Energy Yoga workouts

Energy-Yoga (Energy Yoga) is a complex of wellness techniques that improve not only the body, but positively on the health of the body as a whole.

Difficulty level: For beginners

According to ancient Eastern wisdom, there are several layers of our being. These different levels include the following bodies: the physical; energy; mental; intellectual; spiritual; emotional. Energy-Yoga (Energy Yoga) is a complex of wellness techniques that improve not only the body, but positively on the health of the body as a whole.

Why do Energy Yoga? 

All yoga traditions talk about energy channels. These paths are a complex system in the body through which energy moves. A person has 72000 channels that move energy in the body. Energy, like water, must move to stay fresh. Otherwise, a stagnant “swamp” arises – the cause of fatigue, depression, weakened immunity, etc. To prevent this from happening, energy yoga is practiced.

The first thing to understand is the importance of proper breathing. Deep, slow and controlled breathing provides a constant supply of oxygen. This is facilitated by yogic breathing exercises, which are called pranayama, which means “control over prana.” Also Read: Yoga Workouts For Beginners

Where to start training

Prana is the subtle energy that sustains human life. The grossest manifestation of prana in the human body is the movement of the lungs, its most subtle expression is thought. Thus, breath and thought are interconnected.

  • Important: rapid breathing hinders clear thinking, while slow, deep breathing promotes it. When a person consciously regulates the breathing process, he can accumulate prana. People with a large amount of prana significantly improve their energy. Physical exercises in certain postures (asanas) control the movement of prana.
  • Important: if the energy moves randomly through the body, this does not allow a person to use it correctly. Therefore, the control of prana is needed through the practice of asanas, which must be performed regularly.

Top XNUMX reasons to start Energy-Yoga training

  1. Energy yoga exercises benefit not only the outer physical body, but also the internal organs and glands, as well as the subtle body.
  2. Energy-Yoga works to clear and unblock the chakras (psycho-energetic centers). There are many simple yogic practices that are easy to do to balance our energy body. All of them include asanas and pranayama, that is, they contain elements of energy yoga.
  3. Practices in Energy-Yoga are also good because they affect the entire physical-psycho-spiritual system, helping to create the basis of spiritual elevation. This system of training promotes the purification of the subtle nerve channels in preparation for the attainment of the higher states of yoga.

Basic Energy Yoga Exercises

Below is a description of some of the most common asanas in energy yoga, providing maximum control of the physical state of the body and prana flows. Also Read: Stretch Workouts

Tadasana (mountain pose)

This pose is also called the rotating triangle pose. The asana helps to tone the legs, abdomen, and hips, and also energizes the system while grounding the mind.

  1. Tadasana is performed while standing, with legs apart and arms initially lying at the seams.
  2. With a deep breath, lift the body on toes, and hands up.
  3. On the exhale, you need to lower both.

Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

The asana calms the sympathetic nervous system and brings peace of mind. It also improves posture by straightening the spine. Some athletes practice the “cobra pose” after running as it cools the legs.

  • To perform bhujangasana, you need to lie on your stomach. The toes lie on the floor, the soles are directed upwards, while it is necessary to rest the forehead on the ground.
  • Legs together, feet and heels lightly touching each other.
  • Both hands should be positioned so that the palms are in contact with the ground under the shoulders, the elbows should be parallel to each other and close to the body.
  • Taking a deep breath, slowly raise your head, chest and stomach. Keep your belly button on the floor.
  • Pull your torso back and lift yourself off the floor, leaning on your hands. Make sure you apply equal pressure to both palms.
  • Continue breathing evenly, arching your spine, vertebra by vertebra. If possible, straighten your arms, arching your back as much as possible; tilt your head back and look up
  • Maintain the posture while breathing evenly for 4-5 breaths.
  • Exhale, gently lower your belly, chest and head to the floor and relax.
  • Asana must be repeated 4-5 times.

Marjariasana (cat pose)

Marjariasana allows you to stretch the spine and make it more flexible. This asana is combined with the eccentric and concentric movement of the spine, which ensures the correct circulation of energy in the body.

  • Make sure your knees are directly under your hips and perpendicular to the ground. Wrists, elbows and shoulders should be in line but perpendicular to the floor.
  • The back and arms remain straight and parallel to the floor.
  • Now exhale as you move your spine up. While doing this, bend your neck to maintain a natural body position.
  • Make sure your knees and arms don’t move and stay in their original position.
  • Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds.
  • As you inhale, bring your body to its original position.
  • Do marjariasana 6-8 times a day.

Recommendations and contraindications Energy-Yoga

Energy-Yoga is necessary for people suffering from chronic fatigue, depression, weakened immune system. This health system is able to increase vitality and improve overall health.

“Contraindication” is a medical term often used in yoga to describe a physical condition that makes a particular asana undesirable. While Energy-Yoga is beneficial in general, not every posture is right for everyone. You should refrain from doing asanas if you have a back injury, heart problems, headaches, diarrhea, high or low blood pressure.

Energy yoga classes will be useful to anyone who wants to maintain their efficiency, peace of mind and body health for many years. Also Read: Air Stretch Workouts

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