English bulldog
A true gentleman in the body of a dog – such is the English Bulldog, an ancient breed that has lost its fighting qualities, but retained a strong character and deep devotion to the owner.
Name of the breedenglish bulldog dog
Country of originEngland
The time of the birth of the breedXIX century
A typeCompanion dog, guard dog
The weightMales – 25 kg, females – 23 kg
Height (height at the withers)Females – 50 – 53 cm, males – 50 – 55 cm
Lifespan8 – 10 years
Price of puppiesFrom 30 000 rubles
Most popular nicknamesJerry, Rose, Joker, King, Winston, Tiger, Maggie, Eaton, Agatha, Diana

History of origin

The English Bulldog is perhaps one of the most bizarre creatures in the canine world. Their modern unusual appearance, which is able to conquer at first sight or repel at first sight, is the result of human hands. There is nothing natural in the dogs of the English Bulldog breed, but this is what allowed them to not disappear from the face of the earth and become the national breed of England. And although the history of modern bulldogs goes back tens of centuries, their ancestors were very different from the current short-legged sniffling descendants. According to scientists, the progenitors of the English Bulldogs were Molossian dogs – an aboriginal breed that lived in the Mediterranean and became widespread on the islands of ancient Greece. Phoenician sailors brought Molossians to the British Isles, where they began to cross with local native breeds and received the name “mastiffs”, however, in England all large dogs were called mastiffs. By the beginning of the XNUMXth century, almost all English cities had special “bull-rings” – platforms where the public could watch the favorite folk pastime – bull-baiting by dogs. In this case, English mastiffs or bandogs, as they were also called, were indispensable. Powerful, ferocious, with a stranglehold, bold and stubborn, they tightly clung to the bull tied on a long chain, holding him and forcing him to give up the fight. By the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the dogs also had the modern name “bulldogs” – “bull dogs”.

A massive head, a powerful jaw with a bite made it possible to firmly grab the bull, the flattened nose allowed the dog to breathe while it was hanging on the animal, the blood of the bull flowed down the sides of the muzzle without flooding the eyes – the whole appearance and structure of the bulldogs were subordinated to victory in battle. Brutal bull-baiting was a traditional pastime in England until a law was passed in 1835 banning the bloody spectacle. And the bulldogs became useless – it was expensive to maintain and train large dogs, because they ceased to generate income. Some of the bulldogs were sent to the British colonies, where the law against bull-baiting was not so severe, the USA became interested in bulldogs, where they took a large number of dogs, and bulldogs began to degenerate in England.

Fortunately, several enthusiasts and lovers of the breed set a goal to preserve the national treasure, but for this the dogs had to be “remade” – they turned from an aggressive fighting breed of bulldogs into a “true gentleman’s friend”. Breeders cultivated in the English Bulldog good nature and patience, some phlegm, while maintaining courage and readiness to protect the owner. As a result of selection, bulldogs have lost their original qualities of fighting and pickling dogs, turning into a decorative breed that feels great in urban environments. English Bulldogs can be called a work of art, a creation in which respectability is ideally combined with self-esteem and phlegmatic goodwill. In 1864, the first Bulldog Club was created in England, which developed the breed standards for modern English Bulldogs. With some changes, they were also adopted by the International Cynological Federation. In Our Country, the first bulldogs appeared before the October Revolution, they were used for hunting or as companion dogs. But by the mid-1920s, there were no bulldogs left in the Soviet country – they were considered class alien, bourgeois dogs. They began to be imported again only in the 80s of the last century, and in the 2000s the fashion for bulldogs reached its peak. breeders are excellent at breeding, our bulldogs often win prizes at international exhibitions, and -bred puppies are popular all over the world.

