An increase in the labia majora is classified as an intimate category of plastic surgery.
A few decades ago, it was customary in society to believe that such an intervention was a whim, but today gynecologists have proven that an increase in this part of the reproductive system is a justified action. Such surgical intervention is indispensable for a number of indications, which include far from always subjective reasons.
In most cases, women seeking to correct the natural size of the labia majora complained to their treating specialists of psycho-emotional discomfort. So a physical defect turned into the primary source of a moral problem, causing inconvenience to women of any age. In addition to aesthetic dissatisfaction, patients note that they cannot focus on intimacy, constantly worrying about how good they look. To get rid of the psychological block, as well as to overcome your own complex, doctors recommend seeking help from plastic surgeons.
Medical indications
Large labia perform a number of useful functions for the body. We are talking about maintaining an optimal temperature regime in the vagina, which allows you to block the feeling of discomfort at a physiological level when the environmental situation changes.
Also, the labia majora are designed to protect the vulvovaginal region from the possible penetration of pathogens. They can come not only from the external environment, but also from neighboring organs that are infected with bacteria.
The third point is the provision of lubrication during sexual intimacy. The biological fluid secrete glands, which are located in the lower part of the labia. If the specified delicate zone has a disproportionately large volume, then during sexual intercourse a feeling of painful dryness may occur.
The main indications for plastic intervention, in addition to the aesthetic component, are age restrictions, as well as congenital pathology. Occasionally, a catalyst for the development of an anomaly becomes a labor activity that has passed with complications, or an inaccurately performed gynecological examination.
Usually the last two aspects negatively affect only one part of the lip, which leads to asymmetry. Such a development of the scenario leads to a failure of the functionality of the delicate zone, which significantly limits the ability to receive satisfaction during intimacy.
Experts recommend applying for a solution to such a delicate problem in clinics with a good reputation. When choosing a suitable medical institution, the professionalism of the medical team should be put in the first place, and not the cost. After all, performing the operation itself perfectly is not a guarantee of a good result. You will have to tune in for a rather long recovery period, following medical recommendations.
Only all together can provide an excellent outcome of the case, so the patient must have confidence in her treating specialist. Also, the price may vary depending on the type of plastic intervention and the drugs used during the manipulation.
If, during a routine examination, the gynecologist concludes that the size of the labia is really large for the average, then this is an occasion to think about reducing them.
This is due to health care, since genetic anomalies or age-related transformations can significantly reduce the barrier functions of this part of the reproductive system.
Otherwise, a woman will often face the need to undergo treatment with a long recovery due to constant infection with various pathogenic microbes.
Even a sharp, almost instantaneous weight loss can provoke an increase. As a result, the lips of the affected lady become saggy and flabby. Also, the structure with a subsequent change in volume can be affected by mechanical injuries of the reproductive organs. But often those ladies who seek to enhance sexual sensations during sexual intercourse turn to private clinics for such help. At one time, the beautiful representatives of the weaker sex get rid of the defect, and also receive a correction in the ability to perceive arousal.
Operational classification
There are several options for increasing the problem area, which differ in duration and indications. The decision on which version is ideal for each particular victim is made by the attending gynecologist. To do this, he uses data from the patient’s medical record, her genetic predisposition, as well as the results of clinical testing.
The collected information will help determine which of the manipulations will be the most productive. It can be an intimate filling, lipofilling or liposuction.
The doctor always chooses the option that will be the most effective and less traumatic at the same time. This is especially true in situations where it is possible to avoid incision of delicate tissues in the area of the reproductive system. Contraindications and possible side effects are taken into account separately.
The easiest to use is intimate filling, which is an injection of hyaluronic acid. This component has become a frequent companion of various cosmetic products. It is used for lip augmentation, as well as for aesthetic procedures with the face. The method carries:
- minimal risk of an allergic reaction;
- security;
- excellent biocompatibility with human cells.
Patients also like that they do not have to stay in the inpatient department of the hospital for several days after plastic surgery. Instead, after coming out of anesthesia, it is enough to be under observation for several hours, and if successful, immediately go home.
The initial effect lasts approximately one year. During this time, the girl will be able to understand how much the change will help her, and whether it will be necessary to repeat the manipulation in the future.
