Energy and stamina on a plate. What to eat before training?
Energy and stamina on a plate. What to eat before training?Energy and stamina on a plate. What to eat before training?

Even the most motivated people have days when they feel a strong drop in energy before training. Sometimes the lack of strength can be quickly overcome, mainly thanks to the right meal. Consuming it before physical exercise will improve the body’s efficiency, force it to work. How to eat to exercise better and more effectively?

According to experts, the worst thing you can do to your body before training is… starving yourself. Exercising on hunger causes that we simply exercise less, which means we burn less at the same time. So if you’re used to training on an empty stomach, you should change your behavior quickly – try to eat something an hour before exercise. For effective training, you need the right dose of energy, which will be difficult to obtain without a valuable meal.

A source of strength before training

The body before training should receive the right dose of wholesome nutrients. It is important that it contains protein and carbohydrates, as well as fats. A full pre-workout meal should consist of healthy ingredients: dark rice, quinoa, vegetables, chicken or fish, and plenty of vegetables. It is worth adding spices to it, in addition to herbs, it can be small amounts of chili or curry, which warm up the body and support fat burning.

If you don’t have an hour’s break between eating and training, you can’t overeat. Exercising on a full stomach is dangerous, it can make you feel sluggish (so eating before a workout will be counterproductive), but it can also contribute to stomach problems and hinder digestion. The processes in the body will be slowed down, along with our efficiency. There may be heartburn, reflux, and even nausea and vomiting (with more intense exercise). Depending on the size of the meal and the individual predisposition of the body, you should wait from one to two hours before starting to exercise.

Suggestions for small-volume, “quick” and energy-boosting snacks:

  • Oatmeal – a source of energy and vitamins, will add strength and health. You can add nuts or honey to it and it won’t be boring!
  • Apple – light, satisfies hunger, provides energy. It contains valuable minerals and vitamins as well as antioxidants.
  • Greek yogurt with fruit or student mix – of course, the mix must contain natural ingredients without sugar, but healthy sugars from dried fruits are a way to quickly increase energy. Nuts and seeds will help maintain proper insulin levels.

What about stimulation and energy kick?

  • Coffee without sugar – stimulates, supports concentration, has an antioxidant effect and has a positive effect on insulin-glucose metabolism. It stimulates the body to burn fat. Remember, however, not to overdo it with its consumption – a small black one, without sugar, will be the best choice.
  • Fat burners – those in supplements can also perfectly stimulate action and facilitate slimming or achieving your dream figure. However, it is better when they are used ad hoc and not very often, because the nervous system can become resistant to them and over time they will not give any effect.

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