Epidemics follow floods. What diseases do they bring?

This year, part of Germany and Belgium are under water. There were also floods in Poland. Climate change leading to floods is not only an environmental problem. Harmful microorganisms multiply in the areas where the “great water” has passed. And this leads to an epidemic.

  1. Floods are an increasingly common occurrence in Europe and Poland
  2. They are largely associated with climate change, but also with human activity
  3. Mold and bacteria can grow in the floodplain area. Residents can become infected with dysentery or tetanus, for example
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Diseases that are associated with flooding

Outbreaks in flooded areas are mainly associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. One of these diseases is Sigellose, called dysentery or dysentery, caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella presenting as persistent bloody diarrhea. If left untreated, it rapidly leads to fatal dehydration.

In turn, E. coli infection it is the most common cause of diarrhea in flooded areas. Infection has an acute onset with abdominal pain, watery diarrhea and vomiting.

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It also threatens flood victims salmonellozawhich is caused by an infection with a bacterium of the genus Salmonella. The carriers of the bacteria are animals, mainly birds and turtles. Infection can occur by eating contaminated food or drinking unboiled, contaminated water. The symptoms of infection are cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever and vomiting. The disease can be dangerous for children, the elderly and people with impaired immunity. The treatment is assisted by intravenous irrigation and antibiotics.

Another disease related to floods is campylobacteriosis. It is caused by bacteria of the genus Campylobacter, which are found in the digestive tract of animals. The disease is characterized by severe abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and fever. The infection can also lead to complications, including changes in the joints. You can become infected with bacteria by drinking contaminated water or unpasteurized milk and by eating undercooked meat. There are also infections when bathing in dirty water.

But this is not the end. Leptospirosis is a disease caused by spirochetes that penetrate through damaged skin or mucous membranes. It manifests itself in a disorder of many organs: kidneys, liver, as well as hemorrhages, jaundice and even meningitis. After the flood in 1997, a significant increase in the incidence of leptospirosis was observed.

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Floods must also be feared intensity. It is an infectious and often fatal disease. Symptoms include: general breakdown, sweating, tingling at the site of injury, increased muscle tension, trismus, body tension. Early administration of serum reduces the risk of developing the disease. Compulsory vaccinations protect against the disease. It is often afflicted by elderly people whose immunity has expired.

In floodplain areas the risk of infection increases hepatitis A virus. It causes indigestion, general breakdown, flu-like symptoms, dark urine, pale stools, and often jaundice and an enlarged liver.

Flood and the associated moisture also promote development mold fungi, which in allergic people can cause rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, skin lesions, lowering the efficiency of the immune system. Immunocompromised people can also develop widespread systemic infections.

  1. Also read: It lurks in the shower, in the dishwasher or on the wall. Is black mold dangerous? [WE EXPLAIN]

How to prevent diseases after a flood?

The good news is that while microbes do multiply in floodplains, the diseases they cause are avoidable. The most important thing here is proper hygiene, as well as caution when it comes to eating and drinking.

Washing hands and following the basic rules of hygiene can protect us from the serious consequences of floods, such as epidemics and mass poisoning. Even rinsing your teeth or bathing in dirty water can cause infection. Some of these diseases can have serious health consequences.

After a flood, it is also extremely important to drink clean, uncontaminated water from a reliable source. You should also not eat food that has had any contact with contaminated water. You should also remember about frequent scalded dishes and food containers with dirty fruit or vegetables.

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