Error F01, F1 in the Ariston washing machine – what to do

We loaded the wash, but the Ariston machine displayed an error F1 or F01? This DTC will help you determine the cause of the failure – the short circuit of the engine contacts.

Each model of the Ariston washing machine will show the error in its own way. Moreover, this can happen at any stage: when turned on, after fixing the hatch and taking water.

What does error F1 mean: we recognize combinations of signals

On the display of electronic models, Ariston will give an error F01 (F 1). Older CMAs recognize the code like this:

You managed to recognize the error, or it appeared on the display – now you need to figure out what F1 or F01 means.

Code Definition

Error code F01 in Ariston CM appears when the washer motor control contacts are short-circuited. Outwardly, you can easily recognize it – the drum does not spin.

Attention! Error F01 notifies of a broken contact between the control and display module only in the model of the Ariston Dialogic machine. And this is a completely different problem.

Now you will learn how to fix the breakdown yourself.

Causes of the problem and possible solutions

Eliminate simple faults first:

  • System failure. Reset the error by unplugging the machine. The system may freeze due to high humidity in the room.
  • Not enough energy. If the mains voltage is less than 220 V, this is not enough to start the SM.
  • Defective power cable. The cord may have been damaged, kinked, or the plug may be defective. The damaged part must be replaced.
  • Contact problem. The connections between the board and the motor are damaged or loose. In this case, the motor does not receive a start signal. Check your contacts carefully.

If it was not possible to remove the error, we will give examples of common breakdowns with F1 code and ways to solve the problem.

What to do if the control module breaks down

The Ariston machine gives an error after starting, the drum is motionless. Before fixing the problem, check the board with a tester, calling all the details. If the problem is in the processor, the block must be replaced. If the track is burned out or the firmware is damaged, repairs are possible.

Also, the reason for the stop of the drum may be the motor brushes, which wear out over time. In this case, replace the brushes, as shown in the video:

Motor problems, wiring problems

The washing process is started, but the motor is not running. The drum does not spin, the display shows an error F1, F01.

Perhaps the motor winding burned out, then it needs to be replaced. The wire or contact may also be damaged. If the contact burns out, soldering is necessary, if the wiring is faulty, the wires must be replaced.

Guided by our recommendations, try to fix the Ariston machine yourself. If it does not come out, contact the service center.

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