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In Poland, at the end of March, quarantine, isolation and the obligation to wear masks were abolished. These were some of the last epidemic restrictions, certainly the most tangible ones. What’s left of covid restrictions? Really not much.

  1. On Monday, March 28, the obligation to wear masks was no longer required, with one exception. We still have to set them up in pharmacies and medical entities, i.e. clinics and hospitals
  2. At the same time, isolation and quarantine were lifted
  3. Earlier, restrictions on the number of people staying in cinemas, theaters, concerts and churches were lifted
  4. What are the restrictions related to the epidemic still in force?
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

What is left of the pandemic?

Epidemic rules were often introduced ad hoc, because the situation has changed dynamically over the last two years and little was known about the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We watched the press conferences with the participation of epidemiologists and the minister of health in suspense. Even the ban on entering the forest was not withdrawn. For a while, it was possible to go outside only with the dog. These restrictions are now history.

What’s left? A few rules that we often forget when visiting a pharmacy or going to a specialist clinic for tests.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

A mask necessary in these places

The obligation to cover the mouth and nose remained in medical institutions and pharmacies. You have to put on a mask in these places. Although, looking after the patients in the queue for registration at the clinic, only a few remember about it.

Infection rates are rising again, so health experts are reminded again that masks reduce the risk of spreading the virus and urge them to be remembered.

Last week, the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, appealed, especially to the elderly, chronically ill and with low immunity, to protect themselves from COVID-19 infection in closed spaces, e.g. shops, buses, and to return to their old habit of wearing masks.

Do you want to protect yourself from COVID-19 infection as much as possible? Disposable masks available in Medonet Market.

Masks, but not only them …

The principle behind the masks that appeared among the first and never really disappeared is the one hiding under the acronym DDM. She became a good habit. Faded information notices on buses and waiting rooms remind of it.

Many of us remember about them when turning on the water, but unfortunately not all of them. DDM stands for disinfection, distance, and masks. We have covered this last element. There are two that we don’t often remember anymore.

Disinfecting the hands, but also the surfaces we come into contact with, is an important element in reducing the risk of infection not only with the coronavirus, but also with other pathogens or bacteria. We should keep our hands in place for at least 30 seconds, because viruses can stay on the skin for up to nine hours. With dirty hands, we transfer them to our mouth and eyes, and these are the most common routes of infection.

Social distance also ceased to exist. You can’t see it in the streets or in public places. However, in special situations, it is still a good prophylaxis to keep 1,5 meters away from another person.

Will the restrictions come back?

The head of the health ministry says for the time being that as long as the number of people staying in the hospital in the whole country does not exceed 5. then “no restrictive steps will be taken unless the situation dictates a faster response”.

In turn, government spokesman Piotr Müller said that the discussion on possible restrictions so far concerns issues “related to medical infrastructure”. He also hopes that the introduction of restrictions will not be necessary.

In Poland from May 16 this year. the state of epidemic threat is in force, which replaced the state of epidemic in force from 20 May 2020.

Do you suspect you have COVID-19? Perform the Rapid Saliva Antigen Test to detect SARS-CoV-2 virus antigen at home. The result after just 15 minutes. The test is available at Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time our guest is Marek Rybiec – businessman, as one of 78 people from all over the world, he completed «4 Deserts» – ultramarathon taking place in extreme places around the world. She talks to Aleksandra Brzozowska about the challenge, mental strength and mindfulness training. Listen!

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