Enema – types, benefits, side effects. How to do an enema?

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An enema is a medical procedure, also known as a rectal or Latin enema. The purpose of the procedure is to remove the stools from the large intestine. The indications for the procedure are constipation and preparation of the patient for some diagnostic tests (e.g. colonoscopy), surgery, and sometimes also childbirth. In alternative medicine, an enema is used to detoxify the body.

Enema treatment it consists of pouring fluid into the colon through the anus (e.g. plain water, saline, coffee, urine) to remove residual fecal matter or to administer a drug. The history of enemas dates back to ancient times – the procedure was used in China, India, Greece, Egypt and South America.

Supporters of enemas appreciate its detoxifying properties and attribute the following beneficial effects to enemas: relieving headaches, weight regulation, increasing vitality, improving well-being, beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin, increasing the body’s immunity, preventing the development of colon cancer, eliminating constipation and flatulence, increasing absorption of nutrients.

To benefit from the positive effects of colon irrigation, follow the procedure carefully according to the doctor’s instructions and the information provided in the package insert. However, reaching for an enema too often can lead to disturbances in bowel function. In addition, do not use more fluid than the recommended amount and use additional laxatives.

In the case of applying an enema at home, if you feel unwell, severely irritated, have an allergic reaction, or any other disturbing symptom, seek immediate medical attention. Although enemas offer many health benefits, you should not take them too often. Even nausea should be a contraindication to doing it.

Find out more: How to cleanse the intestines – why and when should it be done?

Enema – types

Most people when asked what an enema is, say it is a procedure to cleanse the intestine with a fluid such as soap and water. However, many other substances can be used to rinse the intestine, such as coffee, lemon juice, and even urine. Each of them has its own specific properties.

You can use a pear made of high-quality ABS plastic to make the enema. Thanks to its easy application, it allows for trouble-free cleaning of the rectum. We also recommend Clisma Lax Deflating Enema, available in a special ready-to-use bottle.

Coffee enema

Thanks to the caffeine contained in it, toxins are not reabsorbed into the blood. Coffee is beneficial for the bile ducts while it flows through the intestines. Dr. Max Gerson is the popularizer of such a procedure. What is a caffeine enema should be checked by people suffering from liver failure and cancer pain – a caffeine enema is especially helpful for these groups of patients.

An enema with lemon juice

Contrary to appearances, lemon juice is not acidic and alkaline. This means that it can stimulate the intestinal flora to function better. A lemon juice enema inhibits fermentation and gnline processes. Lemon juice can be replaced, for example, with apple cider vinegar or blackcurrant or cranberry juice.

Urine enema (urine)

Some people may even gag when they find out what a urine enema is. Nevertheless, urine is one of the best fluids for colon cleansing. The substance, in addition to normalizing the intestinal pH level, also destroys the harmful intestinal flora and supports the reconstruction of their mucosa.

See also what is urinotherapy

Garlic enema

A garlic enema is an effective weapon against parasites. Taking garlic using the discussed method means that it is absorbed directly into the intestinal walls and is not digested by gastric juices. What is garlic enema is well known to enthusiasts of various alternative medicinal therapies, in which this vegetable is often used. Garlic enema cleans the blood and has an anti-fungal effect. What’s more, garlic also removes parasites from the digestive tract.

Chili enema

Chili enemas are often chosen by people who, for various reasons, cannot use the garlic enema. Thanks to the capsaicin present in the chili, the enema destroys bacteria and has antifungal properties. This prevents harmful substances from developing and thus prevents, inter alia, for intestinal ulceration.

Chamomile enema

Anyone struggling with intestinal cramps should check what chamomile and sage enema is. The treatment effectively reduces the frequency of abdominal cramps. In the case of inflammation of the large intestine, it is worth adding linseed to the chamomile. Thanks to the preparation, contractions will be much milder. In addition, remember that chamomile can be an allergen. The body can react to it in different ways. Pregnant women should remember this in particular.

Colon lavage should be done skillfully. Only then is it possible to avoid complications. Rectal irritation is a potential and quite common side effect.

