Equipment for ram fishing – float fishing, feeder, bait

Equipment for ram fishing - float fishing, feeder, bait

Ram is one of the types of roach, and large roach. You can catch it in the basins of the Azov and Black Seas. A few decades ago, there were quite a lot of it, and it was one of the commercial species that fed the south of Ukraine and Russia. Recently, its population has declined sharply, and it comes across only to amateur fishermen. And you can catch it only in a certain period. Most of its life it is in the sea, but keeps closer to the coast, as well as in places where rivers flow. The fact is that the ram does not tolerate salt water, and therefore keeps on the border with fresh water, where salt in the water contains no more than 7 ppm. In this regard, it should be sought in the mouths of rivers, in channels, bays and estuaries.

Features of catching ram at different times of the year

Equipment for ram fishing - float fishing, feeder, bait


As soon as the water warms up to + 7-10 ° C, the ram begins to spawn. Moreover, it does not spawn in the sea, but rises into rivers, bays and canals. The water in such places warms up much faster, and there is enough vegetation to feed and protect the fry. During the period when the ram is spawning, any catching of it is prohibited, even amateur. Therefore, it is possible to start catching ram only at the beginning of summer, when after spawning it returns to its former habitats. She stops in coastal thickets of reeds or water lilies, where she is caught by amateur fishermen.


Hungry after spawning, the ram behaves very actively and bites on any bait, both animal and vegetable. And yet, the favorite baits are maggot and bloodworm, or combinations thereof.

The ram can be caught with any tackle, including the classic float rod. Recently, many anglers prefer the feeder.

By the middle of summer, part of the fish goes to sea, and part remains in the mouths. What remains is called river ramming. However, it does not go far from the border of fresh and salt water.

Sea ram is caught both from the shore and from a boat, using various gear, including bottom ones. But sea ram is quite rare, so anglers do not give preference to catching it. In the summer, like most fish, the ram switches to vegetable baits, but it is unlikely to refuse maggot. During this period, she begins to be cautious and can not take every bait.


In the autumn, the ram again leaves for rivers, estuaries and bays, where, having gathered in flocks, it moves around the water area in search of food. Like all fish, ram during this period gains nutrients before wintering.


In winter, ramming is also caught, as in summer. To do this, you can use winter versions of fishing rods, including float ones.

Feeder equipment for ram fishing

Equipment for ram fishing - float fishing, feeder, baitWith the advent of the feeder in the post-Soviet space, the concept of bottom fishing has expanded somewhat, and many anglers have switched to this type of fishing. This tackle is also successfully used for catching rams. As a rule, this is a standard set of tackle, consisting of:

  • feeder rod;
  • coils;
  • fishing line;
  • feeders;
  • sinkers;
  • a set of swivels;
  • hook.


As a feeder rod, a blank with a fast or medium action is suitable, since a ram is a fish, not a big one, and only the tip of the rod needs to be bent. When fishing on a river or canal, a rod about 4 meters long is enough. If you want to fish at sea and from the shore, then it is desirable that the rod be about 6 meters long.

The rod test must match the nature of the tackle. For ramming, rods with a test of more than 50 g are not chosen, since you have to catch small fish and in conditions where there is practically no current.


The same applies to the choice of inertialess coil. It makes no sense to use powerful and very expensive coils. The only thing is that she is not afraid of salt water. Its size can be in the range of 2000-3000. For ramming, as a rule, light class rods are used, so other types of reels are also possible.

Fishing line

The choice of fishing line also does not require special conditions and you can get by with a line thickness of 0,1-0,12 mm if the bottom is clean. And if there are thickets of aquatic vegetation, then you can take a fishing line of a larger diameter, somewhere around 0,17-0,2 mm. In this case, the thickness of the leash can lie within 0,08 mm for the first case, and 0,15 mm for the other. Its length can be in the range of 50-80 cm.


Since the fish is not large, the size of the hook is also not large and #12-#18, according to the international scale, will turn out to be normal, especially since the bait is also suitable.

Feeder rigs can be different, but it is better to give preference to more sensitive ones, such as a paternoster or an asymmetric loop. Paternoster is very easy to tie, even near a pond, and an asymmetric loop is more sensitive.

The best feeder rigs


Equipment for ram fishing - float fishing, feeder, bait

To tie a paternoster, you need to form two loops on the main line: one at the end of the line, the other at a distance of 15-20 cm from the first. The first, smaller, is intended for attaching the leash, and the second, larger (about 15 cm in diameter) – for attaching the feeder. The leash is attached to the main line using the loop-in-loop method, and the feeder can be attached using a clasp and swivel. This will allow you to quickly change the feeder, depending on the conditions of fishing.

Asymmetrical loop

Equipment for ram fishing - float fishing, feeder, bait

To tie an asymmetric loop, you need to take a piece of fishing line about 2 meters long and fold it in half. Having measured 40-50 cm from the end, a loop is formed for attaching the leash. After that, the free ends are taken and folded together, but so that one end is 20 cm longer than the other, after which a double knot is knitted. Asymmetrical loop is ready. To facilitate the fastening of the feeder, a swivel with a carabiner is put on at the longer end, before tying the knot. All unnecessary ends of the fishing line are cut off.