Breed description

The English Bulldog is a stocky, powerful and compact dog of short stature. The head is massive, but proportional to the body, proportional – the circumference of the head is approximately equal to the height of the dog. The neck is powerful, thick, strong, the line of the nape is noticeably curved. The muzzle is wide, short, raised up. The jaws are very massive, wide, the lower jaw is significantly pushed forward with a pronounced undershot bite. The wings were pendulous, dense, covering the lower jaw on both sides. The nose is wide, depressed, small, black in color, the nostrils are wide. The eyes are small, set wide and low – at the maximum distance from the ears, the color of the eyes should be as dark as possible. The ears are set wide apart, small, thin, hanging on the cartilage. Withers below the back. The back is powerful, wide in the chest and tapering towards the pelvis, arched like a wheel. The chest is very wide, powerful, with rounded ribs, lowered in front below the elbows. The forelimbs with strong bones are widely spaced, very muscular, straight, shorter in length than the hind limbs, the paws of the forelimbs are arched, slightly turned outward with thick fingers.

The hind limbs are slightly higher than the forelimbs, strong, muscular, hocks are moderately close together. The tail is short, straight or corkscrew-shaped, tapering towards the end, and should be set low. The head and muzzle are in deep folds, from the lower jaw to the chest, two symmetrical folds form a dewlap. The coat is short, straight, close-lying, soft to the touch. The color of English bulldogs can be of three types: solid – red, fawn, white or brownish yellow; motley – brindle or red with white; Smoot is a solid color with a dark muzzle or dark mask.



English Bulldogs successfully hide their good-natured and gentle nature behind a rather threatening appearance.

– English Bulldogs are ideal companions for families with children, for calm couples and for single people, – says Natalya Pchelnikova, owner of the English Bulldog kennel “Stone Forest”. – English Bulldogs belong to the group of Molossian dogs with a balanced and firm character – these are their main qualities. Male English Bulldogs are more serious, sometimes even stubborn, females are softer, but all English Bulldogs are ideal companions. You can keep quiet with them, calmly go to the store, sort out purchases – the bulldog will even tell you where it is better to put it. They are very loyal and kind friends. These are smart, thinking dogs, clearly understanding what they like, watching the owners, making their own conclusions. I would say that among all dogs, English bulldogs are most suitable for the definition of “gentleman”.

Aggressive English Bulldogs are a rarity, such dogs can even be called “defective”.

“English Bulldogs adore children, play with them with pleasure, run, participate in any fun fuss and will never offend a child,” says Natalya Pchelnikova. – Their amazing facial expressions, funny antics will be a source of joy for the whole family. English Bulldogs are very friendly with other pets. In general, the English bulldog writes down everyone who lives in his house in his “pack”, which he dearly loves, protects, misses, if he is left alone for a long time.

Care and maintenance

As a result of long breeding work, the anatomical structure of the English Bulldogs has undergone significant changes, and modern dogs are largely dependent on their owners, and therefore require attention and care. They cannot even scratch certain places without the loving hands of the owner, but they respond to any kindness with sincere gratitude.

“Proper feeding is the basis of the well-being of the English Bulldog,” explains Natalya Pchelnikova. – If you decide that the English bulldog will become your pet, then in the nursery you should ask the breeder in detail how the puppy was fed, what diet the dog should have at different periods of life and strictly adhere to it. It can be industrial food or natural food, but all of them must be balanced and gentle for the bulldog’s pancreas – problems with the pancreas in dogs of this breed are quite common, so this organ should never be overloaded with fatty foods.

Serious physical activity is contraindicated for English Bulldogs, so owners who are fond of outdoor activities – jogging, cycling, skiing – these dogs will not work. For a bulldog, leisurely walks twice a day are enough, and if you want to keep the dog in excellent physical shape, then 3 kilometers at a fast pace on a leash will be quite enough for the bulldog’s muscles to be in good shape and there are no hints of excess weight left.

“English bulldogs grind their nails while walking on hard surfaces, but if the dog walks more often on grass or soft ground, they need to be trimmed with a nail cutter,” says Natalia Pchelnikova. – From stress or unusual circumstances, for example, the first trip by car, English bulldogs can “shed” their hair, you need to be prepared for this and understand that the dog did not get sick, but thus reacted to an unusual or unnerving situation. A silicone or clothes brush is enough to scratch the dog’s fur, thereby improving the blood circulation of the pet’s skin, the owner can do this when he sees fit, the short coat of dogs does not require special care. I am not a fan of frequent bathing of dogs – shampoos wash off the protective sebaceous layer of the skin, opening the pores, which are easier to get infections. If the dog is dirty, it is better to bathe it in clean water without detergents. I always advise you to have clean tissues on hand to wipe the dog’s face, because English Bulldogs are prone to drooling profusely.

