
The method of diagnosing the internal organs of a person, called endoscopy, involves the use of specialized equipment in the form of a tube and a camera without the use of surgical intervention. An endoscopist is a specialist who does not independently prescribe treatment to patients, but only diagnoses and carries out the prescriptions of other specialized doctors. This specialist has a higher medical education, a mandatory qualification characteristic of an endoscopist and is fully versed in computer technology, with the help of which he must carry out examinations in the context of his activity. With a flexible long tube with a lens – an endoscope – the doctor examines the patient’s internal organs, the data on which are displayed on a computer monitor and stored on a disk. Endoscopy helps to recognize the development of various pathologies in the early stages, which speeds up recovery and reduces the likelihood of complications.

Specialist Competence

The work of an endoscopist involves the physical visualization of the cavities and channels of the human body with optical instruments with lighting devices. With the help of an endoscope, it became possible to diagnose and treat tuberculosis, oncological diseases of the stomach and lungs, and infertility in women. A good endoscopist does not conduct independent treatment, but is engaged in direct diagnostics, the results of which are needed by other specialists who refer their patients to the endoscopist to clarify all the details of the disease that has arisen. Endoscope diagnostics distinguishes color changes in lesions of the mucous membranes, peptic ulcers, erosions, scars and all kinds of neoplasms, and identifies sources of bleeding.

As a therapeutic method, an endoscope is used to inject drugs into the immediate area affected by a disease, insert surgical instruments for various manipulation procedures (laser therapy, removal of polyps), monitor and control the progress of manipulations. Photographs of pathologies provided by the endoscope help the endoscopist to track the dynamics of changes during repeated procedures, thus clarifying the effectiveness of the chosen treatment method. Also, with the help of an endoscope, a tissue biopsy is performed, which is necessary for histological or histochemical studies of various organs. The material thus obtained by the endoscope is transferred to special laboratories, where further studies are carried out, after which it becomes possible to make an accurate diagnosis and choose a treatment method.

Reasons for visiting an endoscopist: diseases and affected organs

A referral to an endoscopist is always issued by the doctor to whom the patient addresses with specific complaints and symptoms. Among the diseases that the endoscopist helps to establish and cure, there are:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • gastrojejunal ulcer;
  • varicose veins and diverticula of the esophagus, Mallory-Weiss syndrome;
  • malignant and benign tumors of the esophagus (including cancer);
  • duodenitis, papillitis, benign tumors of the major duodenal papilla;
  • peptic ulcer or cicatricial deformity of the duodenal bulb;
  • oncological diseases of the large intestine;
  • colon polypectomy.

Thus, the bronchi, duodenum, large and small intestines, esophagus, trachea and stomach are included in the scope of endoscopist research. At the same time, the attending physician with a stomach ulcer, for example, should be alerted and forced to contact the endoscopist with the following complaints and symptoms of the patient:

  • sharp cutting pains in the upper part of the abdomen in the first stage of the disease, with predominant pallor of the skin, cold sweat, slowing of the pulse and tension;
  • in the second stage, tension and pain should subside, but they are replaced by emerging symptoms of peritonitis, such as rising temperature, increased heart rate, stool retention, dry skin and tongue;
  • in the third stage of gastric ulcer, the general condition of the patient deteriorates very sharply, the severity of peritonitis increases, which requires urgent and urgent hospitalization of the patient.

To clarify the diagnosis, an endoscopist can perform such diagnostic manipulations as:

  • bronchoscopy, gastroscopy, otoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy, angioscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • endoscopic examination of the joints and ventricles of the brain, as well as the uterine cavity;
  • cytoscopy, calposcopy, urethral examination;
  • endoscopy of the cavities of the chambers of the human heart;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy;
  • endoscopy and treatment of the bile ducts.

It is important to note that the endoscopist, according to patients, in the course of his work does not cause any unpleasant or painful sensations to a person. Cases of painful endoscopy can be observed only in very rare cases with an atypical structure of the mucous membranes or their location, since there are no nerve endings in this tissue of the body.

