Bream is one of the most desired trophies for anglers. They catch it from spring to autumn with different gear – donks, feeder, float fishing rod. But there is one unpretentious equipment for bream, which can give odds in terms of catchability to everyone else. It’s called the ring. This tackle allows you to fish in those places where you can’t throw either a float or a bottom rod. And as you know, where there are fewer anglers, there are more fish. She is caught mainly on large rivers, such as the Oka, Volga, Don and others.
What is a tackle ring
The ring is a sinker in the form of, oddly enough, rings, with a diameter of 40-60 mm. There is an eyelet on the ring, where an anti-twist tube with a leash and hooks is attached. The sinker can be made independently or bought in a store. The main feature of the equipment is the presence of a slot or cut on the ring. Thanks to this cut, when hooking, the ring is safely released from the fishing line and does not interfere with the playing of the fish.
The mass of the ring depends on the strength of the current. A powerful current bends the line into an arc, which makes it difficult to adjust the nod. Therefore, in order to feel the bottom well, you need a ring of the appropriate mass. The stronger the current, the heavier the ring should be.
The egg rig is a kind of ring and is also used for fishing from a boat in the current. It is considered more convenient equipment than the ring, as it is easier to jump off the rope when hooking and the risk of tangling the gear becomes minimal. It looks like this. Two metal balls are attached to a steel wire like a pin. The balls are tightly pressed together, but with effort they are easily separated from each other. You can make your own eggs or buy them from a store.
The main elements of the tackle ring are:
- Mesh feeder with bait inside. The feeder has an additional burden in the form of a flat sinker. The size of the load is selected according to the strength of the current. The feeder is attached to a thick fishing line or a nylon cord and sinks to the bottom. Bait, gradually washing out of the feeder, attracts a flock of bream.
- Short side rod with a spring nod. A rig is attached to the fishing rod, consisting of a sinker in the form of a ring and a long leash with several hooks. The ring has a special side slot. When cutting, the ring is easily separated from the cord.
The main condition for fishing on the ring is the presence of a current in the place of fishing. In stagnant water, it will not work to catch a bream on this tackle. The fact is that the fish is attracted by the path from the feed, which is formed when the bait is washed out of the feeder. In stagnant water, the bait simply does not wash out, and the porridge quickly turns sour, especially in summer.
Well, another condition – fishing is carried out from a boat. It is from the boat that you can get to the most fishing places located far from the coast. In such places, there is often no big fishing pressure and the fish feel safe.
The depth at the place of fishing should be at least 5 meters, since at shallow depths the bream sees a boat with an angler and is alert. But if the water in the river is muddy, then fishing is possible at shallower depths.
Feeder snap ring
The most common form of feeder for ring fishing is the net. Such feeders are usually made of metal wire, less often – of plastic and rope. But every angler has his own opinion on what shape the feeder should be. But still, it is better to use spherical and cylindrical feeders, since they have a larger area of washout of feed than cone-shaped ones.
It is necessary that the feeder can hold about 3-6 kg of bait. This is enough for fishing for 4 hours in the middle course. Feeding is the most important stage when catching bream on the ring. The feeder is stuffed as follows. First, a heavy load is placed on the bottom of the feeder. Usually this is a flat metal sinker, but sometimes, in the absence of it, stones are also placed. Next is feeding. The basis of bait is different types of cereals (millet, peas, pearl barley, oatmeal). Often, along with porridge, pieces of crackers are added to the bait.
The choice of fishing rod, reel and nod for fishing on the ring
For ring fishing, short side rods with throughput rings and a reel seat are used. The choice of rod depends on the depth at the place of fishing and the strength of the current. The length of the rod usually does not exceed one meter. Longer rods are inconvenient to fish from a small boat. The main qualities of a side rod for bream fishing are the stiffness of the whip.
The greater the depth at the place of fishing, the more rigid the rod should be. For example, when fishing at depths of about 20 meters, the rod must have a very hard whip, otherwise it will not work well to cut through the fish. And at a depth of 10 meters, a rod of medium hardness will suffice. Buying a fishing rod in a store or making it yourself depends on the angler.
The size and type of reel for ring fishing is not as important as the characteristics of the side rod. The reel is not such an important element in this gear, as, for example, when fishing on a spinning rod or on a feeder. Here the main function of the reel is to lower the bait to the bottom, much less often to raise it to the surface. After cutting, the angler most often pulls the line with his hands, as during winter fishing. But still there are fishermen who prefer to play fish only with a reel. It all depends on personal preference. Therefore, any coil is suitable – inertialess, inertial, multiplier.
You can buy a nod at the store or make your own. The length of the spring should be about 10 centimeters. At the end of the gatehouse, you can put a ball of bright foam so that you can clearly see the bites of the bream.
