Erectile dysfunction in men

What is erectile dysfunction?

erectile disfunction is a disorder of sexual function, which often becomes a real problem for men around the world. Statistics say that almost every man, starting from the age of 20, at least once encountered symptoms of erectile dysfunction: insufficient rigidity of the penis in an excited state.

As a result, a full-fledged sexual intercourse cannot take place. But you should know that they talk about erectile dysfunction only when a quality erection cannot be achieved in more than 25 percent of sexual intercourse.

Often, erectile dysfunction becomes a serious test for men, because it is not only a physiological, but also a psychological problem.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction in men

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction can be divided into several types: libido disorders (sexual desire), erectile dysfunction, ejaculation and orgasm (anorgasmia).

The most common symptom associated with stress, fatigue, or feeling unwell is libido disturbance – a reluctance to get physically close. This can occur both due to the discord of partner relationships, depression, and due to hormonal disorders (decrease in testosterone production).

Lethargy, erectile dysfunction may indicate vascular diseases, and ejaculation disorders or its absence can be associated with psychological problems. The least common in men is anorgasmia – a violation of orgasm. It may be short-lived or absent altogether. This symptom is associated with psychological disorders.

Types of erectile dysfunction

There are several types of erectile dysfunction, and they are determined by the causes and approaches to the treatment of this problem: psychological (psychogenic), organic and mixed. About 20% of the causes of erectile dysfunction have a psychological basis, but in 80% of cases it speaks of serious diseases, of which it is a complication (autoimmune diseases, hypertension, diabetes mellitus).

Each type of erectile dysfunction has its own characteristics. For example, psychological erectile dysfunction usually starts suddenly. It is associated with stress, overstrain or problems in the relationship of partners. At the same time, the morning erection and the ability of the penis to be in a tense state during intercourse are preserved.

Organic problems usually begin gradually, and it becomes more and more difficult to maintain a normal erection each time. This indicates the presence of some underlying disease requiring treatment. Also, organic problems can arise due to the use of medications that affect potency. A man retains libido and ejaculation, but there are no nocturnal erections, and during intercourse, the penis may suddenly lose rigidity.

It is very important, having noticed changes in the state of erection, not to attribute it to all sorts of external causes (stress, fatigue, quarrels with a partner), because difficulties in the sexual sphere should not become the norm. To solve the problem, be sure to contact a specialist.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction in men

Erectile dysfunction usually has a number of causes, the most common of which we will consider in more detail:

  • Endocrine causes of erectile dysfunction are a violation of the production of the male sex hormone – testosterone. This often occurs with genetic abnormalities, injuries, infections and tumors. Potency and erection in such diseases usually resume after treatment with hormonal drugs (tablets, gels).

  • Medical causes of erectile dysfunction consist in taking certain drugs that reduce the production of male sex hormones. These can be drugs that inhibit the activity of the cerebral cortex, and any drugs, including alcohol.

  • Neurological causes of erectile dysfunction include a number of diseases of the peripheral nerves or the brain and spinal cord. These can be both injuries of the brain and spinal cord, and autoimmune diseases, circulatory disorders in the brain, epilepsy, sclerosis, injuries of the perineum and small pelvis.

  • Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction consist in protracted stress, neurosis, depression, problems with a partner, or inconsistency in sexual addictions and habits. Even ordinary fatigue can adversely affect male potency. Also, erections are often affected by the fear of failing in bed or having intercourse with a new partner.

Among other causes, penile injuries and vascular problems (sclerosis) can also be distinguished. If the blood flow through the arteries is disturbed, an erection may not occur for a long time, or it may occur in insufficient volume. In case of violation of the venous block, an erection occurs quickly, but just as quickly passes, often not allowing to complete sexual intercourse. This happens due to inflammation of the inner lining of blood vessels, which is characteristic of heavy smokers or people with autoimmune diseases. Penial angiospasm should also be highlighted – a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the penis.

