Endoscopy – what is it? Indications for endoscopy

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Endoscopic examination (endoscopy) has quite a wide range of applications. It is used mainly in the diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system, but it also works well in other areas of medicine, such as orthopedics and ENT.

Endoscopic examination it consists in placing the probe inside the body of a flexible tube (probe) terminated with an optical fiber. Placing the probe in the patient’s body allows the illumination of its interior. In addition to the probe itself, to perform the test endoscopic the doctor needs additional, specialized equipment.

In order to get a closer look at the image produced by the probe, the doctor looks at it with the help of a slide on the screen. endoscopy. It can also analyze the image that appears on the monitor screen.

Endoscopy is an extremely helpful test as it allows the doctor to see what he would not be able to see with other types of tests, such as ultrasound. One of the most important indications to complete survey endoscopic there is a suspicion of occurrence cancer in the patient.

In this case endoscopy allows the physician to take a fragment of the lesion, establish its cellular structure and determine whether it is, for example, a malignant lesion. Endoscopy it is extremely helpful, especially when there is a suspicion of lung, colon, stomach or esophageal cancer in the patient. In this case endoscopic examination helps to determine what type, inflammatory or malignant, the doctor is dealing with. Endoscopy it is also helpful in diagnosing gastric ulcers. If endoscopic examination proves that the taken fragment of the ulcer is of a digestive nature, the doctor uses pharmacological therapy to treat it. However, if it turns out that the ulcers are caused by neoplastic changes, then a decision can be made to start oncological treatment.

Endoscopy – types of examination

Depending on the organ examined, endoscopy it may appear under different names. Among endoscopic examinations we distinguish, for example, bronchoscopy, which makes it possible to diagnose diseases of the respiratory system, more precisely, of the trachea and bronchi. Carrying out such survey in the patient, it allows to collect a sample of bronchial secretions, as well as a fragment of their mucosa. Another type endoscopes is gastroscopy, that is study enabling the detection of potential lesions in the upper gastrointestinal tract. It is very useful for diagnosing diseases of the esophagus, duodenum and pancreas. Using gastroscopic examination, the doctor may take samples of the organ mucosa for histopathological examination. gastroscopy it also enables the control of minor bleeding within this part of the body. One of the most common types endoscopes jest laparoscopy. It allows you to diagnose possible changes in the peritoneal cavity (stomach, liver, gall bladder), as well as in female sexual organs. When performing laparoscopy, the probe is inserted through an incision in the patient’s abdomen.

Another type of endoscopy used in medicine is capsule endoscopy. This test enables the detection and diagnosis of diseases in the area of ​​the small intestine. Due to the fact that it is narrow and quite winding, it is classic study endoscopic using a probe can be difficult or practically impossible.

Therefore, to allow its accurate diagnosis, it is performed capsule endoscopywhich involves the patient swallowing a capsule in which a small lamp has been placed and connected to a radio transmitter. Capsule endoscopy it is indicated mainly when the patient complains about digestive system problems, such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain or bleeding from the abdominal cavity. If the doctor is unable to tell you when using gastroscope or laparoscope due to the occurrence of these ailments, it is carried out at that time capsule endoscopy. Research it is very helpful in diagnosing polyps, small intestine cancer or Leśniowski-Chron’s disease. However, it is worth remembering that capsule endoscopy should not be performed in patients suffering from constipation, inflammation or intestinal fistula.

Endoscopic examination do not be afraid. It is one of the best ways to diagnose all kinds of changes and diseases in the human body. Inserting the probe into the body and direct viewing of the organs enables an accurate diagnosis, increasing the chance of a complete recovery of the patient.

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