
The author is O. Bely. Source —

The poor do not envy the rich. They envy other beggars who are served more.

Popular wisdom.

A certain German sociologist Helmut Schock wrote a large scientific work «Envy». I will try to “doctorize” (or medicalize) some of the theses from there.

  1. Envy is a spontaneous, natural, universal, and almost innate feeling. In short, you have it, doctor, and in relation to you, either one of your colleagues has it, or maybe. Nurses are often jealous of doctors. I don’t blame nurses. It’s just… someone needs to understand that. Residents often envy the head physician, the head physician, anesthesiologists — surgeons, outpatient doctors — inpatients (and vice versa, the grass seems greener in someone else’s garden), etc.
  2. Envy is destructive — it is dangerous for those who are envied, and painful for those who are envious. If possible, do not provoke envy towards yourself, it’s safer for you, our dear Rich Doctor.
  3. There are no societies without envy. Terrible conclusion, to be honest)). But understand that this is not your «crooked» team, but everywhere else.
  4. Envy cannot be reduced by a benevolent attitude or material handouts. In short, doctor, if they took more money from a patient than colleagues usually do, then you need to look for other ways to reduce envy towards you. Not «share». Yes, it is necessary to share, as a rule, but not to reduce envy. This is a separate task.
  5. Envy has engendered the vast majority of egalitarian strands in social thought—including socialism and progressive taxation. Therefore, populist statements to groups (medical workers, for example) or to the electorate in general … «working» statements are usually not about how you will feel good. And about the fact that you will be no worse than people. We will make sure that people do not overeat, incl.
  6. Because it is dangerous and unpleasant to be the object of envy, a variety of and globally common addiction-avoidance behaviors emerge, of which guilt towards the disadvantaged is a cultural variation. Doctors who take normal money often help a couple of times a week and … patients who parasitize on this.
  7. Among the manifestations of «envy avoidance» are the reduction or concealment of success. Yes, sometimes it’s necessary, doctor. Do not hide wealth with the feeling that something has been stolen. And just sometimes intentionally and consciously do not advertise something much, for example.
  8. They envy mainly people in easily comparable, comparable social situations. The worker is more envious of another worker than of a professor. As a result, the lowest level of envy is in rigid class and caste societies, the highest is in democratic societies with a high level of equality. See post title. And nurses, for example, it turns out, will be more likely to envy other nurses than doctors. And the doctor is more like a neighbor in the internship room than the head doctor. Rather so.
  9. Equality does not reduce the level of envy, because envy becomes sensitive to small differences. “Why am I again on duty for the holidays, but he has never been?”
  10. Envy is perceived as extremely indecent, so people tend not to admit it at any cost (even to themselves), at best replacing it with the concept of “jealousy”, which is not at all the same thing.
  11. Envy is taboo. Therefore, it is possible that envious people «in their own justification» (and self-justification) very actively find flaws in people — objects of envy. Therefore, one good doctor can “squeal” on another. Then he, our good one, will regret it, but now he will “set us up”.
  12. The consequence of tabooing envy is the almost complete absence of work on envy in sociology and psychology — which is completely inexplicable, given the importance of envy in society. Anus, in short.
  13. Envy has one socially positive function: it stimulates social control. Anyone who has received benefits becomes an object of close attention, and if his benefits are illegal, they are affected, incl. convey, etc. What follows from this? Don’t play your cards, doctor.

Let’s be healthy and rich, and let them envy us!

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