Endoscopy – types, course of examination, preparation

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Endoscopy is a diagnostic and medical procedure used in ENT, orthopedics and gastroenterology. It is used to detect lesions and allows the collection of material for histopathological examination. Thanks to endoscopy, it is also possible to perform minimally invasive procedures. A special type of device is used for this type of procedure – an endoscope. Currently, endoscopes are equipped with a built-in camera and a light source. Endoscopic examination is performed when organ dysfunction is suspected, such as the stomach, intestines, trachea, esophagus, bronchi, sinuses, vagina, cervix, bladder, and urethra. It enables the determination of the type and extent of the lesion.

Endoscopy – what does the examination look like?

The most common procedure endoscopic examination involves the insertion of the endoscope through the natural opening of the body (mouth, nose, anus, urethra) or a hole intentionally made in the body for the purpose of the procedure. The doctor observes the image from the camera at the end on the monitor endoscope. There are a few types of endoscopy: 1. gastroscopy – a procedure aimed at viewing the patient’s upper digestive section, collecting material for examination, and stopping bleeding; 2. colonoscopy – a procedure involving the inspection of the large intestine; 3. cystoscopy – bladder endoscopy; 4. arthroscopy – joint endoscopy; 5. bronchoscopy – enables examination of the trachea and bronchi, as well as taking samples of mucosa and secretions for the purpose of their laboratory examination; 6. endoscopy needle – examination of the inside of the eye, coronary vessels or heart valves; 7. endoscopy capsule – examination of the patient’s small intestine thanks to the swallowed metal capsule with a camera, 8. laparoscopy – examination allowing the assessment of the inside of the peritoneal cavity carried out through an opening in the abdomen using a probe. Endoscopy can also be divided according to the purpose of its implementation. In this sense, it stands out endoscopy diagnostic and endoscopy treatment.

Course endoscopic examination it varies depending on the organ examined. In order to carry out bronchoscopy the patient is first given sedatives and antispasmodics. Then a bronchoscope or bronchofiberoscope is inserted through the trachea, which reaches the bronchi and collects material for laboratory tests. gastroscopy it consists in inserting a soft tube through the patient’s mouth, reaching the stomach. In cystoscopy a flexible endoscope is used which is passed through the urethra to assess the condition of the bladder. Before carrying out kolonoskopii the doctor examines the anus with a finger and then introduces it into it endoscopeslowly forcing air into the large intestine (this allows for a better assessment of the condition of the organ walls). Time endoscopic examinations it is usually from a few to several dozen minutes. Unfortunately they are not survey pleasant. For this reason, the patient is usually given intravenous or local anesthetics.

Endoscopy – how to prepare?

Due to the fact that there are many types of endoscopy, the indications for preparation before surgery. In case of bronchoscopy the patient should appear for the examination on an empty stomach, i.e. at least 6 hours after consuming the last meal and fluids. Day before surgery it is recommended to give up smoking, drinking alcohol and using other stimulants. In case of gastroskopii however, you should refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours and from chewing gum and smoking for 4 hours. The most demanding preparatory there is surgery kolonoskopii. 3 days before it is performed, the patient must switch to a liquid diet, and also give up vegetables and stone fruit. A day before surgery only breakfast is allowed, while in the afternoon the patient takes Fortrans.

Endoscopy and gastroscopy

As you can see, endoscopy is a term that covers many types of research. gastroscopy is a type of endoscopic examination carried out to assess the condition of the patient’s upper digestive tract.

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