Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach: types of equipment and proper use

Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach: types of equipment and proper use

Many anglers, having left gear for summer fishing aside, arm themselves with winter gear and continue to catch a variety of fish from the ice, including roach. At the same time, for catching this roach, tackle is needed, which is somewhat different from gear for catching other types of fish. Therefore, the success of all fishing depends on how correctly the winter fishing rod is assembled.

Rod for catching roach in the current

Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach: types of equipment and proper use

When fishing on the river, you must always remember that in addition to roach, other fish may also be interested in bait, so the fishing rod must be strong and reliable.

What elements does a winter fishing rod consist of:

  1. From a fishing rod. You should opt for a model with a separate handle and legs, since the tackle is stationary and its weight does not play a special role.
  2. From the reel. It is desirable that the reel be with a friction clutch in order to pull out a large specimen, since bream bites are not ruled out. In this case, it is better to opt for a spinning reel, size 1000, no more.
  3. From fishing line. As a rule, monofilament fishing line is used, up to 0,18 mm thick and preferably not white. This is necessary so that the line can be seen against the background of snow.
  4. From a nod. You need a big and bright nod, which is noticeable at a great distance. However, it must be sensitive enough. When fishing on the current, good results can be expected from plastic balls with springs.
  5. From a sinker. Depending on the strength of the current, a sinker is selected, weighing from 10 to 40 grams.
  6. From a leash. When catching roach, leashes are used, with a thickness of 0,1 to 0,14 mm.
  7. From the hook. Roach is caught in winter, both on a worm and on a bloodworm. If a worm is used as bait, then hook No. 12 is used, and if bloodworm, then hook No. 18 is used.

Installation of a winter fishing rod for the current

Installation of elements is carried out according to the paternoster scheme. For example:

  1. A loop is formed at the end of the main fishing line, up to 40 cm in size.
  2. After that, the loop is cut, and not symmetrically, so that one end is 2/3 longer than the length.
  3. Towards the end, which is shorter, a swivel with a carabiner is knitted. A sinker will subsequently be attached to it.
  4. At the end, which is longer, a loop is formed for attaching a leash.

Rod for catching roach in still water

Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach: types of equipment and proper use

On reservoirs with stagnant water, roach is caught by 3 types of fishing rods, such as:

  • Float.
  • On a mormyshka with a nod.
  • Mothless.

Each gear is not much different from one another, but the installations of these gears are completely different.


Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach: types of equipment and proper use

This is a rod that is used for catching fish in winter, without the use of any additional baits, both vegetable and animal origin. This equipment is the thinnest and most sensitive. It consists:

  1. From a fishing rod, and the lightest one, since you have to hold it in your hands for a long period. The option is also suitable when the fishing rod is made at home.
  2. From a reel or reel to store excess line.
  3. From fishing line, which is quite thin and corresponds to a thickness of 0,06 to 0,1 mm.
  4. From a nod, which is highly sensitive.
  5. From mormyshka. As a rule, each angler has several types of jig for winter roach fishing.

Winter fishing. Catching roach on a revolver. []

There are a number of well-known names for mormyshkas that are in great demand among winter fishing enthusiasts. For example:

  • Damn.
  • Goat.
  • Uralka.
  • Witch.
  • Ant.

Mormyshka with a nod

Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach: types of equipment and proper use

If you put a bait on a mormyshka, then this is a completely different fishing rod for winter fishing. And although the installation principle is the same, but the mormyshka can be a hook with a simple pellet. In this case, the fish does not react to the game of the mormyshka, but to the bait that is put on the hook.

To be always ready for changing fishing conditions, you need to have several formed gear with you, which are characterized by some differences in elements. For example:

  • With different line thicknesses.
  • The nod should correspond to the weight of the mormyshka.
  • C is a different form of ant.
  • With mormyshki of various shades.

Floating rod

Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach: types of equipment and proper use

A winter float rod is a tackle designed for stationary fishing. Anglers with such rods prefer to constantly stay near one hole, while winderless ones constantly move from one hole to another. How is a float rod designed for catching fish from ice?


Since this rod does not make sense to constantly hold in your hands, the weight does not play a special role. The main thing is to have a comfortable handle, a reliable reel and a flexible, but at the same time, hard whip.

Fishing line

Often a bream or chub clings to the hook, so this should always be remembered. The diameter of the fishing line should be at least 0,14 mm, and the leash should be a little thinner.

It is important to know! Braided fishing line is not suitable for winter fishing, as it quickly freezes over, which makes it quite rough.


Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach: types of equipment and proper use

For ice fishing, you can use different types of floats. The main ones are:

  • Floats with a longitudinal through hole, which are fixed on the fishing line with a pin, in the form of an antenna.
  • Floats that are attached to the fishing line with cambrics.
  • Floats, consisting of 2 parts, which are folded when biting.
  • Floats that open their petals when biting.

Gear loading

Winter gear should be loaded so that the float is at least 1 centimeter below the water level. Even with the appearance of a small crust of ice, such a float will react to any bite.

In the presence of a current, not even a large one, the tackle should be overloaded so that it is at one point. In this case, it turns out a variant of a float fishing rod for fishing in the course.

Winter fishing rod, float. Video lesson for beginner fishermen.

The use of leashes

Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach: types of equipment and proper use

Often, 2 leashes are attached to the float fishing rod. One of them lies on the ground, where it seduces the fish with its bait, mounted on a hook, and the second is located higher and is located in the water column. This allows you to increase the chances of catching fish. In addition, it is possible to determine where the fish is located – at the bottom or in the water column. This approach allows you to determine the gastronomic preferences of the fish, if you separately bait different baits on each hook.

Winter fishing is a hobby for real fishermen who are not afraid of frost, strong winds, or snowfalls. Not every one of them is ready to sit out or run out in the cold in order to catch at least some fish. Many fans of winter fishing are satisfied with small perches, although few of them know that roach can also be caught in winter, but for this you need to have a winter float rod and patience. In addition, you will have to spend a lot of physical strength, since you need to drill more than one hole.

Equipment for a winter fishing rod for roach

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