The small-scale annual, also called erigeron, outwardly resembles a chamomile with small, thin, petals. In fact, the flower is very common both in the wild and as a garden and ornamental crop. It has a high popularity among plant growers not only for its unlucky appearance, but also for its medicinal properties.

For medical purposes, only the ground part of the plant is used, it is collected during the flowering period.
Description and characteristics
The annual small-flowered (erigeron annuus) is an invasive species from North America. It was brought to Europe in the XNUMXth century and until the middle of the XNUMXth century was distributed as a garden and ornamental culture. After that, he began to meet in the wild. Today, the small-scale annual is widely distributed everywhere, especially in the central regions of Our Country, for the most part it is considered a weed.
Belongs to the Aster family (Composite). A herbaceous plant, the bush of which reaches about 100 cm in height. At the same time, it is worth noting that the climatic conditions of Our Country for the annual small-scale pest approached much more than in its homeland, so you can find specimens that grow up to 150 cm in height.
The shoot is erect, branched closer to the top. It has a bristly-lowered surface in the lower part, and a prickly-bristly surface in the upper part. Leaf plates vary in shape from oval to oblong-lanceolate. To the top of the shoot, they gradually decrease in size. The basal leaves are the largest, reaching a length of 4 to 17 cm and a width of up to 4 cm. Their base is wedge-shaped, and the edges are coarsely serrated with a sharp or slightly rounded apex. Stem leaves petiolate, 2 to 9 cm long. The uppermost ones are sessile, with smooth or irregularly serrated edges and a sharp end.
The inflorescence is loose, paniculate or corymbose, up to 0,8 cm long and up to 1,5 cm across. Baskets are numerous, from 5 to 50 pcs. The involucre of green pubescent leaves is hemispherical, two or three rows, while the outer leaflets are shorter than the inner ones. Flowers are false-lingual, 80-125 pcs. in a basket arranged in 2 rows. The marginal flowers are white or pale blue, and the tubular disc flowers are yellow in hue.
At the end of flowering, achenes appear, small in size (0,8-1,2 mm), lanceolate in shape. In reed flowers – with a single-row crest, in the rest – double-row, while the crest is 2-2,5 times larger than the achenes themselves.
Chemical composition
The small-flowered annual is a plant that has been used in folk medicine since the XNUMXth century, and all thanks to its medicinal properties, due to its rich chemical composition.
The entire ground part of erigeron contains a large amount of essential oils (0,3-0,6%) containing a-limonene, terpenoids and aldehydes. These substances give the plant not only an unusual lemon flavor, but also make it an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, substances such as:
- tannin;
- flavonoids;
- choline;
- resins;
- tannins;
- ascorbic acid;
- mineral salts.
Medicinal properties of the annual small-scale
The small-scale annual itself, despite the fact that the photo looks like a rather simple and unremarkable plant, is considered in folk medicine to be an excellent assistant in the treatment of many diseases.

The main feature of the annual small-scale is that it is not addictive with prolonged use.
The composition rich in trace elements makes it possible to use this plant as a natural anti-inflammatory agent. And the content of tannin and flavonoids in it promotes the excretion of uric acid, which is an indisputable plus in the treatment of gout.
It is also worth noting that the plant has a hemostatic effect, so it is recommended to take it for hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding. And poultices can reduce or completely prevent pain.
Tannins, which are part of the annual small-scale, make it a good remedy for diarrhea.
The antiseptic and analgesic properties of erigeron help with sore throat. The use of the plant against hair loss has also been noted.
Methods of Use
In folk medicine, flowers, leaves and young stems of the small-flowered annual are used. They are used in a variety of variations, in the form of infusion or decoction, as well as lotions or poultice.
An infusion of the small-scale annual is used to eliminate pain. Prepare it as follows:
- Take 20 g of dried erigeron herb, put it in a liter glass jar.
- Fill it with 1 liter of hot water.
- Insist for 10-15 minutes.
For a decoction, dried stems of the annual small-flowered are often used. The scheme of preparation is similar to obtaining an infusion:
- 1 tsp dried erigeron herb with a slide is poured into a half-liter jar.
- Pour it with ¼ l of boiling water.
- Allow the broth to brew until completely cooled.
For the preparation of medicinal tea, in addition to the annual small-flowered plant, other plants are also used. For example, for a drink that can alleviate the condition with cystitis and urethritis, you should prepare a collection of an equal amount of erigeron, hibiscus, goldenrod and birch leaves. After 1 st. l. brew the resulting mixture in 1 liter of boiling water. It is recommended to drink this tea no more than 3 glasses a day.
You can also prepare a healing drink to cleanse the body and remove toxins. In this case, the annual small-scale, meadowsweet and goldenrod are mixed in equal amounts. 1 tsp the resulting mixture is brewed in 250 ml of boiling water. You can drink 2 cups of tea a day.
The oil of the small-flowered annual is used as a hemostatic agent, mainly for uterine bleeding. To do this, take 5-10 drops inside, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
An alcoholic tincture of the small-flowered annual is an excellent remedy for the treatment of arthritis. Before use, it must be diluted with water.
Application in folk medicine
The small-flowered annual is used in folk medicine in the treatment of a variety of diseases. But at the same time, it is important to observe the correct preparation, the ratio of components and the method of using this or that remedy, whether it be an infusion, decoction or tea.
For the treatment of rheumatism
For rheumatism, it is recommended to take an infusion (tea). For this:
- 20 g of dried grass of the small-flowered annual is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water.
- Keep the product for 15 minutes, then filter.
- Drink the resulting drink 1 glass 3 times a day after meals.