A rare cause of erectile dysfunction can be a certain anatomical change in the penis (Peyronie’s disease, malposition of the urethral opening).

penis injury

Among the causes of impotence, a special position is occupied by injuries of the penis. They can be the result of an accident, bruise, injury (knife, gunshot), burn. Whatever the source of damage, you can not do without the help of a doctor.

  • Bruises. Qualified as closed injuries of the penis, can be obtained by falling from a height, a fight, exercises. In most cases, they lead to a violation of the urethra. They make themselves felt by pain during movement, swelling, bruising. They are treated with compresses, non-steroidal analgesics, sometimes surgically.

  • Subcutaneous hemorrhage. Lead to damage to blood vessels, the formation of edema. Danger – the occurrence of scars (during healing), preventing blood flow, mandatory for an erection. May appear with prolonged sexual contact, its non-standard forms. The problem is solved with cold compresses.

  • Fractures. They can be the result of a sharp bend of the organ, a heavy blow, rough sexual contact. They are a rupture of the cavernous bodies, can cause erectile dysfunction. Symptoms – the formation of edema, extensive hematoma, acute pain, sometimes shock. Help is determined by the severity of the injury: from compresses to surgery.

  • Burn. Damage caused by ultraviolet light, chemicals, hot liquids. Symptoms depend on the severity of the burn, from swelling and redness to skin death. The treatment that restores an erection is also determined by the severity of the damage.


The foreskin is a fold of skin, the main purpose of which is to protect the head of the penis. In its absence, excessive irritation of nerve receptors is inevitable during movement (running, walking), contact with underwear. Its systematic repetition causes a reduction in the sensitivity of the head, which is mandatory for the appearance of an erection.

It also increases the risk of a man becoming infected with an infection that stimulates inflammation in the genitals. One of the complications of STIs is impotence. Therefore, persistent erectile dysfunction after 40 often becomes a consequence of circumcision.

Bridle plastic

The frenulum of the foreskin has the appearance of a longitudinal skin fold located between the foreskin and the head of the penis. Its purpose is to open the head in a state of excitation, regulate bending and prevent displacement.

Frenulum defects (short fold) lead to pain and even bleeding on contact, early ejaculation. In this regard, a man develops a habit of restraining himself during sexual intercourse, which can result in the development of stable erectile dysfunction. The problem is successfully solved by frenuloplasty.

The procedure involves surgical dissection of the frenulum, performed under anesthesia. The process takes a maximum of 30 minutes, after its completion, the man’s ability to work is not limited by anything.

Testing the innervation of the penis

Regardless of what causes of erectile dysfunction are suspected, you should visit a doctor. The necessary research will be carried out by a specialist. The functionality of the nerves of the penis is examined by testing the innervation (bulbocavernous reflex). The procedure consists in pressing on the head of the penis, which should result in an immediate contraction of the anus. The urologist determines the latency of the reflex by examining the contraction of the sphincter or by palpation.

If testing of the innervation of the penis suggests diabetes, a nerve disorder, additional studies of the functionality of the nerve are connected.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile dysfunction in men

Treatment for erectile dysfunction depends on the reasons for which it arose. In the case of endocrine disorders, patients are prescribed hormonal tablets or gels. For medical reasons, the doctor selects drugs that do not affect potency. The elimination of neurological causes consists in the treatment of the underlying disease that caused problems with potency. Psychological reasons require a special approach: rest, relaxation, creating a trusting atmosphere between partners or even talking with a doctor (psychologist, sexologist). Anatomical changes in the penis that adversely affect erection are eliminated surgically.

Optimal actions in a situation of erectile dysfunction are determined by the doctor. The following methods are currently being practiced:

Local negative pressure

The method consists in placing the penis in a reservoir that creates pressure before sexual contact. The “vessel” tightly adheres to the body, the necessary effect is carried out by means of a pump. Manipulation causes the expansion of the arteries of the penis, the result is the appearance of an erection. A special tourniquet is used to delay the venous outflow of blood, it captures the base of the organ before extraction.

