The market for cosmetics is growing every day, manufacturers provide a huge abundance of drugs that promise to cope with enlarged pores once and for all. But is it? It will help to understand this issue in more detail. dermatologist, cosmetologist of the TsIDK clinic network Elena Yukhimenko.
Causes of the appearance of enlarged pores on the face
Enlarged pores on the face are one of the common problems in the fight for beautiful skin. Our skin consists of thousands of tiny holes or pores in other words, through which it breathes, removes metabolic products in the form of sweat, accumulates useful substances, and also produces other equally important functional processes. Normally, pores are not visible to the human eye, but under adverse conditions, they can not only spoil the appearance of the face, but serve as a comfortable environment for the formation of blackheads, acne, etc. The reasons for their appearance on the face can be a variety of problems inherent in human physiology , and be a consequence of the reflection of external environmental factors.
Physiological factors
External Factors
Treatment of enlarged pores on the face
If enlarged pores are the result of improper care and a reflection of adverse environmental factors, then they can be minimized with careful skin care. At home, the treatment of enlarged pores does not constitute a complex system, but only a consistent skin care routine, with which you can reduce the size of the pores and maintain this effect.
Cleansing. The key to minimizing enlarged pores is clear skin. Cleansing of the skin of the face should occur twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. For the morning, use a special cleansing gel, which may contain astringent components: salicylic acid, cucumber or lemon juice, kaolin clay, anti-inflammatory plant extracts, etc. These ingredients will get rid of dead cells, have a preventive and soothing effect on existing inflammation. At the same time, do not abuse scrubs, peels and cleansing masks – such exfoliating products will be needed in care only a couple of times a week.
Toning. Use toners on a daily basis, they will help remove the remaining impurities and traces of the cleanser, which is very important if you are prone to enlarged pores. You can choose a tonic marked “to narrow the pores”, and for an express refreshment of the skin, you can resort to moisturizing mists without alcohol in the composition.
Moisturizing. Regardless of skin type, skipping the moisturizing step is not logical. For oily skin, a moisturizer is just as essential as for dry skin. It restores the hydro-lipid barrier, protects the skin during the day. For dehydrated and problematic skin, products with hyaluronic and glycolic acid in the composition are suitable. These products will provide immediate exfoliation and moisturizing effect.
Masks. For skin with enlarged pores, masks that cleanse and narrow the pores are suitable. As a rule, they are based on mineral clay, which has excellent adsorbing properties. At the same time, clay not only draws out impurities from the pores, but also dries up inflammation. It is necessary to use such masks for skin with enlarged pores no more than 2-3 times a week.
Easy make-up. This condition is rather not a method of treatment, but a strong recommendation, which will positively affect the size of the pores. The choice of decorative cosmetics should be meticulous and choose products with a non-comedogenic composition and SPF factor, that is, the foundation should have a light texture, do not contain alcohols and emulsifiers (lanolin, cetyl acetate, myristyl myristate, isopropyl linoleate, lauric acid).
If the problem is internal or conventional cosmetics do not give the desired effect, seek help from a specialist. If you follow his recommendations, this problem will be solved much faster. You may need a special diet, cosmetic preparations and care.
Like the entire surface of the epidermis, the mouth of the pore is lined with squamous epithelial cells. In the absence of exfoliation, the skin thickens, so the pores cannot close. As a result, clogged pores can turn into acne. Do not squeeze out blackheads yourself – this way you will only help increase the size of your pores. Instead, it is better to visit a beautician once a month for a comprehensive facial cleansing.
It will not be possible to solve the problem of enlarged pores forever – most often this feature depends on genetic characteristics. But to visually make the pores less noticeable is subject to modern methods of cosmetology and beauty products. Before signing up for a certain procedure, consult a cosmetologist about the condition of your skin, perhaps during the consultation individual contraindications or restrictions will be revealed.
In modern cosmetology, various methods for eliminating enlarged pores are presented. The selection of the procedure is based on factors such as: the age of the patient, skin type, the presence of individual characteristics.
Hardware techniques and procedures that can be offered in the salon for the treatment of enlarged pores:
Prevention of the appearance of enlarged pores on the face at home
Prevention of enlarged pores is the constant control of the care of your facial skin. Choose care products that have a tightening effect, thanks to which the skin will retain its well-groomed appearance for as long as possible. The following recommendations are permanent in keeping pores clean and achieving the most effective result at home:
Popular questions and answers
What determines the expansion of the pores?
The third and no less important reason is flabbiness and aging of the skin, when it loses its former elasticity and tone, respectively, along with it, the pores are stretched. Here you need to remember not only about chronoaging (natural aging), but also about premature skin aging (photoaging) associated with the abuse of insolation (sunburn), which can become the fourth cause of enlarged pores. The fifth reason is a hereditary factor, often if the immediate family has these skin changes, a similar problem can be expected. You also need to remember that enlarged pores can be the result of a chronic inflammatory process, such as acne, and be a clinical manifestation of an already previously transferred disease – post-acne.
Is it possible to narrow the pores on the face?
How to take care of skin with enlarged pores?
When should you contact a beautician?
If home care does not help, the pores still remain enlarged, and the skin of the face remains contaminated because of this, then for the most effective fight against enlarged pores, it is recommended to contact the clinic of aesthetic cosmetology, where the therapeutic approach is most often used, which normalizes the work of sebaceous glands, restores the proliferation (division) of epidermal (skin) cells, remodels and smoothes the skin surface. For this, a number of devices are used, such as:
The correct method of treatment, the course and the necessary apparatus, suitable for the patient’s problem, can only be selected by a doctor, after consultation and a thorough examination.