Less often there are: itching and irritation of the skin around the anus, much less often: excessive loss of fluids from the body, the occurrence of deficiencies of important elements, such as sodium and potassium, kidney problems, a feeling of lightheadedness, the urge to vomit or vomiting, stomach cramps, swollen abdomen. (1)

For these reasons, the procedure should be preceded by a consultation with a doctor. It is also important to know about the contraindications for the procedure. When planning an enema, a visit to a specialist is necessary, if it comes to: pregnancy, pregnancy planning, breastfeeding, taking medications, herbal remedies, dietary supplements, allergies, heart disease, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, rectal bleeding, kidney disease .

The disease is also a contraindication. Prophylactic enemas without medical supervision should also not be given to children. Another contraindication to the procedure is colon damage. Even if there is even a hint of suspicion, an enema should not be done under any circumstances. Any intestinal obstruction and ulcerative colitis are also a threat.

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Enema and childbirth

It is up to the pregnant woman to decide whether to give an enema before starting labor. The advantages of the procedure include preventing the woman from passing stools during labor. This situation can be very embarrassing, which is why many women choose to have an enema before giving birth. In addition, after the end of labor, the woman may feel a strong urge, while in the case of a previous colon lavage, the need to use the toilet is not so urgent.

These reasons contribute to the feeling of greater psychological comfort by the pregnant woman. However, an enema before childbirth is not a necessary procedure – often one of the first symptoms of an action is diarrhea, which naturally cleans the intestines. In addition, passing stools during childbirth is a natural occurrence and is not a problem for healthcare professionals.

Before making a ready-made enema, many people inhibit the fear of pain. There is a concern that the tip could damage the anus. However, contrary to appearances, the procedure is completely painless.

The only thing that can be discomfort is if the action is performed by another person. The finished enema can cause pain as long as the person has hemorrhoids around the anus. In such cases, it is advisable to use more petroleum jelly.

To perform a home enema, e.g. before childbirth, you will need a rectal irrigator, which you can buy at most pharmacies. The device consists of a foil, rubber or plastic bag.

For example, we recommend the COMED vaginal and rectal irrigator for enema, which you can buy at an affordable price at medonetmarket.pl.

Interestingly, there are also irrigators made of precious metals, although they are not the most popular devices of this type. The home enema irrigator also consists of a hose with a stopcock and a tip applied to the anus.

Irrigators are equipped with tips of different thicknesses. Among them, we can find those with a thickness of 100 mm, 400 mm and larger. The type of irrigator should be adjusted to individual requirements. The second necessary element of the device is an infuser with a capacity of 1 to 2 liters. During one procedure, no more than 1-1,5 liters of fluid should be poured into the anus – beginners are recommended to start with a capacity of 500 ml.

Before we start flushing the intestine, let’s prepare the place and all the accessories needed for it. A home enema is best done in the bathroom.

The treatment can also be performed, for example, on an oilcloth, towel or mat. The main thing is to choose a place that is easy and quick to clean after the treatment. An enema takes about 12-15 minutes, so be sure to have a blanket and pillow ready as well.

Before we insert the tube into the anus, let’s lay down on the left side. In the tank, which we hang about 50 cm above each other, there should be a liquid already selected by us. Then slowly open the tap and wait for all the liquid to drain. Let us breathe slowly and lie quietly so as not to disturb the canque in the anus. When the entire contents of the reservoir have reached the intestines, remove the tip and wait for the liquid to flow back out.

Regardless of whether we are undergoing an enema treatment at the doctor’s or performing the procedure ourselves, let’s try to remain calm. The best time to do the activity is in the early morning, e.g. between 5 and 7 am. Another recommended time slot is in the evening, e.g. between 20:21 p.m. and XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.

To carry out an enema, you can buy a special Sanity Hydrotherapy Injector, which you can find at a favorable price on the Medonet Market.

See also: Stool in a capsule instead of a stool enema

Fun fact about the enema

In the city of Zeleznodvorsk there is a monument dedicated to the enema. Monument has a characteristic shape of a pear used for the procedure. Zeleznodworsk is famous for its spas where water from local springs is used for enemas.

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