Communication with such people is literally devastating. It is worth exchanging a couple of phrases with them — and the energy is at zero, there is no mood. People call them energy vampires. How, according to Taoist practitioners, does the system of energy exchange between people work and what can be done to not allow oneself to “eat”?
Taoist medicine and Qigong practices are based on the idea that a person has Qi energy. It includes the vital forces that keep all of our physical, emotional and spiritual functions working. And this resource can be treated in the same way as, for example, with money: save, waste. They can be multiplied or even completely lost.
To save energy in the tradition, there are qigong practices — in particular, the Sing Shen Juang exercise course, which eliminates all unnecessary tension in the body and relaxes. Then the energy that maintains this tension can be directed to other, more useful and pleasant things.
For additional resources, we have sources such as sleep and nutrition, as well as breathing practices — neigong or female Taoist practices, which supply an almost limitless supply of vitality to the body.
How can you lose energy in communication with other people?
True «vampires»
In the Taoist tradition, there is a legend about great masters who are trained in the ancient practice of «pulling» energy from any living being. They say that such people are able to “drink” life from a young healthy bull in a few minutes. They do this not because they have a lack of energy — just the opposite: “money to money”, and Qi to Qi. Therefore, in order to practice such techniques, one must have a very large reserve of strength.
Legends say that it is almost impossible to defend against such masters. Yes, usually it is not necessary: people with this skill, as a rule, receive the energy of animals or natural sources and direct it to heal people.
You can believe it or not. But the main thing: there are very, very few such specialists, and it is almost impossible to meet them on the street or in the circle of your friends. Other energy vampires — people who affect us negatively and take away part of our strength — are much less dangerous. And if you know how and why they do it, it is quite easy to resist them.
«Vampirism» due to neuroses
When a person loses the support of the personality — the inner core — this, as a rule, is associated with one or another neurotic state. A lot of specialized literature has been written about the diversity of neuroses. For example, a person may be demanding of himself and hate himself for weaknesses that he is not able to cope with. May have high expectations of others and fail to cope with the demands of society on himself.
We can partially apply each of these statements to ourselves, and for sure we will find certain “neurotic” echoes inside. However, if these disorders have qualitatively weakened, traumatized, or completely “demolished” the inner support, the person feels the need for additional energy in order to maintain emotional integrity.
With sniper accuracy, such people hit in the most painful places of the interlocutor. They themselves know how to lose their inner support, so they find the weak point of another person so accurately and confidently. And they fall in such a way that it deprives him of his strength.
In Chinese culture, it is believed that the greatest loss of energy occurs precisely through worry about this loss.
Interestingly, these «vampires» do not even feed on the energy received — it does not benefit them, does not restore their traumatized personality. For a short time, they «treat» their spiritual wound and it becomes easier for them, but in the background they constantly suffer due to the fact that they hurt others.
They know this feature behind them — the need to bring people to emotions. It’s hard for them to make friends. This is only possible if they lay down their weapons, and then their superpower — to see the interlocutor, at a glance — can turn them into excellent motivators.
How to protect yourself?
The external loss of energy upon contact with such a «vampire» is really small — it’s just an emotional bandwagon about which the «victim» stumbles. When meeting with such a person, you can derive for yourself an internal formula of resistance, for example, say mentally or out loud: “I have nothing to do with it, this has nothing to do with me.” This way of turning on awareness in a matter of seconds “takes” a person out of the situation, allows you to look at it from the side and not get emotionally involved.
People with insufficient energy
Usually vampires of this type are physically exhausted: for example, they do not feel well or have been seriously ill for a long time, or maybe they are just very old people. Communicating with them, we feel a sharp decline in strength and tend to think that it is they who “rob” us, “eat” our strength, health and youth. But if you remember how a weakened person actually eats, it becomes obvious: he eats very little, he does not even have the strength for this. Therefore, he is not able to take away a lot of energy from a friend or relative.
How to protect yourself?
Such a small energy loss can be compared with therapeutic bloodletting — it only promotes the flow in the energy structure of the donor. Therefore, knowing that you have to communicate with a weakened person, do not waste your strength on the fear of parting with energy. In this case, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to share — emotions, compassion, vitality. And you will not lose from such an energy donation, and a person will feel better for a while.
This is especially true when meeting with elderly parents: they need strength, they will not be able to “take away” much, and on your part this will be a noble and useful donation.
«Emotional Vampires»
Such people endlessly complain, while they do not need constructive help, they just have a thirst to pour out their experiences. If a person does not find an enthusiastic listener, his condition is rapidly deteriorating. These are people enslaved by the «inner vampire» — their insatiable essence again and again demands to «feed» it, and the person is forced to complain. But the more often he feeds the inner whiner, the stronger he becomes and demands more.
Only the sufferer himself can stop this process. For example, if he completely stops complaining and endures at least for a week. Without “feeding”, the inner essence will disappear, and the person will gain freedom, and also save those around him from his exhausting experiences.
How to protect yourself?
If possible, do not attach importance to contact with an emotional vampire. If there is no way to avoid such pitiful conversations, then it is necessary to learn to listen to what is called “in the ears, not in the brain” — that is, not to let all the described suffering pass through oneself.
And the most important rule of self-defense: in Chinese culture, it is believed that the greatest loss of energy occurs precisely when we are worried about this loss. If you reduce the importance of this factor in communication, then it will become much more environmentally friendly, and you will not lose energy.