Erva woolly
If it is necessary to use herbal medicine and the composition includes Erva woolly, it is important to carefully study its medicinal properties, use and contraindications for use. This will help not to harm your health and get the maximum benefit from the plant.

One of the popular plants often used in herbal medicine is Woolly Herva (its second name is Pol-Pala). It is a biennial herb that has curative effects on many ailments. Collections and infusions, decoctions and other forms of preparations with this plant are used in the treatment of pathologies of the kidneys, blood system, digestive disorders and heart problems. In addition, herva woolly extracts are often used in natural cosmetics.

Today, this plant is officially included in the list of medicinal phyto-raw materials, its medicinal properties have been proven and well studied. The rhizomes of the plant and its aerial part are mainly used, which contain the maximum concentration of biologically active compounds that have a positive effect on the body and have healing effects.

According to biochemical analysis, therapeutic and prophylactic effects are achieved due to the presence of the following components in the plant:

  • ervolanin and ervozide;
  • organic acids;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • pectin;
  • alkaloids from the group of indoles;
  • bitterness;
  • oleic acid;
  • glycosides;
  • tri-terpenoids;
  • lupeol compounds;
  • coumaroyl-tiliroside;
  • salts of potassium, magnesium, selenium and copper;
  • complex of antioxidants.

Due to the complex of biologically active compounds, woolly herva has a number of positive properties in relation to the body, helping to replenish the reserves of minerals and vitamins, positively affecting the functioning of the circulatory organs. According to research, all components in the plant are present in a sufficiently high amount for the manifestation of therapeutic and preventive effects.

Medicinal properties of Erva woolly

In many countries of the world, this plant is actively used in traditional medicine as an auxiliary method of treatment, phytotherapeutic effect, it is part of various therapeutic and preventive fees included in the standards and protocols of therapy. She has revealed more than a dozen medicinal properties that can be relatively safely and effectively implemented in patients of different ages. Among the key effects of phyto-raw materials, several key ones can be distinguished.

Influence on immunity, its strengthening, stimulation of faster recovery after protracted infections, inflammatory diseases that threaten the transition to the chronic phase.

The effect of dissolving uric acid salts, which are formed in excess in gout, and their excretion in the urine. Diuretic effect, which helps in accelerating the elimination of metabolic products, toxins and restoring the functioning of the urinary tract.

Beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, protective function in relation to the tissues of the spinal cord, brain, normalization of neuronal activity. Normalization of sleep, increased emotional tone, restoration of the psyche, elimination of stress and tension.

Stimulation of the synthesis of hormones that increase mood, physical activity is an aid for depression, asthenia, and increased fatigue. Erva is used as an adaptogen.

Erva woolly is prescribed for hormonal imbalance and disruption of the reproductive organs to equalize the hormonal background.

The plant has a certain antitumor effect, which helps in the treatment of oncology. The components of phyto-raw materials inhibit the rate of cell division, restore the functioning of damaged tissues and remove metabolites faster during chemotherapy. The drug helps in protection against radiation, excretion of salts of heavy metals, inhibits the effects of carcinogens on the body.

The components of the plant help to normalize coagulation, prevent the formation of blood clots, and improve vascular tone.

Erva helps to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, cleansing the lymph from toxins, normalizing the work of the lymph nodes to cleanse tissues from waste metabolites. It helps in the restoration of water-salt metabolism, supplies potassium and tones the heart muscle.

Also, the plant is used as part of preventive and restorative treatment fees, to eliminate certain diseases and to prevent relapses.

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Erva woolly contraindications

Although the plant is not poisonous and is widely used in herbal medicine, it is not without certain side effects and is contraindicated in certain types of pathologies. There are a number of conditions, diagnoses and pathologies in which the use of this plant, especially without consulting a doctor, can cause significant harm. This should include:

  • the presence of hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function);
  • serious damage to the liver and kidneys (with their insufficiency);
  • low blood pressure (hypotonic disease);
  • problems with the intake of vitamin D and calcium (rickets and osteopenia);
  • degenerative processes in the area of ​​bone mass and joints;
  • high amount of calcium in the blood.

If there are no contraindications, but a person exceeds the dosage or self-medicates, side effects from taking it are possible. These include dyspeptic symptoms – nausea, sometimes with vomiting, as well as loosening of the stool, pain, abdominal cramps. Much less likely to overdose with manifestations of dehydration and weakness, dizziness. In these cases, you need to wash the stomach and take absorbent drugs.

The use of woolly erva

Erva woolly in various preparations of herbal medicine is used in the treatment of cardiovascular pathology. It is used as a tonic, regenerating, cardiotrophic and general tonic.

It is also used to improve liver function, especially against the background of alcohol intake, frequent stress or eating disorders. Herbal herbal preparations with erva help in the renewal of liver cells, liver cleansing, stimulation of its antitoxic properties. It is also used to prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

Tinctures with this plant help in the normalization of the nervous system. They have a calming effect, fight depression and stress, apathy, emotional swings. Erva is actively used in the treatment of the urinary system, especially cystitis, urethritis, inflammation of the kidneys. As an aid between gout exacerbations, decoctions of herva help in the removal of uric acid salts.

Types of phytopreparations with Erva woolly

Phytopreparations are prepared from raw materials purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently in compliance with all the rules. If the raw materials are prepared in accordance with all the rules, this allows you to reveal the full medicinal potential of the plant. It contains components that are destroyed at high temperatures, so decoctions with prolonged boiling are not suitable.


2 teaspoons of dry herbs, brew a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 15 minutes, strain, divide into two doses. Take morning and evening half a glass.

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Infusion in reserve

4 tbsp. spoon collection brew 1 liter of boiling water, close the lid, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take ½ cup twice a day. Store the infusion in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid.


1 st. pour a spoonful of dry raw materials with 400 ml of water, cook over low heat (water bath) for 30 minutes. Take 30 – 50 ml twice a day.

Hair Balm

30 g of dry grass brew 1 liter of water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair with warm decoction after shampooing, then wrap your hair in a warm cloth for 30 minutes.

Reviews of doctors about Herve woolly

Pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, editor-in-chief of MedCorr Zorina Olga:

– Erva has a diuretic effect, while being a sodium-potassium excreting diuretic, which must be taken into account in the course of treatment with other drugs. It is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, occurring with edema. Not indicated for cardiovascular disease.

It is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, with osteoporosis (and in general in old age with caution, especially in cardiovascular pathologies).

Features of the preparation of the infusion: in a water bath (hold for 15 minutes) or in a thermos (leave for 1 hour), simple brewing does not lead to complete extraction of active ingredients.

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