Energy vampires: how to recognize and protect yourself

😉 Greetings to everyone who wandered into my site! Who are energy vampires: how to recognize and protect themselves? About this in the article.

Energy vampirism is not a myth of esotericists and not an invention of superstitious people. This is a scientifically proven fact, since it is based on a completely explainable psychological phenomenon. This phenomenon damages spiritual health and often leads to real family tragedies.

Who are energy vampires

An energy vampire is a person with weak vital energy, hidden complexes or psychological trauma. This status can be acquired, but most often people are born with it. Since ancient times, such a phenomenon has been popularly called the “evil eye”.

Some people, even without wanting to, can harm others with one glance. Why it happens?

Such people are forced to compensate for the lack of energy at the expense of other people. After dealing with psychological “parasites”, a person feels depressed and overwhelmed. His vigor and fortitude is depleted while the parasite receives the necessary nourishment.

Psychologists distinguish between sun and moon vampires

Solar vampires

They are eternal sacrifices, sufferers whom everyone should feel sorry for. They are constantly looking for “free” ears to cry about their bitter fate.

Instead of looking for a solution to their problems, or at least listening to useful advice, they do not stop sad monologues about how bad everything is and what injustice is everywhere. Their goal is to charge the listener with pessimism and sadness.

It is useless to help such people. They do not need real help, but only a “vest” in which they can cry and throw all the negativity.

Energy vampires: how to recognize and protect yourself

Moon vampires

They are aggressors and provocateurs. They try to look strong and domineering, but moral impotence is hidden under any aggression. Such people do their best to evoke bad emotions in those around them – resentment, resentment, irritation and despair.

They are the first to start a quarrel, bombard a person with non-constructive criticism. They do everything to bring it down to their own low-frequency spiritual level. It is almost impossible to defeat a vampire in a discussion, because he is not interested in where the truth is. His only goal is to drink all the spiritual power from his opponent.

How to recognize an energy vampire?

To notice the notes of vampirism in a person, you do not have to be an experienced psychologist. First of all, you need to listen to your well-being. The signs of this phenomenon are as follows:

A harsh and unpleasant look

His eyes will easily give him away. They always look haughty and unfriendly. Even when such a person smiles and pretends to be good, it is uncomfortable in his presence. I would like to quickly end the communication and run away.

Offensive behavior

Such a person will not sit and wait for you to quarrel with him. He always attracts attention to himself, always finds something to cling to a person for.

Exceptional self-confidence

For a vampire, there are two opinions – his and the wrong. He is not interested in any reasonable arguments. The more you argue with him, the more he will humiliate and trample in the dirt. They are the first to create conflict situations to show their superiority.

Thirst for information

Some people literally cannot live without news and gossip. They can sit in front of TV all day or watch newspapers, absorbing information flows.

This happens not because they are inquisitive, but because many bad happenings happen in the world, and this is their food.

Pathological jealousy

He considers his family, friends and subordinates to be his property. On the surface, he may look caring, but his love kills, not heals. He seeks to isolate his loved ones from the whole world, so that no one influences them, and all the energy food gets only to him.

Dislike of animals and plants

They are rarely aesthetes or have pity for our smaller brothers. But it also happens the other way around. They love pets, but they do not reciprocate, and indoor flowers fade from their care.

Energy vampires: how to protect yourself

There is no point in fighting such “heroes”, so the only way out is to avoid them. Best to retreat, leave the battlefield. This should not be considered a defeat, on the contrary, this is the salvation of your nerves and health. Cut off the conversation or just walk away.

If this is not possible, just keep a balanced tone. You can’t freak out, scream or cry. This is what the “blood drinker” is trying to achieve.

Energy vampires: how to recognize and protect yourself

If an energetic parasite starts to criticize you, try the distraction method. Think of something good, remember an anecdote. Imagine an invisible cap around you, which seems to protect you from the negative effects of other people’s words and emotions.

Talk to the vampire only on business, do not linger near him and do not look into his eyes. If it is not possible to change the team or circle of friends, keep communication with him to a minimum.

Don’t let him waste your energy on unnecessary arguments and sorting out the relationship. Go about your business and ignore it.

I recommend on this topic the article “How to get rid of the energy attachment.”

What if an energy vampire is a native person?

This case is the most difficult, but there are no hopeless situations. The ideal option is to live separately from him. But while this is not possible, the correct tactics of behavior should be developed. Make it clear to him that you have your own life and your own interests.

Do not prove anything, but do not make sacrifices glad of his whims. Do not tell anything new about yourself, except facts that everyone knows.

Do not pay attention to the “performances” of your kindred. If there are no spectators, then there will be no show. Of course, at first he will become even more active, get angry and begin to reproach you for all mortal sins. But when he realizes that all attacks are useless, he will finally calm down and will look for new donors.

It’s bad if the family vampire sits at home and gets bored. In this case, you need to find an exciting job or hobby for him, offer to visit a sports section or a dance club. The more he communicates with other people, the less trouble his household will get.

So, having understood the topic “Energy vampires: how to recognize and protect yourself”, you can protect yourself and minimize all the negative consequences of contact with them. Communicate only with those people who radiate positive and kindness, with whom it is easy and simple.

Do not waste precious time and spiritual health on those who constantly upset you and leave an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul. It is impossible to find peace and spiritual harmony next to them.

Read more in this video on: Energy Vampires: How to Recognize and Defend Yourself

Who are energy vampires. Konstantin Dovlatov

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