The feeder is selected depending on whether there is a current or not. If there is no current in the reservoir, then feeders weighing no more than 20 g are taken, and if there is a current, then feeders weighing from 80 to 120 g are selected, depending on the strength of the current. The greater the current, the more weight the feeder should have, otherwise the tackle will be demolished in the current. It is possible to use various types and types of feeders.

Float tackle for ramming

Equipment for ram fishing - float fishing, feeder, bait

Ram is a fish that is caught on any tackle, including float. As a rod, you can use almost forgotten bamboo blanks, or you can use more modern ones made of composite materials. The classic float tackle consists of:

  • rods;
  • main line;
  • coils;
  • float;
  • shipments;
  • hook.


As mentioned above, any rod will do. Its length can be about 4 meters and have a fast system. It is desirable that it be easy.


As for the coil, the main condition is endurance and corrosion resistance, since you will have to deal with salt water. No power models of coils should be installed on such tackle. The coil size can be in the range of 2000-3000. High-speed reels used on match rods are perfect.

Fishing line

The main fishing line can be selected with a diameter of no more than 0,12 mm in clean waters, and a diameter of no more than 0,2 mm in the presence of algae. The thickness of the leash is in the range of 0,08-0,1 mm.


Floats should be used with a keel when fishing at sea or in bad weather. The float must have good visual performance as well as stability characteristics. In conditions of fast flow, it is better to use floats that look like a ball or a drop. If there is no current, then floats with a long and thin bite indicator will do. Floats of the Wagler type, which have one attachment point, have proven themselves well. It is very important to load the float correctly so that it is sensitive enough.


Hooks are selected depending on the size of the fish. At the same time, it is very important that there is a special coating when fishing in salt water.

Bait for ram fishing

Equipment for ram fishing - float fishing, feeder, bait

For rams, as well as for roach, you should prepare bait, which leaves a dusty trail in the water column. Dense, not crumbling bait is unlikely to interest this fish. The bait should include breadcrumbs or various bran. As in any other bait, the presence of flavors is required. Taran prefers baits that include various oils, such as hemp, olive, sunflower, etc. The presence of cocoa powder does not interfere, because in addition to the smell, cocoa leaves behind an attractive trail. But you should always be careful with the use of flavorings, as they may not attract, but scare away the fish. This applies to the number of flavors and their concentration.

If there is no desire to stand at the stove, then you can use a ready-made, purchased mixture, especially since retail outlets offer a huge selection for all occasions.

To prepare your own bait for ramming, you need to take the following components:

  • 1 kg of breadcrumbs;
  • 200 g corn flour;
  • 200 g oat flour;
  • 15 ml of hemp oil.

The second recipe is more catchy and consists of more ingredients. It includes:

  • 3 parts crushed biscuit;
  • 1 part breadcrumbs;
  • 1 part dry clay;
  • 1 part rye bran;
  • 0,5 parts of maggot;
  • 1 pinch of cumin;
  • 0,5 parts bloodworm.

Clay is needed in order to combine all the ingredients into one. In addition, getting into the water, the clay leaves behind a visible plume that attracts fish. When fishing with animal baits, their presence in the bait is mandatory.

When preparing bait, both your own and purchased, it is better to use the water of the same reservoir where you plan to fish. Fish are very sensitive to foreign odors. The consistency of the bait itself is also of great importance for the effectiveness of fishing. It should fall apart only at the bottom, but not when it hits the water. Groundbait that does not decay for a long time is also not good. To understand what was kneaded, an experiment should be carried out by rolling a ball with a diameter of 50 mm and throwing it into the water. If it starts to fall apart when it reaches the bottom, then the bait can be used. If it falls apart on impact with water, then you need to add a little water. If the bait does not fall apart for a long time, then you need to add dry ingredients to it.

3 tackle per ram / workers


And yet, when going fishing to catch rams, you need to remember that:

  • From February 1 to May 31, ram fishing is prohibited by law, and in case of its violation, penalties may be applied.
  • When going fishing, you should think about the right equipment. It is better if the clothes have protective camouflage, and the tackle is not too bright, otherwise the ram may not come to the fishing spot.
  • The bait must necessarily merge with the color of the bottom, otherwise it may alert the fish.
  • The ram will not take the bait if part of the hook is peeking out, namely, its sting.
  • The ram population has fallen sharply, so you need to take only specimens with a length of at least 15 cm, and it is better to release the rest. This will soon increase its number.

Each fisherman prepares for fishing in advance and this is very important, since you do not have to spend the useful time allotted for fishing to complete and install tackle near the reservoir. If something happens, such as a hook, as a result of which the tackle breaks, then the presence of elements such as a swivel and carabiners allow you to quickly restore its functionality. The main thing is that the previous tackle was assembled in accordance with all the rules. Leashes break very often, so it is better to take several leashes with you, of various lengths. Then, near the reservoir, you can experiment, especially since it will not take much time to replace them. As for the rod, it is better to give preference to a light, modern blank, from which you will not feel tired during frequent casts. Hooks are better to take imported. They are more reliable and sharper. On them, the fish “clings itself”, so sometimes you can not hook, and if you do it, then not very sharply.

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