Entus Junior – indications, dosage, contraindications, side effects

Entus Junior is used as an aid in acute and chronic respiratory diseases with abnormal secretion and difficult expectoration of bronchial secretions. The active substance of the drug is ambroxol, which increases the secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract, and by reducing its viscosity, it improves the activity of cilia in the respiratory epithelium, which in turn causes thinning of the mucus accumulating and improving its transport. The drug is in the form of a syrup and is available without a prescription.

Entus Junior (Aflofarm Pharmacy Poland)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
syrup 0,003 g/ml (0,015 g/5 ml) (120 ml) OTC (over-the-counter) ambroxol (ambroxol)



Entus Junior – indications and dosage

Entus Junior is a drug recommended as an aid in acute and chronic ailments of the respiratory system, accompanied by abnormal secretion and difficult expectoration of bronchial secretions:

  1. emphysema,
  2. bronchial asthma,
  3. bronchiectasis
  4. cystic fibrosis,
  5. bronchitis,
  6. pneumonia,
  7. laryngitis bronchitis,
  8. inflammation of the larynx, nose, throat and sinuses.

The drug also facilitates rehabilitation in the pre- and postoperative period and facilitates expectoration before bronchographic examination.

Drug dosage

Etnus Junior is in the form of tablets and should be taken orally. The preparation should be taken before morning and afternoon meals. In the event of treatment lasting more than 2 weeks, the dose can be reduced by half.

  1. Adults and children after 12 years of age 30-60 mg twice / day.
  2. Kids. 6.-12. years of age 15 mg 2-3 times / day.
  3. Kids. 3.-5. years of age 7,5 mg twice / day.
  4. Children up to 2 years of age 7,5 mg twice daily.

Etnus Junior and contraindications

Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug is a contraindication to taking Etnus Junior.

Etnus Junior – warnings

  1. Caution should be exercised in people with gastric or duodenal ulcers and in patients with renal insufficiency. It is recommended that these people consult a doctor and reduce the daily dose and extend the interval between doses.
  2. Patients with impaired cough reflex and impaired ciliary bronchial clearance should be careful as there is a risk of mucus retention.
  3. Antitussive preparations should not be taken simultaneously with the drug.
  4. In the initial phase of treatment with the drug, an excessive amount of liquid bronchial secretion may appear. In such a situation, provoke a cough in order to cough up the thin secretion or aspirate it.
  5. Patients with bronchial asthma are exposed to severe cough and excessive expectoration during treatment with the drug.
  6. Do not take the preparation immediately before going to bed.
  7. Patients with fructose intolerance should not take the drug because it contains sorbitol.
  8. Benzoic acid and propylene glycol in the drug may cause allergic reactions.
  9. Pregnant and breastfeeding women may take the drug only after consulting a doctor and if absolutely necessary, when the doctor considers that the benefit for the mother outweighs the risk for the fetus.

Entus Junior with other medications

  1. The preparation can be administered in combination with other drugs usually used in the treatment of bronchial diseases (cardiac glycosides, corticosteroids, diuretics, bronchodilators, antibiotics).
  2. Taking Etnus Junior with antibiotics (amoxicillin, cefuroxime, doxycycline, erythromycin) increases their penetration into the lung tissue and intensifies their effect.
  3. Ambroxol and theophylline intensify each other’s effects.
  4. Medicines that inhibit the cough reflex (antitussive) should not be used with Etnus Junior because it helps to remove a large amount of the secretion produced.

Entus Junior – side effects

Taking Entus Junior may lead to the following side effects:

  1. stomach pain,
  2. nausea and constipation
  3. heartburn,
  4. vomiting,
  5. indigestion,
  6. hypersensitivity reactions (rash, itching, breathing problems),
  7. anaphylactic reactions (face swelling, shortness of breath, increased temperature, anaphylactic shock),
  8. rare: dry mouth and respiratory tract,
  9. difficulty urinating.

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