Errors and malfunctions of the gas boiler Proterm Skat

The self-diagnosis system is designed to warn of problems in the operation of equipment. Therefore, the errors of the Proterm Skat boiler will help you find the problem. We will tell you what to do when an error is displayed on the display, how to fix it and restore normal operation.

Errors and malfunctions of the gas boiler Proterm Skat

Device and operation Protherm

The Slovak series “Proterm Skat” is represented by single-circuit wall models. Compact units are in demand among apartment residents. Despite the fact that they are designed only for heating, when you connect the boiler, they will provide you with hot water.

Expansion tank 10 liters. Power from 6 kW to 20 kW. Provides efficient fuel combustion – 98% efficiency. The boiler maintains stable operation even with pressure drops in the line up to 1 bar. Step-by-step power adjustment is provided, so you can adjust the strength of the flame and save on resource consumption.

Error Codes

Breakdown of heating equipment can occur as a result of improper installation, connection, operation. Also, if the device has been operating for a long time without prevention and cleaning from soot and scale. Less commonly, problems are associated with factory defects or poor-quality assembly.

How to remove the code from the display? Start boiler reset. As soon as the equipment turns on again, look at the screen. Did the symbols light up again? So it’s not a random failure. Start troubleshooting.

Error Codes ValueHow to fix a breakdown
F00The contacts of the NTC2 temperature sensor are open on the supply line.Check the sensor, its contacts, connections. Pull the plugs into the sockets. Replace defective part.
F01The connection of the NTC5 temperature sensor on the return line is broken.
F10Short circuit (short circuit) of the thermistor in the supply.Install correct sensors.
F11KZ thermistor on workpieces.
F20Boiler overheating. The temperature is over 90 degrees.What to do:
  • Pump failure. Unlock/adjust the pump. Purge excess air from the system.
  • Descale the heat exchanger. Use special reagents or citric acid solution at home.
F22The pressure in the heating circuit has dropped.How to fix the situation:
  • Add coolant to the system. To do this, open the make-up valve until the pressure is restored. Follow the pressure gauge readings.
  • Inspect the expansion tank for a leak. Replace if broken.
  • Check nodes and connections for integrity. Seal the leak.
F23A big difference in the readings of the sensors of the supply and return lines.
  • Make sure the sensors are working.
  • Adjust pump speed.
F24The coolant does not circulate well through the system.Diagnostics:
  • Pump work. Repair and install a serviceable unit.
  • Open shut-off valves.
  • Clear water filters of blockages. If heavily soiled, immerse the filter in a solution of citric acid.
F25The temperature of the combustion gases has been exceeded. The thermostat has tripped, the boiler is blocked.Check:
  • Chimney tightness. Inspect pipe connections, joints, angle of inclination. When installing, follow the regulations.
  • Chimney shafts for the presence of soot, soot, debris. Clean up.
  • Make sure you have traction.
F26EVR engine problems.Reconnect the motor, tighten the contacts, repair or install a serviceable unit.
F27The flame is gone.What to do:
  • Unscrew the gas valve until it stops.
  • Check if the fuel valve opens normally.
  • Carry out diagnostics of the ionization sensor, control board, from the contacts between each other.
F28The flame goes out when ignited.Inspect the gas fittings to see if fuel is being supplied normally. Measure line pressure. If it has fallen, wait for recovery.
F33Problems with the air supply to maintain combustion.Make sure that the fan that is responsible for forcing the air flow is working properly.
F49Incorrect voltage at the Ebus terminal.Measure values. Normally, the indicators are from 15 to 24 volts.
F55Stuck contactor or relay.Disconnect the boiler from the network. Call the service center.
F61There is no signal to the gas valve.Inspect wiring, contacts, connections. Repair the electronic board.
F62Giving an incorrect signal when closing the valve.
F63Problems with the memory of the electronic module.
F67Wrong ionization signal.Check:
  • Cables and their plugs.
  • Reverse the plug in the socket, make sure there is power.
  • Settings. Is the boiler model correct?

Reboot the equipment.

F73Short circuit or open pressure sensor circuit.Contact the service.
F85The boiler is frozen. The coolant temperature dropped below 3°C.Wait until the temperature rises above 4°C. The code will disappear.
F86The water is frozen. Her temperature dropped below 3°C.Wait for the water to warm up to 4°C or more. The error message will automatically disappear.

Often users complain about such problems:

  • Boiler operation is blocked. The room temperature may be too low, so the external thermostat is blocking the appliance. Connect additional heating radiators.
  • The unit does not keep the temperature, brings the value to the set value, then reduces the degree. Economy mode is set. Set the controller to “Comfort” mode.

Did you see the error code on the screen? Read its meaning and start troubleshooting. If the device is still under warranty, contact the service center.

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