
Ailments related to the prostate keep many men awake at night. Although they are usually underestimated and those interested learn about problems in this area in the advanced stage of the disease. Diagnoses often indicate prostate cancer, bacterial prostatitis, prostatitis. Regardless of the medical opinion, it is always associated with unpleasant ailments – pain, difficulty urinating. What can cause an enlarged prostate? How to effectively recognize the symptoms of the disease? How to deal with the disease?
Prostate enlargement – an alarming health signal for men
What is a prostate anyway? Well, it is the prostate gland in men, which undergoes various changes as a result of hormonal changes determined by the aging process. So what does an enlarged prostate, otherwise known as prostate adenoma, mean? Usually, this process is activated after the age of 45, the prostate begins to enlarge and tighten more tightly around the urethra, causing discomfort when urinating. The man has a feeling of discomfort due to the fact that the bladder is not completely emptied despite the great effort. Prostate enlargement proceeds slowly, which, when undergoing regular examinations, allows for early diagnosis of the problem and the use of appropriate preventive measures – taking synthetic and herbal drugs. In addition, it is also recommended to follow a diet that includes pumpkin seeds, garlic, etc.
Enlarged prostate – do not miss the disturbing symptoms!
Typically, an enlarged prostate raises the question of whether a man is dealing with a benign enlargement or a much more serious condition – the proliferation of cancerous cells. Prostate cancer can be caused by being overweight, eating excessive amounts of red meat, drinking alcohol or smoking. Very often, cancer is genetically determined – if someone in the immediate family suffered from prostate cancer, then other men in this family should take into account the fact that they are also more likely to struggle with this condition. In this case, it is necessary to examine men after the age of 40. In other situations, men should undergo regular examinations after the age of 50. In fact, any ailment or abnormality should be a direct motivation to visit a urologist. If the disease is already advanced, then there will be severe pain when urinating. Underestimating the problem can lead to urinary tract infection, kidney failure. A man should prompt a quick medical consultation by such factors as: frequent urination (also at night), feeling of constant pressure on the bladder, longer waiting for the bladder to start emptying, weak stream of urine, the feeling of incomplete emptying, the need to strain with great force to empty the bladder bladder.
Prostate treatment – the sooner the better!
It is very important to diagnose the problem of prostate hyperplasia as soon as possible, as this allows for immediate treatment. The simplest examination determining the disease in this respect is the rectal examination performed by a urologist. If such a test shows any abnormalities, then an abdominal ultrasound or, in justified cases, a biopsy of the prostate gland is additionally ordered. Benign prostatic hyperplasia can be treated with medication or surgery. In the case of milder disorders, it is enough to use drugs that reduce the volume of the adenoma and improve the flow of urine. When the hypertrophy stage is already large, urine in significant amounts remains in the bladder, causing frequent urinary tract infections, then surgical intervention is recommended. During the procedure, the doctor cuts out part of the gland to facilitate the flow of urine.