Eosinophilia: what is it and how to treat it?

Eosinophilia: what is it and how to treat it?

Eosinophilia indicates various diseases. This hematological syndrome can develop in a person of any age. In children, eosinophilia is diagnosed even more often than in adults. Eosinophilia can be a sign of allergy, parasitic invasion, infectious disease.

Eosinophils are blood cells from the leukocyte group. Eosinophils got their name due to the pink color of the cytoplasm. It acquires such a shade after the dye eosin is added to the blood sample. As a result, eosinophils become perfectly visible when examining a blood smear under a microscope. With multiple magnification, you can find that these cells resemble small amoebas that can exit the vascular bed and accumulate in areas of inflammation. In the blood, eosinophils spend no more than an hour, after which they penetrate into the tissues.

К основным задачам эозинофилов относят:

  • Activation of antiparasitic immunity with the destruction of the cell membrane of worms. Eosinophils increase the sensitivity of receptors to immunoglobulin E.

  • Стимуляцию выхода и накопления медиаторов воспаления.

  • Absorption and binding of inflammatory mediators.

  • Absorption of some small particles, for example, fragments of the cell membrane of parasites and bacteria, absorption of virus particles. For this property, eosinophils are called microphages.

Normal eosinophil values

Eosinophilia: what is it and how to treat it?

Normally, no more than 5% of eosinophils from the total number of leukocytes are present in the blood. The absolute value of eosinophils should not exceed 310 per ml of blood. If a person is healthy, then the relative number of eosinophils is calculated in him. If there are any deviations, then refer to the absolute value. Eosinophilia is indicated by an excess of 0,4 * 109/ l for adults. In childhood, eosinophilia is recognized when their values ​​exceed 0,7 * 109/ L.

The number of eosinophils can fluctuate depending on the time of day, which is largely determined by the activity of the adrenal glands. So, in the morning, the level of eosinophils can be increased by 15% compared to the norm. If you take blood for research from a patient in the first half of the night, then this figure will completely exceed the normal values ​​​​by 30%.

Therefore, in order to obtain the most reliable result, the procedure for donating blood for analysis requires compliance with a number of rules:

  • The procedure is carried out in the morning.

  • 8-11 hours before the test, you must refuse to eat food.

  • Alcohol and sugary foods should be excluded 1 day before the procedure.

Be sure to take into account the fact that during menstrual bleeding, the level of eosinophils in the blood rises, since estrogens stimulate the maturation of these blood cells. After ovulation and until the end of the cycle, the level of eosinophils will, on the contrary, be lowered.

В детском возрасте показатели нормы эозинофилов будут отличаться от таковой у взрослых людей:

  • The first 14 days of a child’s life – 1-6% of eosinophils in the blood.

  • After 15 days and up to a year – 1-5% of eosinophils in the blood.

  • Начиная с полутора и до 1 лет – 1-7%.

  • From 1 to 5 years – 1-6%.

  • At the age of over 5 years, eosinophils are equal to the norm of an adult – 1-5%.

Causes of eosinophilia

Eosinophilia: what is it and how to treat it?

Concern should be shown when the level of eosinophils in the blood exceeds 700 cells per milliliter of blood.

There are 3 degrees of eosinophilia:

  • Mild eosinophilia. The level of eosinophils in the blood is 10%.

  • Eosinophilia of moderate severity. The level of eosinophils in the blood is from 11 to 15%.

  • severe eosinophilia. In this case, the excess is 15% or more.

Следует учесть, что иногда диагноз может быть ошибочным. Во время внесения красителя эозина розовый цвет приобретают не только эозинофилы, но и зернистые включения, имеющиеся в нейтрофилах. В этом случае уровень нейтрофилов будет понижен, а эозинофилов повышен. При этом какие-либо патологические симптомы у человека будут отсутствовать. При получении таких данных, необходимо выполнить повторный анализ крови.

Allergic tension of the body always leads to an increase in the level of eosinophils in the blood.

This may be observed in the following cases:

  • Allergic reaction of immediate type: hay fever, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, urticaria.

  • Allergic reaction to drugs, serum sickness.

  • Насморк аллергической природы.

  • Skin lesions of an allergic nature (dermatitis, eczema, pemphigus vulgaris).

  • Worm invasions.

  • Parasitic infections: amoebiasis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia.

  • Заболевания аутоиммунной природы: СКВ, ревматоидный артрит, узелковый периартериит.

  • Заболевания дыхательной системы: бронхиальная астма, саркоидоз, эозинофильный плеврит, болезнь Леффлера, гистиоцитоз.

  • Lesions of the digestive tract: eosinophilic gastritis and colitis.

  • Blood cancer: lymphoma and lymphogranulomatosis.

  • Neoplasms of a malignant nature.

Проникновение в организм паразитов чаще остальных причин приводит к развитию эозинофилии. Эта проблема актуальна для педиатрии. К таким заболеваниям можно отнести аскаридоз, описторхоз, лямблиоз, амебиаз, трихинеллез и пр. Организм на присутствие в нём посторонних существ реагирует повышением уровня эозинофилов. Причём происходить скачок будет как во время миграции паразитов, так и после достижения особью зрелости.