Endoscopist appointment

Since patients go to the endoscopist doctor in the direction of other specialists, to whom they turned with specific complaints, there cannot be a specific scheme for taking this specialized doctor – everything here depends on the disease that needs to be diagnosed. In general, it is important to remember that any endoscopic examination must be carried out on an empty stomach, which is why it is better to come to the appointment in the morning, most often not only with an empty stomach, but also with intestines. In the presence of all kinds of chronic diseases or diseases that are not recorded in the outpatient card, the patient is obliged to warn the endoscopist about them. Women should remove various metal jewelry before admission, as they may interfere with the diagnosis. Within 24 hours before the proposed endoscopy, you should not drink alcohol, smoke, eat fatty and heavy foods. Before an endoscopy, specialists often give their patients sedatives to relax the body. This is important to take into account for those people who come to the hospital on their own transport, since after the procedure drowsiness may occur and it would be better to refuse to drive a car. After an endoscopy, the doctor may advise the patient not to eat for a while.

As mentioned above, endoscopy is painless for a person, however, minor bleeding may occur during a biopsy. At the end of the procedure, pain in the throat may be observed, since the endoscope tube may scratch the surface of the tissues. In any case, if any violations occur in the patient’s well-being after endoscopy, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this.

Before endoscopy, the specialist may need the results of the following patient tests:

  • general blood test, blood tests to determine the Rh factor and human blood type;
  • general urinalysis, as well as fecal analysis to determine the content of occult blood;
  • serum iron analysis;
  • blood sugar test;
  • analysis of reticulocytes;
  • histological or cytological examination of the biopsy;
  • CLO test.

Endoscopy results are transmitted to the primary care physician or personally to the patient in the form of photographs or on digital media.

Specialist advice to patients

The endoscopist, together with the gastroenterologist, necessarily gives recommendations on how to behave in patients with various diseases. A diagnosed stomach ulcer requires special recommendations, since this disease is treated not so much with drugs as with the right lifestyle and diet. The endoscopist will be able to observe the results of improvements in the treatment of ulcers at each subsequent examination, if the patient complies with all the manipulations prescribed to him.

To date, when a stomach ulcer is detected, patients are prescribed a specialized diet that combines all the positive aspects of the diets that existed in the past for ulcers. With the help of this diet, clinicians help the diseased organ recover without experiencing additional stress, and the body – to increase its protective functions.

During the period of an exacerbated ulcer, a general favorable emotional background is very important, since a peptic ulcer can become very aggravated on a nervous basis. Eating can occur only in the absence of irritating factors, with maximum comfort. It is necessary to eat slowly, without being distracted, without sharp swallowing of food. The gastric mucosa must be spared from mechanical, chemical or thermal damage.

To exclude mechanical damage to the gastric mucosa, endoscopists and gastroenterologists recommend excluding roughage rich in fiber from the diet – turnips, beans, radishes, unpeeled or unripe vegetables and fruits, black bread, sinewy meat, bird skin. To avoid mechanical damage, the food for the patient with an ulcer is rubbed.

Foods that cause juice production, such as meat broths and fried foods, can cause chemical damage in stomach ulcers. Thermal damage can be caused by food that is very cold or very hot, so it should not be eaten either.

Comprehensive treatment of peptic ulcer involves adherence to dietary patterns, since it is rational breaks between meals that help tissues recover. Patients tolerate long intervals very hard, they can cause attacks of exacerbation of the ulcer. That is why eating with peptic ulcer is necessary at least once every 3-4 hours. Even at night, experts recommend drinking a glass of milk to the sick, because at night the ulcerative symptoms often worsen, and pain begins.

An endoscopist is not an independent doctor, his diagnostics helps specialists from various fields of medicine to make a correct diagnosis for a patient and prescribe a high-quality therapy corresponding to his condition, as well as to identify the dynamics of changes in the course of the disease when using one or another treatment. However, this does not mean that endoscopy can be dispensed with when making a diagnosis. Only thanks to a good endoscopist can severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oncological diseases and many others be detected at an early stage and cured in a short time.

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