Enema for pregnant women: learning to put. Video
Giving an enema to pregnant women before childbirth was not so long ago considered mandatory. Until this intimate moment did not reach only in the case of a rapidly proceeding childbirth, and even then only due to lack of time. Later, the expediency of this procedure was revised.
We give an enema to pregnant women
Enema during pregnancy: for or against?
Now, setting an enema for women who are about to give birth is not at all mandatory. However, not all maternity hospitals and women in labor refuse this procedure. There are a number of arguments both for and against the enema.
Why give an enema to pregnant women before childbirth
A few years ago, all obstetricians-gynecologists were confident in the undeniable benefits of an enema before childbirth and the need for it to be mandatory for all women in labor entering the hospital. First of all, this affects the hygienic side of the issue: the contents of the intestines during attempts almost always come out, which can confuse a woman and cause a lot of trouble for the staff. The very likelihood of defecation in the delivery chair can scare a woman in labor and, for this reason, prevent her from pushing diligently, although the act of defecation that accompanies pushing is completely natural and physiological.
Another plus of the preliminary cleaning of the intestines is that in the first day after giving birth, the newly-made mother will not have to suffer with the “toilet” question
This can be difficult at first when suturing.
The presence of feces in the rectum can create additional barriers to the passage of the child in the pelvic region. However, this risk is minimal if the woman went to the toilet “in a big way” during the last XNUMX hours before giving birth. But in case of constipation in a woman in labor, dense hardened feces in the intestines can interfere with the process, and here it is necessary to do an enema before giving birth.
Prescribing an enema can also be useful in that this procedure is able to tone the uterus, thus stimulating contractions and activating the process of childbirth.
Much attention was paid to the risk of infection of the child during his possible contact with the mother’s feces, but according to modern medical concepts, these fears are groundless. With adequate observance of basic hygiene measures, the likelihood of contact and infection is small. All the discharge poured out on the gynecological chair during childbirth falls into a tray specially set up for this.
In the early stages of labor, you can give yourself an enema yourself. Purchase an Esmarch mug (rubber bulb) with a volume of 1,5-2 liters at the pharmacy.
Perform the procedure while lying on your left side or standing on all fours while resting on your elbows
Pour 1,5 liters of warm water with a temperature of up to 37 degrees into the Esmarch bowl, drain some of the liquid to release air from the tube. Lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly, soap, or baby cream and insert into the anus. Choose a direction so that the bowel is felt as the fluid is injected. Deep breathing and abdominal stroking can help relieve unpleasant urges. Then you can immediately go to the toilet, and after 30-40 minutes, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
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