The course of treatment with an herbal remedy is 3 weeks
With alcohol intoxication
A collection mixed from flowers and herbs of the small-flowered annual (10 g each), the same amount of St. John’s wort, sage and horse sorrel seeds is recommended for use in alcohol intoxication. In this case, follow the following steps:
- 2 tbsp. l. collection pour 500 ml of boiling water and put everything in a water bath.
- Stirring, boil the composition for 2 minutes.
- After, covering with a cloth, insist the broth for another 30 minutes.
- The finished drink should be taken every hour for 50 ml until the signs of alcohol poisoning completely disappear.
With endometriosis
As a therapeutic agent for endometriosis, it is also recommended to use an infusion from the following herbal collection:
- In equal quantities, a mixture is prepared from the annual small-scale, lemon balm, yarrow, meadowsweet, lavender, wormwood and calendula.
- 4 tsp collection is poured with boiling water (1 l).
- Close the lid and infuse for 1 hour.
This infusion is taken for 3 weeks, 50 ml 3 times a day.
For toothache
To eliminate toothache, it is advised to use freshly picked erigeron shoots. At the same time, a couple of branches of the plant are steamed with boiling water for no more than 2-3 minutes, then the agent is allowed to cool. Moisten cotton wool or a small piece of gauze folded in several layers in it and apply it to the aching tooth. Leave a lotion until the pain subsides.
With intestinal disorders
With diarrhea and intestinal disorders, strong tea from the herb of the small-flowered annual helps well. The infusion itself is prepared and taken according to the following scheme:
- 1 tsp dried erigeron pour 250 ml of boiling water.
- Infuse the remedy for 10 minutes, then filter.
- Drink tea throughout the day in small sips.
The most effective remedy in the treatment of arthritis is an alcohol tincture of the annual small-flowered. It helps reduce joint pain and also stop inflammation.
To prepare the product, use 30 drops of alcohol tincture per 1 liter of boiled warm water.
To cleanse the body and remove toxins
Tea based on the small-flowered annual, in addition to insecticidal properties, also has a diuretic effect, which helps to remove toxins from the body. Therefore, it is often taken as a cleanser.
Tea is prepared from the collection of erigeron, goldenrod and meadowsweet by brewing with boiling water.

It is recommended to drink herbal tea no more than 2 glasses a day.
Against hair loss and strengthening hair
In addition to traditional medicine, the annual small-scale is also used in cosmetology. A decoction of erigeron helps well if it is used against hair loss and to strengthen and accelerate hair growth. The tool itself is prepared as follows:
- 30 g of the herb of the small-flowered annual is poured with hot water.
- Put the resulting mixture in a water bath and boil for 15 minutes.
- Remove the decoction, insist for another 2 hours.
- Then filter and rinse their hair after washing.
Despite the impressive chemical composition of the annual small-flowered plant, this plant is not toxic and is not addictive. Erigeron is not able to accumulate harmful substances, therefore it is relatively safe for humans. But before using any remedy based on it, you should definitely consult with your doctor, as an allergic reaction is possible. Also contraindications include individual intolerance and pregnancy.
Collection and Procurement
The collection of an annual small-sized petal for its use for medicinal purposes can be carried out throughout the entire vegetative period (from June to September). But the most favorable time for harvesting raw materials is still considered the period of the beginning of flowering. It falls approximately at the end of June and the beginning of July.
If the bush of the plant is high enough, then only the tops of the shoots should be cut off, without affecting the rough part of the stems.
After harvesting, cut shoots are distributed into bunches of the same size and tied with a thread. The collected plants are hung for drying in a place closed from direct sunlight, best of all – under a canopy. This is necessary to maximize the preservation of all the beneficial qualities of erigeron.
Since the herbaceous part and the flowers of the small petal are often used separately for medicinal purposes, after complete drying it is recommended to separate the buds from the stems and place them in different containers.
The shelf life of dried raw materials in a cardboard box is no more than 1 year. After the plant begins to lose its medicinal qualities.
The small-scale annual is a very unremarkable plant, but its rich chemical composition makes it a good healing agent. Naturally, herbal collection for medical purposes should be used only after consulting a specialist. And also it is better to use it as an auxiliary, and not the main medicine.