and bloodletting (phlebotomy) is indicated. These treatments help lower iron levels in the body, which can help normalize the number of red blood cells in the blood. The frequency and duration of such procedures depends on the stage of erythremia. These methods should only be used when prescribed by and in the presence of healthcare professionals.

In order to prevent blood clots from forming, you need to move more and spend time in the fresh air. Also, juice made from chestnut (horse) flowers will help get rid of thrombosis.

To normalize blood pressure, sleep, migraine, you should drink an infusion of medicinal sweet clover. It should be noted that the course of treatment should not be more than 10-14 days.

To expand blood vessels, improve blood flow, increase the resistance of capillaries and blood vessels, you need to drink decoctions of periwinkle, nettle, hornbeam grass and burial ground.

Dangerous and harmful foods for erythremia

  • meat and meat dishes (during the first month, meat should be removed from the diet only for one day a week, in the second month, do not eat meat 2 days a week and so on until the number of days of meat consumption reaches 1-2 days per week);
  • increasing the level of iron and the number of red cells in the body (vegetables and red fruits and juices from them);
  • fast food, instant food, smoked meats, spices in excess, store sausages and sausages, foods with various food additives, trans fats, store sweets and soda (contribute to the formation of blood clots);
  • alcoholic beverages (destroy the cells of the liver, spleen, which already suffer from this disease):
  • it is necessary to limit the consumption of fish and seafood (undercooked, semi-raw foods are especially dangerous – the bacteria contained in raw foods can easily enter the body and aggravate the situation);
  • limit the use of foods containing vitamin C (it promotes the absorption of iron in the body).


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