Erection in a capsule, i.e. a discreet package – obvious problems

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Do you buy drugs on the Internet? Be careful! You may be a victim of fraud. And the consequences of this can be dangerous to health and life.

On the Internet, it is not difficult to find a store that offers a preparation similar in action to the “blue pill”. But with the difference that the effect here is always spectacular and immediate. And it works for everyone, without exception. Even in people with heart disease, whose erectile dysfunction is caused by a problem with the blood supply to the arteries of the penis clogged with plaque. In addition, it works at any age and in any situation. Online sellers inform on their websites that erection preparations are safe and there are no contraindications for them. Advertising finds fertile ground. There is no shortage of people willing. Because erectile dysfunction is something that is difficult to admit, not only to your partner, but also to the doctor.

A recipe for success in bed

Global counterfeit drugs market grows by a dozen or so percent annually. Patients on internet forums exchange information about where to buy, what works and for how long. And online stores compete in ideas how to convince men to use preparations that “will provide them with their former fitness and male strength”. And they will provide a “stone hard erection”. Online stores are the most common distribution channels. It is estimated that counterfeit products may constitute up to 62 percent. products offered there. Most often, in counterfeit medicines, gypsum and cellulose are used instead of active substances. The effects of taking such preparations are nonexistent at best. And in many cases, with tragic consequences.

– Counterfeit medicinal products may not only fail to bring the expected results, but also expose the patient to loss of health or even life. Palpitations, raising or lowering blood pressure are among the undesirable symptoms of taking counterfeit drugs for erectile dysfunction. The patient also runs the risk of a stroke – warns Prof. Andrzej Borkowski, specialist in urology.

Falsified medicinal products may contain impurities, substances of inferior quality or in the wrong proportion. They are often made of ingredients completely different than those declared on the packaging. They often contain non-approved substances with unexplored health consequences. In addition, it may happen that toxic substances, unfit for human consumption, have been used in the manufacture of counterfeit medicinal products. At best, the patient swallows a plaster tablet dyed blue, most commonly with jeans dye.

Distribution of original drugs through illegal channels is also a problem. Such products may have lost their value or changed properties as a result of failure to comply with appropriate storage standards, posing a potential hazard.

Therefore, instead of seeking help “on your own”, it is better to go to a specialist doctor – doctors urge. According to the estimates of the Polish Society of Sexual Medicine erectile dysfunction affects up to 1,7 million Polish men. Only one in three reports to a doctor with this problem.


Almost 27 percent men with erectile dysfunction are ashamed to admit them, and a visit to the doctor and a conversation about it is an impenetrable barrier for them. For this reason, the black market is booming, and erectile dysfunction medications are among the most counterfeited.

How to avoid the risk of potency drugs?

  1. Only buy medications or dietary supplements from reliable sources.
  2. Do not buy prescription drugs unless required to be shown by the online store.
  3. A warning signal should be the lack of contact details on the website, as well as a much lower price of the product than the standard one.
  4. Importantly, counterfeit products usually do not include a patient information leaflet.
  5. Do not believe that natural drugs will help you achieve and maintain an erection immediately. These preparations do not cause a one-time improvement of erection, but may be effective in long-term therapy as supplements to basic treatment.
  6. Remember that no effective over-the-counter erectile dysfunction drug has yet been released.

Read also:

  1. Modern solutions for erectile dysfunction
  2. Andropause, or male menopause
  3. Causes of male infertility

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