Endoscopic Gastric Reduction (ESG) Overstitch – what is this method of fighting obesity?

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Severe obesity can lead to many health complications. It is a condition in which the body is susceptible to, inter alia, for diseases: cancer, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal tract. Many people struggle with excess body fat by exercising in gyms, tennis courts or sauna. However, in the age of today’s medical solutions, the methods of fighting obesity do not end with physical activities and demanding diets. Modern methods allow you to get rid of unnecessary kilograms in a very short time. One of the most modern is Endoscopic Gastrectomy (ESG) Overstitch.

What is Endoscopic Overstitch gastrectomy?

Broadly understood endoscopy is an examination that is a perfect complement to ultrasonography, i.e. ultrasound. Thanks to it, it is possible to reach the internal structures of the body – to the stomach or lungs – and to visualize them. It takes place through a probe which, while inside the patient’s body, illuminates and transmits the image to the screen of the device. Thanks to this method, doctors can better diagnose diseases and conditions.

ESG uses the endoscopic method to reach and reduce the stomach without making incisions, suturing or scarring. The Overstitch tool, developed in the United States, ensures the safety and effectiveness of the procedure, and also shortens the patient’s convalescence period.

Also check: Obesity – causes, impact on health, treatment. Prevention of obesity in children and adults

Endoscopic Overstitch Gastric Reduction – course

The Overstitch method is a modern bariatric technique that is performed using an endoscope. The device is inserted through the patient’s throat and esophagus.

This is important

Endoscopic gastrectomy is preceded by giving the patient general anesthesia.

A gastroscope equipped with the Overstitch suturing system allows for a safe, minimally invasive and non-surgical influence on the structure of the stomach by placing specialist sutures on it. Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce it.

The procedure takes 60 to 90 minutes. After its execution, all elements used in the process are removed from the body.

  1. Surgical methods of fighting obesity 

How to prepare for ESG Overstitch?

Obviously, this treatment is preceded by a thorough medical consultation. During it, the health predisposition of a given patient is determined. The general guideline is that only patients with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 are eligible. When talking to your doctor, you must commit to being ready to drive healthy. This means both following a diet, increasing physical activity, and doing a lot of research and participating in behavioral therapy. It is also often recommended to conduct research and laboratory tests.

It is also recommended to plan a vacation, because after the treatment you should avoid intense physical activity. The first moments “after” can be difficult, but after a few days you can return to full activity.

Contraindications to Overstitch endoscopic gastrectomy

The contraindications of ESG include:

  1. hiatal hernia;
  2. gastritis;
  3. peptic ulcer disease;
  4. gastrointestinal bleeding;
  5. cancers;
  6. any structural anomalies of the throat or esophagus.

Also, women who are breastfeeding, pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the next 12 months should not undergo ESG treatment.

Also read: Three factors that reduce the risk of childhood obesity

Post-ESG Overstitch procedure

Endoscopic gastric reduction has very satisfactory results, however, the patient is required to follow medical recommendations after the procedure. Otherwise the slimming effect will not be achieved.

First of all, the patient should stay in the hospital the day after the procedure. He should only be drinking fluids for the first three days. In turn, during the next two weeks it is recommended to eat liquid foods (liquid diet). After 14 days, you can start eating soft products, and after 7 weeks from the treatment, you can introduce solid foods, but sticking to the diet recommended by a healthcare practitioner.

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Endoscopic gastric reduction – effects and indications for the procedure

With the use of endoscopic gastrectomy performed by Overstitch, it is possible to reduce its volume by as much as 60-80%. This tool, developed in the USA, contributes to the very satisfactory results of the procedure. Thanks to it, ESG, compared to surgical gastric reduction, is safer, less invasive, less painful, does not leave scars, does not affect the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract and, what is equally important, the recovery period after it is shorter.

Who is endoscopic gastric reduction most appropriate for? As you know, obesity can lead to diseases such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension or cardiovascular diseases. That is why ESG is recommended for those who struggle with obesity and cannot get rid of it despite many efforts – despite following a strict diet and practicing sports.

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