Education and training

English Bulldogs have high intelligence, excellent trainability, but some phlegm and stubbornness make raising these dogs not an easy task.

“The English Bulldog listens, looks, notices everything that the owner does, instantly understands that he is interested, what he likes – this is a very brainy dog,” says Natalia Pchelnikova. – First of all, he remembers what is pleasant and likes him, his beloved, and begins to achieve this, whether the owner agrees or not. Therefore, the training and education of English Bulldogs is not an easy task. Breaking their stubborn nature by force or punishment is a very bad idea. In no case should these dogs be punished, they do not understand why, they are terribly offended and may not come up for a whole day, hide and sulk at the owner. The only right way is kindness. Any activity should be based on what is pleasant for the dog. You need to understand what your bulldog likes the most: food, play or praise. And on this build training. Fulfilled the command – received a treat, kind words, stroking. So gradually and gently, English bulldogs perfectly learn all the rules of behavior and the necessary commands. The main thing is patience and love.

Health and disease

English Bulldogs cannot be called the healthiest breed of dog, but with proper maintenance and care, timely vaccination and treatment for parasites, they feel great and do not cause problems to owners. You just need to follow certain rules.

– One of the most common problems of English bulldogs is allergies, which dogs suffer from due to improperly selected food. These problems are easily eliminated, but often the owners, instead of balancing the pet’s diet, start running with them to veterinary clinics, exposing the dogs to unnecessary procedures and creating additional stress for them, says Natalya Pchelnikova. – And just need to make sure that the dog does not overload the pancreas with fatty and smoked foods, gets enough vitamins and minerals. The folds of his skin can tell a lot about the health of the English Bulldog, so the owners need to pay special attention to them. Skin folds can get wet for three reasons: from improperly selected food, from allergies, if these are folds near the eyes, then an eye disease may be to blame. If you find that the folds are getting wet, then you should immediately consult with the breeder from whom you purchased the dog, or with a veterinarian.

English Bulldogs do not react well to extreme heat or extreme cold, so you should not walk the dog on such days. Due to a cold or overheating, English Bulldogs begin to breathe a lot and often due to the structure of their short muzzle. From this, the upper palate can sag and fall into the throat and the dog will have to be urgently rescued. For the same reason, serious physical exertion is not recommended for English Bulldogs – prolonged fast and frequent breathing is dangerous for dogs of this breed.

– To everyone who takes English Bulldog bitches as pets, I recommend that they be sterilized, – advises Natalya Pchelnikova. – It is very difficult for English Bulldogs to give birth on their own, after the first puppy, labor activity can stop, problems with frequent breathing in dogs do not contribute to successful resolution, so representatives of this breed give birth by caesarean section. If you are not going to become an English Bulldog breeder, your dog and you do not need such problems.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about keeping bulldogs with cynologist, author of a book on dog education Irina Makarenkova.

How long does it take to walk an English Bulldog?

The English Bulldog can be described as a calm, confident breed. But this does not mean that walks with her take 15 minutes, no, 1,5 – 2 hours a day the dog should be outside the house. Just like a dog of any other breed, a bulldog must receive information from the world and do his usual dog business.

Can an English Bulldog get along with a cat?

It is better if the cat is already an adult, and you take a puppy to her. If this is not possible, then it is better to wait until the dog grows up, and then take a kitten. Growing up, bulldogs play actively, and since they have a stubborn character, it will not be easy for a young dog to explain that this is your cat and you can’t touch it. In adulthood, these dogs are calm and you will not surprise them with any cat.

How do English Bulldogs react to other dogs?

Calmly. If the dog is not interested in him (for example, a bitch in estrus, or a dog who, on the contrary, is eager to get to know him), most likely he will pass by without paying any attention.

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