Причина повышения уровня эозинофилов в крови, которая стоит на втором месте – это аллергическая реакция организма. Причём причина аллергии не имеет значения. Она может возникать на бытовую химию, на лекарственные средства, на продукты питания, на вдыхаемый воздух, насыщенный пылью и пр. Эозинофилы стремятся нейтрализовать биологически активные вещества, которые вызывают расширение сосудов при аллергии. Поэтому сразу после попадания аллергена в организм повышается уровень эозинофилов в крови.

Аллергические состояния, которые сопровождаются эозинофилией: бронхиальная астма, поллинозы, диатезы в детском возрасте, крапивница, аллергический ринит, лекарственная аллергия.

Среди кожных поражений выделяют псориаз, герпетическую инфекцию, нейродермит и экзему.

Certain medications are associated with a high risk of developing eosinophilia. These drugs include Aspirin, Eufillin, beta-blockers, hormonal agents, Papaverine, Diphenhydramine, drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis and for lowering blood pressure.

Eosinophilia is a marker of malignant tumors in the body. These include the presence of metastases in the abdominal cavity and in the pleura, Wilms tumor, cancerous lesions of the dermis and thyroid gland. Also, the production of eosinophils will be disrupted if the tumor affects the bone marrow. The danger in this plan is myeloid leukemia, eosinophilic leukemia, polycythemia vera, etc.

In addition to all the reasons that were listed above, an organ transplant operation will lead to a jump in eosinophils in the blood. Eosinophilia is one of the signs of rejection of foreign material.

Eosinophilia develops against the background of magnesium deficiency in the body and after its irradiation. Also, the level of eosinophils in the blood will decrease if a person undergoes a peritoneal dialysis procedure.

Symptoms of eosinophilia

Eosinophilia: what is it and how to treat it?

Eosinophilia is not an independent disease, but only a consequence of a particular pathology. Therefore, she has no symptoms of her own. However, a person needs to focus on certain signs in order to understand that he develops a certain disorder in the body and it’s time to see a doctor.

Эозинофилия часто сопутствует паразитарным инвазиям, общими признаками неблагополучия при этом становятся:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes, spleen and liver.

  • Losing weight.

  • Anemia.

  • An increase in body temperature to subfebrile values.

  • Painful sensations in the muscles.

  • Strengthening weakness.

  • Lack of desire to eat.

  • Dry cough and skin rashes.

All these symptoms develop because the parasites release toxins that enter the bloodstream and poison the host. Almost all patients complain of violations in the work of the digestive tract.

With an allergic reaction of the body, the patient develops skin rashes, blisters may form. In severe cases, collapse, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and a state of shock are possible.

Diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by eosinophilia, are expressed in all kinds of dyspeptic disorders, in vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, the appearance of blood in the feces, etc. At the same time, a person must understand that such symptoms do not occur due to an increase in the level of eosinophils in the blood. It develops due to the underlying disease.

На раковые опухоли с эозинофилией указывают такие симптомы, как: увеличение в размерах лимфатических узлов, высокая или слегка повышенная температура тела, боли в мышцах и суставах, частые инфекционные заболевания.

Distinguish eosinophilia of individual organs, but as an independent pathology, it develops very rarely. If this happens, then the lung tissue is most often in the affected area. Pulmonary eosinophilia can manifest itself in eosinophilic vasculitis, pneumonia, granulomatosis.

Самая частая форма самостоятельной эозинофилии – это синдром Леффлера. Причины, приводящие к его развитию до настоящего времени науке неизвестны. Заболевание имеет благоприятный прогноз, сопровождается кашлем и незначительным повышением температуры тела. В лёгких обнаруживаются скопления эозинофилов, которые в дальнейшем самостоятельно пропадут.

Tropical eosinophilia is diagnosed in people who live in countries located in close proximity to the equator. With this disease, infiltrates are also formed in the lungs. There is an assumption that this pathology is of an infectious nature, since it has an undulating course with episodes of exacerbation and calm. However, a complete cure of such patients is possible.

In addition to lung tissue, eosinophilic infiltrates can form in muscle tissue. The myocardium becomes a dangerous localization. This pathology leads to a decrease in the cavities of the heart and the development of heart failure.

Treatment of eosinophilia

Eosinophilia: what is it and how to treat it?

Eosinophilia, as an independent disease, does not make sense to treat, since it is the result of one or another disorder in the body. If the increase in the level of eosinophils is associated with parasitic invasion, then the patient is prescribed anthelmintic drugs. It is necessary to supplement therapy with vitamin-mineral complexes, desensitizing drugs (Fenkarol, Pipolfen). If the patient has anemia, he is prescribed iron-containing drugs.

Аллергические реакции организма устраняются с помощью приёма антигистаминных препаратов. Это может быть Кларитин, Фенкарол, Супрастин, Зиртек и пр. Тяжёлое течение аллергии требует назначения гормональных препаратов, параллельно больному проводят инфузионную терапию. Если появились высыпания на коже, то целесообразно использование мазей и кремов с антигистаминным эффектом (Адвантан, Элидел и пр.). Для уменьшения воспалительной реакции пациентам назначают внутрь сорбенты.

Наличие онкологического процесса требует консультации онколога. Больным назначают цитостатики, гормональные препараты, иммунодепрессанты. В зависимости от типа опухоли и состояния здоровья пациента, применяют стандартизированные схемы лечения.

Thus, eosinophilia is a hematological symptom that can indicate both mild infections and allergic reactions, as well as severe pathologies that threaten human life. Therefore, an increase in the level of eosinophils in the blood should not be ignored.

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