Erectile dysfunction is not only a problem with sex. They can be the first symptom of many diseases

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain or maintain an erection which prevents a man from having satisfactory sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, this is a problem that affects men more and more. Contrary to appearances, it is not closely related to the aging of the organism – explains Dr. Przemysław Dudek, urologist.

  1. Statistically, one in four men, even under 40, has erectile dysfunction
  2. However, it must be clearly stated that this is not only a male problem, because it affects steam
  3. Erectile dysfunction affects the quality of sexual life for both a man and his partner
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page
Przemysław Dudek, MD, PhD

Urology specialist from SCM clinic in Krakow. Deputy Head of the Department of Urology and Urology Oncology at the University Hospital in Krakow.

The causes of erectile dysfunction

Przemysław Dudek, MD, PhD emphasizes that there can be many causes of erectile dysfunction. – You can mention, among others, psychogenic causes, i.e. disorders that are mainly dealt with by sexologists. As a rule, the younger a man is, who has no other health problems, most often we are dealing with some type of psychogenic cause. The urologist usually refers such patients to a sexologist. Although sometimes it is enough to prescribe even mild preparations for the patient to suddenly find that the problem has disappeared. So it happens that sometimes even the placebo effect is able to really work and help – the specialist notes.

However, the most common causes of erectile dysfunction are vascular changes such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. In addition, diabetes has a great influence. Additional factors influencing the risk of erectile dysfunction in older men are hormonal disorders and testosterone deficiency (andropause) which progresses with age.

– It is very important that erectile dysfunction is often a symptom of other serious diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, but also diabetes, which is the three most common diseases of civilization! Often the patient does not even know that he is suffering from one of them, but erectile dysfunction is already their first sign. Therefore, if a man begins to notice that he has various problems during intercourse more and more often, he should see a doctor not only because of lower sexual satisfaction, but also to check whether his health is in good condition – emphasizes Dr. Przemysław Dudek.

  1. It also occurs in men. The first symptoms are abdominal obesity and a decrease in libido

In addition, various types of injuries contribute to erectile dysfunction, including penile injuries, neurological diseases, strokes, various types of operations during which some nerves may be damaged, as well as taking certain medications, e.g. for hypertension or psychiatric drugs. The problem may also appear in men who have highly developed benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The urologist explains that the factors that influence erectile dysfunction are often linked. – If a man experiences such problems initially only for health reasons, he immediately begins to lose his self-confidence, so additionally there is a psychological background. –

Of course, all kinds of stimulants such as alcohol, smoking or taking all kinds of drugs, including “soft” ones, such as marijuana, are added to this range of factors. They can also significantly affect erectile dysfunction. Also, addiction to pornography may cause such problems, but this issue is already dealt with by a sexologist.

In general, lifestyle is of colossal importance, so it is always worth paying attention to simply living healthy, active and free of addictions.

The SCM clinic specialist emphasizes that although it actually works like this, the older a man gets, the more erectile problems start to appear in him, but it is usually associated with the appearance of other diseases. – So advanced age cannot be equated with erectile dysfunction. The aging of the body itself does not directly affect the appearance of erectile dysfunction, and unfortunately such a myth still lingers in society! –

Diagnosing erectile dysfunction

A man who comes to a urologist with problems in the field of erectile dysfunction first gets a questionnaire of his sex life to fill in, which to some extent objectifies the existing ailments. This questionnaire is usually delivered to the patient’s home.

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In addition, each doctor should order such a patient to perform sugar concentration tests, lipid profile and blood pressure measurements. These are the basic factors that may influence the emergence of the problem, which are then followed by various types of hormonal disorders. Testing the level of testosterone and other hormones is therefore an equally important element of diagnostics.

Only on the basis of a detailed interview and test results, the doctor can make a diagnosis and then adjust the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction

Treatment, as with all diseases, depends on the underlying cause. Dr. Przemysław Dudek warns that in some cases, e.g. in elderly men, after several heart attacks, it is even necessary to consider whether treatment is advisable at all. – By treating such a patient and enabling him to have intercourse, we may expose him to another loss of health. If in such cases the urologist has any doubts, he should send the patient to a cardiologist in advance, who will help in deciding whether the treatment of erectile dysfunction can be safely introduced in this case – explains the urologist.

In the first step, the treatment usually consists of the usual therapy of the so-called phosphodiesterase inhibitors. These are oral medications. Introducing them to clinical practice was a real revolution in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

If this does not help or if the patient has contraindications, then vacuum therapy can be applied, i.e. using various types of devices generating negative pressure inside the apparatus into which the penis must be inserted. An important element of such a device is a flexible clamping ring that prevents the outflow of blood from the corpus cavernosum. Penile erection is achieved due to the negative pressure that draws blood into the cavernous bodies. It is a safe method of treatment. It can be used both individually and in combination with other methods.

  1. A man comes to the doctor when he feels a decrease in libido. This is a disturbing signal

Further treatments are intraurethral administration of an appropriate drug.

Another method is the use of an extracorporeal shock wave, which is “tapped” around the perineum and prostate gland, which in men with vascular problems may be a key solution.

Tribulus terrestris has a positive effect in the prevention of erection problems. The plant has a great influence on the production of testosterone and increases potency in men. 400mg terrestrial mace can be bought at a low price on Also try N ° 1 Libido HIM – a libido supplement for men, which supports the functions of the genital organs and has a positive effect on sex life.

The last and most aggressive method of treating erectile dysfunction is the implantation of a semi-rigid prosthesis, or a hydraulic cavernous body prosthesis. These are the most invasive and effective methods.

Obviously, both drugs and other types of treatment are proposed to the patient by the urologist according to the severity of the problem and all individual factors.

Currently, the availability of over-the-counter erection drugs is very high in Poland. Therefore, rarely men report to a urologist strictly with this problem only. They usually mention it when visiting for another purpose. Dr. Przemysław Dudek points out that this is not good, first of all because over-the-counter drugs are not free from possible side effects, so taking them should be consulted with a doctor. Besides, while young men seek help from a urologist in case of erectile dysfunction, older men hardly ever do it – It’s a pity, because once again it must be said that erectile dysfunction is often the first sign of other, more serious diseases that it affects them more often. Patients with erectile dysfunction also have cardiologists, sexologists, endocrinologists and diabetologists, but by definition a patient with erectile dysfunction should first refer to a urologist.

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