Selection of fishing line, leashes and hooks for rigging the ring
Since fishing is carried out from a boat, the thickness of the main fishing line does not play a big role. But for convenience during the fight, it is better to use fishing lines with a diameter of 0.35 to 0.5 mm, because a thick fishing line will not tangle much in the boat. The amount of reeled fishing line depends on the depth of fishing. On average, 50 meters of fishing line is more than enough for one fishing rod.
Typically, the diameter of the leash varies from 0.20 to 0.30 mm. Its thickness depends on the activity of the fish. With a capricious biting, you can reduce the diameter of the leash and vice versa.
The length of the leash is from 1 to 3 meters. Shepherds with hooks are attached to the leash. The number of shepherds on a leash is from 2 to 5 pieces.
The shape of the hook for fishing on the ring is selected for a specific nozzle. When fishing with a worm, hooks with a long forearm and side notches are well suited, thanks to which the bait does not slip off the hook.
When fishing with vegetable baits, such as corn or pearl barley, the shank of the hook should be less long.
With the size of the hook, you should not shrink, since fishing is carried out far from the coast and large specimens weighing 2 or more kg often come across. The optimal hook size is from 6 to 8 numbers according to international numbering.
How to make a snap ring yourself
You can make a snap ring with your own hands and it will not take much time. In addition to fishing line, for mounting equipment we need:
- Anti-twisting tube. It is needed so that the hooks do not cling to the feeder.
- Carousel
- Stop bead.
- Leash 1-3 meters long with hooks tied to it on the shepherds.
We pass the main fishing line through the anti-twist tube, starting from the short side.
Next, we put the locking bead on the fishing line. The bead should move freely along the fishing line, and its diameter should be greater than the diameter of the tube.
We fasten the swivel to the fishing line. We tie a leash with hooks to the swivel using the loop-in-loop method.
The tube has a special fastener, on which we attach the ring. The rig is ready.
How to tie a harness with hooks to a leash:
- We take a leash 2-3 meters long.
- We retreat from the length of the leash about 50 centimeters. You do not need to make too small a distance between the undersheers, otherwise there is a high probability that when playing the hook, the hook will stick into your hand.
- We knit the first harness. Then again we retreat 50 centimeters and knit the second shed. And so on. The optimal number of hooks on a leash 3 meters long is 5 pieces.
How to catch on a ring
Having chosen a place, we put the boat across the current and anchor. Fishing begins with the fact that it is necessary to feed the fishing point. We attach the feeder with bait to a nylon cord or thick fishing line, 0.8-1 mm thick. It is convenient to use a large inertial reel of the Nevsky type as a reel for the cord.
After we have fixed the feeder, we lower it to the bottom of the river and then tie the cord to the boat. A filled feeder with bait is enough for 3-4 hours of fishing. We remove the reel to the side so as not to interfere.
We are preparing our fishing rods. One feeder is required per rod. Anglers rarely use more than two gear, as there is not much room in the boat. We put the bait on the hooks. The main nozzle when fishing on the ring is a bunch of worms. But other nozzles are also used – maggot, bloodworm, corn, barley. Some anglers use flavored foam when fishing for bream.
Next, we attach the sinker-ring to the cord with the feeder and lower the sinker with leashes to the bottom. Adjust the position of the nod. Everything, our equipment for bream is ready to work, it remains to wait for the bite.
Feeder fishing
Feeder fishing is strongly associated with many people with coastal fishing. But having a boat opens up new possibilities for the angler. With it, you can catch in places that are not reachable from the shore. And this means that there is no fishing pressure here and there is a high probability of catching a lot of big and fat bream. This is especially true in autumn, when fish gather in large flocks and move far from the coast.
This method of fishing is more sporty than ring fishing. But it also has its drawbacks – these are waves, wind, and also crowdedness in the boat. Because of the waves during the day, you can’t really catch it. But as you know, the bream mostly bites in the morning and in the evening, at this time there are either no waves, or they are small.
It is better to collect the rod and equipment in advance, on the shore, as it is not very convenient to do this in a boat. As for the choice of feeder, short rods are preferable to long ones. Since the angler is directly above the fishing point, a long cast is not required. In addition, it is more convenient to fish bream with a short fishing rod and a landing net with a long manual one is not required.
Well, the choice of rod class depends on the current and depth. It is clear that when fishing on a river at a depth of 10 meters and in a strong current with a picker or light feeder, it will be problematic to catch. Well, on a lake or a reservoir, such rods, on the contrary, will come in just right. So it all depends on where you are fishing.
As for bait and bait, there is no difference with the coastal feeder. The same porridge and purchased bait are used. In summer, bream is well caught both on animals and on vegetable baits, as well as on boilies. In spring and autumn, he prefers only animal baits. Therefore, it is better to have as many different types of bait as possible with you in order to guess the preferences of the bream at a particular point in time.
The process of fishing from a boat is no different from fishing from the shore. The same feeder equipment for bream is used: paternoster, symmetrical and asymmetrical loop, and other types of equipment.