The increase occurs with a minimal risk of injury, which became possible due to the development of a special biopolymer gel, which included hyaluronic acid. The introduction takes place with blunt-ended sterile cannulas along with the gel.
The advantage of the acid is accelerated cleavage. Due to such an unusual property, the gel can be gently delivered to the deep tissue layer of the lip, while completely avoiding the risk of getting into the blood vessels. The result is designed to please not only aesthetics, but also functionality. The labia will fulfill the protective duties assigned to them in the way that is inherent in them by nature.
When a doctor suggests using lipofilling, he means collecting fat from the body of the victim herself in order to move it to the labia. Everything is done using a special tool kit that allows you to successfully capture the right amount of fat from the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.
Liposuction is performed on a slightly similar principle, which is also in demand among patients. In any case, the correction should be carried out under anesthesia control. The format of anesthesia remains dependent on the chosen method of correcting the deficiency. But even local anesthesia should be performed after a preliminary allergic test. Such thoroughness at the preparation stage will level the risks of developing an allergic reaction or intolerance to the components of the drug.
In total, plastic surgery lasts about 50 minutes, which includes the phase of anesthesia. Here it is extremely important to make an appointment on a specific day of the calendar cycle – four days before the start of menstruation.
It is important not to ignore the doctor’s advice to take a series of tests, as their results help to identify latent contraindications such as latent inflammatory processes. In this situation, you will first have to undergo a course of therapy directed against an infectious lesion, and only then deal with an increase in the labia.
Relative and absolute contraindications
An oncological neoplasm of a benign or malignant nature is not the only existing contraindication for intervention. The doctor will not perform the operation if the patient has the following diseases or pathological conditions:
- general infectious infection;
- severe chronic diseases;
- skin diseases like eczema or psoriasis, regularly recurring;
- allergic reaction;
- increased risk of serious bleeding, which is common in people with problems in the hematopoietic system.
Separately, situations are considered when women struggle with inflammation of the reproductive system. It is not at all necessary that it be a classic colpitis. It may be bartholinitis, vulvitis, herpetic rash.
In addition to the absolute contraindications described above, there is a group of relative prohibitions. This means that the contraindication can be removed as soon as favorable conditions come for this. The list covers:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- genital herpes at the acute stage of the course of the disease;
- drug therapy that adversely affected the state of the blood.
Possible barriers to manipulation should be identified at an early stage of the preparatory phase.
Postoperative Tips
The exact terms of the rehabilitation period will not be announced by any doctor, since everything depends on the type of procedure and the individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore, it is so important here to listen to the medical recommendations received from your treating specialist.
In order for the recovery to be faster and less painful, experts insist on taking concomitant medications. Their name, dosage and schedule of admission must be prescribed by the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to change even the order of taking the pills.
Since usually the correction of the labia does not require a long stay in the hospital, the woman is allowed to go home on the same day at her own responsibility. This means that the patient will have to carefully monitor personal intimate hygiene, without stopping drinking prescribed pills.
If the fair sex is already taking some narrow-profile medicines to stabilize her health due to a chronic illness, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this in advance. Not all prescribed medications can work well together.
It is worth preparing for the fact that in the next few days the well-being of the operated lady may turn out to be far from ideal due to:
- swelling;
- spotting;
- soreness in the delicate area.
In order not to aggravate the clinical picture, as well as to promote speedy healing, you need to follow simple rules. We are talking about the refusal to visit the solarium, the use of alcoholic beverages, tight, squeezing underwear, active physical activity.
You also need to take care to protect yourself from possible hypothermia of the whole organism.
Typical and atypical complications
If tissue swelling and soreness in the perineum are the norm for the recovery period, then the continuation of such symptoms for more than a few days is an alarm signal. If you find these signs of malaise on the third or fourth day after the operation, you should immediately seek qualified help.
Quite normal is a small hematoma in the operated area, which should completely disappear in a couple of weeks. All this time you will need to refrain from any sexual contact.
The exact period of abstinence will be announced by the gynecologist during a preventive examination scheduled approximately 20 days after the date of the plastic surgery.