Erofeich tincture: 11 recipes at home + essence recipe

Since ancient times, this tincture has been very popular (including among the Russian tsars), which is confirmed by the many recipes by which it was possible to prepare “Erofeich”.

Tincture is recommended for raising vitality, relieving nervous tension.

Erofeich tincture recipes

  1. 1 liter of vodka, 2 g of fragrant flowers and herbs: oregano, St. John’s wort, lovage, sage, wormwood, lemon balm, yarrow, thyme, young leaves of strawberries, apple and pear, hawthorn flowers; 0,5 g each of cardamom and anise seeds.

    Grind herbs and flowers, mix with seeds and pour into a jar. Pour vodka, cover, put in a dark place for 60-90 days. Drain the finished tincture, filter it well and pour it into small dark glass jars for storage. Keep in a dark and cool place.

  2. 1 liter of vodka, 100 g of galangal roots and lemon root, yarrow herb, St. 50 g seeds of dill, anise, garden dawn, juniper berries, chicory, chamomile flowers; 25 g of thyme herb, sage.

    Grind roots, flowers and herbs, mix well, pour into a large jar. Pour in vodka, close the lid, put in a warm place for 24 hours, then strain thoroughly. How to use: a few drops, diluted in a glass of vodka, before meals.

  3. 35 g of mint, 35 g of anise, 35 g of coarsely crushed orange nuts pour 1 liter of vodka purified on birch coals and put in a warm place for 12 days. After that, vodka can be consumed without draining the thick, but, in principle, the thick can be used again, pouring half a portion of vodka and keeping it warm for a month.

  4. Mix in equal amounts dry mint, anise, dry tangerine zest. Pour the mixture into a bottle about 1/4 of the height, pour vodka and leave for 10-12 days. Drain the tincture. Pour the rest of the spices a second time. This tincture is considered a remedy for colds.

  5. Take 100 g of galangal, 60 g of sweet clover, St. John’s wort, centaury, mint, thyme. Crush everything, pour 12,3 liters of vodka, insist, strain.

  6. Take 100 g of galangal, 30 g of wormwood, adonis root, chamomile, juniper berries and peony root, crumble everything, pour 12,3 liters of vodka, insist and strain.

  7. Take centaury, sweet clover, kidney grass, thyme – each 60,2 g. Add 102 g of galangal, 34,4 g of sage, mugwort, dill, anise, dawn (lovage), wormwood, juniper berries and chamomile. Pour this mixture with 6,2 liters of vodka. Insist 10-12 days in a warm place, and then strain.

  8. Take 400 g of mint, 400 g of anise, 200 g of coarsely crushed orange seeds, put in 6,2 liters of vodka, let it brew for 3 weeks in warmth, shaking daily, and then filter through paper.

  9. Take 410 g of English mint, 410 g of anise, 410 g of crushed orange seeds, put all this in a large bottle for 12 days in a warm place, and then pour it into bottles and cork. The bottle with the remaining thick can be filled up to half with vodka and infused for 1 month in a warm place, then bottled again and corked.

  10. This option is just as simple. Take 100 g of galangal, 30 g of shamrock, sage, wormwood, dill, anise. Crush everything, pour 12,3 liters of vodka, insist, strain.

  11. In this version, mint is replaced with wormwood (this, of course, is not for everybody). Take wormwood, field dawn root (lovage), juniper berries, chamomile, Alexandrian leaf and peony root, 34,4 g each. Then add 205 g of galangal and leave for 10-12 days in a warm place, and then strain.

Essence recipe Yerofeich

Usually this essence is used to flavor moonshine, but feel free to experiment with other drinks.


  1. Galangal root – 2 g

  2. Angelica root – 3,5 g

  3. Ginger root -2 g

  4. Cloves – 2 g

  5. Black pepper – 1,2 g

  6. Red pepper – 0,4 g

  7. 40 degree moonshine – 150 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a crushed form.

  2. Pour the mixture with moonshine and leave for a month, then filter.

  3. For 1 liter of drink, you need to take 2-3 ml of essence.

Relevance: 18.06.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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