Enjoy the typical gastronomy of Galicia
One of the reasons why Galicia is known is for its gastronomy.
Everyone knows that, if you go to Galicia, you must eat seafood, since the best comes from its waters.
To go on a gastronomic trip through Galicia you have to step on all its territories, since each of its provinces offers different flavors.
In the Rías Baixas you can enjoy the best mussels and clams and if you move to La Coruña or Lugo you must try the wonderful Arzúa-Ulloa cheese. The best thing is to look for Expedia travel deals so as not to spend excessively on the trip and if on the typical Galician food.
The best dishes of Galician cuisine
- As its name implies, Galician octopus (octopus to feira for Galicians) it is the most representative dish of the community. The most complicated thing about this dish is cooking the octopus, since only the best pulpeiras they know how to do it in the optimal way so that the octopus comes out just right. Once cooked, it is cut, it is prepared together with pieces of cooked potatoes (cachelos) and garnished with olive oil and paprika.
- Another of the best known dishes is pork with turnip greens. In this case, the pork shoulder is cooked with sausages. onions, potatoes and the famous turnip greens that represent Galician cuisine. Turnip greens are the tender stems that appear before the turnip blooms. This dish is typical to eat in the Carnival period.
- One of the products that sounds the most in Spain and comes from Galician cuisine are Padrón peppers. And as the popular saying goes: “Padrón peppers, some are hot and others are not.” Generally, those peppers that carry the least amount of water are the ones that sting the most. Trying this type of pepper is a lottery, since you can get a hot one or not.
- El Arzúa-Ulloa cheese accepts different variants within the appellation of origin. The most famous is the tetilla cheese, which is made in the Arzúa region. Its name is due to the peculiar shape of the mold in which it is made.
- If you are sweet, you cannot leave Galicia without trying its traditional Santiago cake. A dessert made with three main ingredients: almonds, eggs and sugar. It is characterized by being a flourless almond cake. When it is already baked, icing sugar is sprinkled on top and with a template the drawing of the Cross of Santiago is left on top.
- Finally, the most daring are sure to try the popular queimada. It consists of mixing in a clay container white brandy, sugar, lemon peel and coffee beans. The mixture is set on fire and stirred slowly so that the sugar burns. Traditionally in Galicia, while it is stirred, the famous Spell.