English diet: duration, features, shopping list, detailed menu. English diet for 7, 14 and 21 days.

Choosing the best diet, losing weight dream of losing weight in English, without a long goodbye. And he never returned! Perhaps that is why the popular weight loss plan is called the English diet, although neither oatmeal, nor baked beans, nor even more pudding can be found on its menu.

English diet: duration, features, shopping list, detailed menu. English diet for 7, 14 and 21 days.

If you firmly decided that only the longest variety of the English diet – 21 days – will help you, try to imagine that you are a British aristocrat, whose glorious family is experiencing temporary financial difficulties, which should be endured with dignity and a smile.

Diet “English”

Duration: 7, 14 or 21 days;

Features: alternation of several menus according to the principle “2 through 2”;

Cost: comparable to normal food costs, diet does not require special costs;

Cons: dietary restrictions, strict rules, hunger days;

Result: from minus 8 kg with a duration of 21 days;

Recommended frequency: no more than once a year;

Additional effect: the habit of eating less and less often;

Not suitable: pregnant women, lactating women, suffering from diseases of the kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor!

English diet etiquette

It is possible that the English diet is named because of the strictness of its rules – however, this is a feature of any rigid diet. With the help of many ceremonies, the popular “popular” half-starved weight loss plans compensate for the acute lack of science and common sense. We never tire of repeating that strict diets, especially anonymous ones spread by word of mouth, are an extreme measure for weight loss, which should not be abused in any case. Such weight loss is fraught not only with a quick return of the kilos lost with such suffering, but also with the fact that with each next time it will be more difficult to lose weight, since “loose” fat cells become denser, and fat in annoying problem areas on the legs, hips, abdomen – tighter. In addition, not all of us are able to adequately endure the constant feeling of hunger.

However, if you have weighed all the pros and cons and decided that the “English” diet is still necessary for you, here are its rules:

  • the diet begins with fasting days, also called hungry days;

  • during its course, vegetable and protein (fish and meat) days alternate (according to the 2 × 2 scheme);

  • on any day, it is important to drink at least two liters of plain non-carbonated water;

  • every morning starts with a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon, every evening ends with a tablespoon of olive oil;

  • if the amount of the product is not specifically defined in the diet plan, this means that it can be consumed without clear restrictions;

  • in cooking, you should abandon frying, choosing healthier methods of heat treatment: using a double boiler, grill, oven (no fat and oil!);

  • the entire period of following the English diet (regardless of which version you choose – for 7, 14 or 21 days), you must take multivitamins;

  • from fruits, grapes and bananas are prohibited, from vegetables – potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips;

  • the last meal of the day on the “English” diet – 19:00;

  • the diet also ends with one fasting day; in the presence of determination, strength and desire, it can be carried out every seventh day of the diet, subsequently returning to the scheme “2 protein – 2 vegetable days”.

Bring your shopping list with you

You don’t have to go to London Borough Market: all the products for the English diet are inexpensive and there is a store near you!

Beverages: low-fat milk, tea, ground coffee, high-quality bottled still water

Vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, crucifers (broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage), asparagus, zucchini, seasonal delicacies, plants, lettuce, fresh herbs

Fruit: apples, oranges, lemons

Products of animal origin: boneless beef pulp (lean parts, peeled from films), sea fish fillet, natural fresh or fresh frozen

Rest: whole grain, rye, buckwheat or oat bread (if possible on yeast-free sourdough), honey, butter, extra virgin olive oil

English diet: basic menu

Unloading (days 1-2). The goal is to reduce the volume of the stomach

Breakfast: 200 ml of low-fat milk, a small slice of bread (not wheat and without additives such as seeds, nuts, about 30 grams, as the table’s norm). Dry the bread in a toaster or frying pan without oil

Lunch: 200 ml low-fat milk

Dinner: same as breakfast

Before bed: 200 ml tomato juice without additives and salt

Protein menu (days 3-4). The goal is to replenish protein reserves lost during unloading

Breakfast: a cup of coffee with milk, but no sugar, a slice of non-wheat bread with ½ tsp. butter and the same amount of honey

Snack (in case of severe hunger): a glass of kefir or tea without sugar

Lunch: a plate of fish or meat broth (for fish – the second, for meat – the third broth, carefully strained), 150 grams of meat or fish, 2 tablespoons of any vegetables except potatoes (optimally – beans, which should be boiled in advance or freshly frozen green peas)

Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat milk or tea with half a spoonful of honey

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 50 grams of hard cheese (or an equivalent amount of boiled meat, fish or a glass of kefir), a slice of non-wheat dried bread.

Vegetable menu (days 5-6). The goal is to saturate the body with fiber, which helps to cleanse the intestines

Breakfast: 2 oranges or 2 apples

Lunch: a plate of vegetable soup, a portion of stewed vegetables or vinaigrette (all dishes without potatoes, one of your choice is dressed with a tablespoon of olive oil). If you feel very hungry, you can add a small piece of non-wheat bread

Afternoon snack: 2 fruits

Dinner: salad of raw vegetables, in case of hunger – a glass of tea with half a teaspoon of honey.

Varieties of the English diet: while you have enough strength …

There are several popular options for this weight loss plan: in addition to the basic English diet for 7 days, you can choose an English diet for 14 days, and for the most decisive, there is an English diet for 21 days. The menu of days and the principles of alternation remain unchanged, but to create the illusion of variety, you can start the cycle with a vegetable “entry”.

The “English” diet can boast of rather mixed reviews. For some, this diet turns out to be incredibly exhausting, someone, on the contrary, claims that there is too much food and the feeling of satiety becomes a faithful companion for the entire period of weight loss.

Be that as it may, such a diet, which involves significant restrictions, should be approached with all caution and not plan slimming events for critical periods of exams, reporting periods at work, weeks of active summer cottage activities. Combining the English diet with sports training is also highly discouraged – you should not test the strength of the body, already puzzled by stress, a faithful companion of rigid diets.


Poll: What do you personally lack in the English diet?

  • Cereals and cereals.

  • Nuts, seeds, dried fruits.

  • Eggs and poultry meat.

  • Enough of everything, great diet!

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