An erection obtained in this way lasts for at least one contact. Among the positive aspects are safety, lack of pain, increased sensitivity. However, there are also disadvantages – insufficient quality of erection, inconvenience of use.


It consists in taking drugs that stimulate blood flow in the vessels of the penis, which solves the problem of erectile dysfunction. Viagra won the greatest fame, Levitra, Cialis are also used. According to clinical trials, the effectiveness of Viagra does not exceed 75%.

Preparations are not recommended for use alone. The instructions contain a long list of side effects that are likely to occur with continued use. An adequate choice of dose and frequency of use helps to reduce the danger. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is required.

Intracavernous administration of drugs

This method of dealing with erectile dysfunction has been practiced since 1975. An injection of a vasodilator is given before each act. The injection site is the cavernous body of the penis. The action of the drug provides a long erection. The permissible frequency of use does not exceed once a week, the selection is individual, made in conjunction with the doctor.

The method has negative aspects, including the risk of complications, inconvenience of use. The risk of side effects has been significantly reduced in recent years, only compliance with medical prescriptions is important.

Introduction of suppositories

The drug is administered half an hour before contact, using a special device. The injection site is the urethra. The result is a high-quality erection, which is maintained from one hour. As in the previous case, the method repels many with the inconvenience of using it. Another disadvantage is the high cost of the drug.

Surgical intervention becomes a necessity only in particularly difficult cases, for example, this method eliminates the damage to the veno-occlusive mechanism of the penis. In most situations, conservative treatment is effective.

Exercises for erectile dysfunction

With erectile dysfunction, good results are shown by exercises that have a stimulating effect on potency:

  • Simulation of running in place. In the process, the socks are kept on the floor, only the heels “work”, the man steps from foot to foot. Speed ​​is required from movements, knees function as intensively as possible. It is better to start with a minute of “running”, gradually increasing the load to 5.

  • A rock. The back is as straight as possible, the knees are slightly bent. The essence of training in relaxation and tension of the gluteal region, you should hold an imaginary stone. The exercise is repeated several times, alternating tension and rest is applied.

  • Clamp. This method is loved by yogis, who call it an effective prevention of sexual impotence. The muscles of the anus rhythmically tense / relax, the man “trying to stop urination.” Training is useful for the prostate gland, relieves congestion. The optimal repetition frequency is 15 times for a beginner, the tension remains for a short time. Gradually, the number of compressions is brought up to 50 times. The exercise can be performed in any environment, for example, while in a traffic jam.

  • A vacuum cleaner. The exercise is performed in a sitting position, an ordinary chair is suitable. The shoulders are laid back, the person leans forward, stretching the body as much as possible. It can be imagined that a stool is strewn with grits, which must be removed with a vacuum cleaner “located” between the testicles and the anus. The number of repetitions gradually increases, the muscles tense and relax.

At first, you should not perform more than 10 repetitions, the load increases gradually. The effect is felt already a few days later.

Prevention of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction in men

There is a whole range of preventive measures that reduce the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. They are already relevant for 30-40-year-old men:

  • Balanced diet. The diet should contain a sufficient number of protein suppliers – eggs, meat. Various dairy products, herbs, fruits and vegetables are useful. Be sure to eat nuts, honey, give up heavy fatty foods.

  • Refusal of dangerous habits. Addiction to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes can be a source of erectile dysfunction.

  • Modernization of sexual life. For a man, the abuse of masturbation poses a threat, replacing it with full-fledged sexual contacts. It is also not recommended to protect your partner from pregnancy through coitus interruptus.

  • Regular visits to the urologist. This measure contributes to the timely detection of diseases of the reproductive system (for example, prostatitis), their successful treatment.

  • Disease Preventionthat can lead to impotence. Endocrine disorders, problems with blood vessels, heart and other “sources” discussed above.

  • Right way of life. This concept includes 8 hours of sleep, moderate exercise, avoidance of tension and stress.

Prevention will not require serious restrictions, but the measures taken will significantly reduce the threat of erectile dysfunction at any age.

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