
When we experience loss or misfortune, it seems that there is nothing left in life but longing and suffering. Coach Martha Bodyfelt shares an exercise to bring joy back to life.

After the loss of a loved one, divorce, dismissal, or other misfortunes, we often stop caring for ourselves and enjoying life — and it’s at such moments that we need it most.

We need to change, gain independence again and decide what we want in a new stage of life, and we do not always have the strength to do this. Often we forget about the good that awaits us in the future.

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed, stressed out, and emotionally unstable that we stop noticing the positive altogether. But when you’re trying to get over a bereavement, the best gift you can give yourself is to learn to enjoy life again. It’s easy to do, just ask yourself:

Is there something beautiful in your life that you have stopped noticing?

Many believe that it is worth celebrating and rejoicing only about some major events. But why do we forget about the “small” victories that we win every day?

We don’t value our own accomplishments enough. Every day that we take control of our lives, learn to be better with money, and prepare to return to work, as we become a little stronger, gain confidence, and learn to take better care of ourselves and value ourselves more, every day like this is a reason to celebrate.

So what is there to be happy about? Here are a couple of examples from my life.

  • I’m glad that unhealthy relationships are in the past
  • I’m glad I’m resilient. Once I managed to survive all this, I’m not afraid of anything in my life.

To heal the wounds and find the strength to move on, it is important to learn to rejoice again. This is both the easiest and most important step on the road to recovery.

What can no one ever take away from me?

By answering the question, you will understand what reasons for joy can be found in everyday life. The answer is easier than it seems. Here, for example, is what I answered during the divorce period. That no one can take away from me:

  • Spring weather
  • Clean sheets smelling like fabric softener
  • Hot salt bath before bed
  • My dog ​​who loves to play and fool around
  • Homemade olive oil pie after dinner

Do this exercise tonight

I prefer to make a list before going to bed when I have finished all the evening’s business, but I have a few minutes before my eyes start to close. It really doesn’t matter when you do it, but I like it in the evening — so I can leave all the troubles of the day behind and enjoy all the good things that happened today.

Make it easy for yourself

On the nightstand next to the alarm clock, I keep a pen and notepad. When I get ready for bed, they catch my eye. Notepad can be used in the most ordinary way — some people prefer fancy names like «Gratitude Diary», I just call it «a channel of communication with joy».

This simple habit can change the way you see the world.

There is no point in doing the exercise once. To feel the results, it must be done regularly so that it becomes a habit. Some studies show that it takes 21 days to form a habit, but after three days you will notice how your outlook on life changes.

You may notice certain patterns — some reasons for gratitude will regularly appear in the notebook. This is not an accident. These aspects of life bring you real joy, and they should be welcomed as much as possible. When you are angry or lonely, they can bring back balance and remind you that you are in control of your life, that you are a strong person and that, no matter what you have been through, you can regain your full life and happiness.

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