Endoscopic facelift: reviews. Video
Endoscopic facelift (endoscopic facelift) is an advanced surgical technology for facial rejuvenation and correction of age-related changes. This surgical operation effectively, without long-term rehabilitation and noticeable scars, allows for a facelift. This procedure is recommended for middle-aged people (from 35 to 50 years old) with minor signs of facial aging.
Endoscopic facelift: reviews. Video
Endoscopic facelift: benefits
Thanks to the emergence and application of endovideo technology, as well as innovative instruments in modern plastic surgery, a real breakthrough has occurred in facial aesthetics – the ability to carry out endoscopic facelift. This technique has many advantages.
Firstly, this is the absence of noticeable traces of surgical intervention. Scars and scars after surgery are located in places that are invisible to the outside view (among the hair on the head, in the oral cavity). Manipulations are performed using punctures in the forehead, as well as from the side of the oral mucosa. In the case of a neck lift, only one small incision is made in the chin cavity.
Secondly, thanks to the latest technologies, significant rejuvenation is achieved – deep vertical tissue reduction occurs without tension, which other methods do not provide. Unlike traditional facelift, endoscopic lifting, in addition to the skin, facial muscles and fatty tissue, also moves the vessels and nerves – all tissues, and therefore the rejuvenating effect becomes pronounced.
Endoscopic surgery allows for a noticeable rejuvenation of the face, as well as making it more harmonious, giving it the missing volume
Third, endoscopic facelift reduces the risk of hair loss that often occurs as a result of standard facelift surgery. When using the endoscopic method, no part of the skin on which the hair is located is removed, so there are no prerequisites for future hair loss.
Fourthly, this surgical technique significantly shortens the rehabilitation period and also significantly reduces the number of complications. This is achieved due to the non-traumatic and minimally invasive operations.
Endoscopic facelift: indications
At the age of 35–50, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and firmness, the tissues on the face sink down, wrinkles and ptosis are observed. All this makes the oval of the face not as taut and clear as in younger years, and the appearance is not so attractive. Endoscopic facelift can be recommended during this period.
This operation will eliminate:
- constant frowning and tired expression on the face
- transverse and longitudinal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and forehead
- heavily overhanging eyebrows
- sagging tissues in the cheekbones and cheeks
- drooping corners of the mouth
- the presence of nasolabial folds
Endoscopic face lifting helps to get rid of age-related changes, as well as individual characteristics of soft tissues that cause negative emotions on the face – anger, gloom, fatigue, resentment, etc. However, this type of operation is not shown to everyone. The decision on the possibility and expediency of its implementation is made by the operating surgeon during the consultation.
Endoscopic facelift: contraindications
Contraindications for endoscopic lifting are standard, as for any other surgical operation:
- oncological diseases
- acute, inflammatory, infectious diseases of the body
- severe diabetes
- bleeding disorder
- age over 50, at which the deep layers of the skin lose their elasticity
Endoscopic lifting of the upper face area
Endoscopic facelift of the upper third of the face is performed in a hospital under general or local anesthesia and lasts up to 1,5–2 hours. In the scalp, 2–6 incisions 1,5–2 cm long are made. Through them, an endoscope is inserted under the skin, which sends an image to the monitor screen, as well as tools with which the surgeon peels soft tissues from the bone, tightens them and fixes them in a new position. The risk of bleeding is minimal.
Often, a specialist does not perform a resection of the excess mobilized tissue, but only redistributes it. Endoscopic lifting of eyebrows and forehead skin does not injure nerve endings, blood vessels and hair follicles, which is typical for the standard technique. In addition, the use of endoscopic techniques can shorten the duration of the operation.
Endoscopic lifting helps to tighten the forehead skin, eliminate creases and wrinkles, simulate an attractive eyebrow position, make a more expressive look, and also eliminate crow’s feet around the eyes. This may eliminate the need for upper blepharoplasty.
Endoscopic lifting of the upper part of the face can reduce the activity of the facial muscles between the eyebrows, raise the eyebrows, reduce the activity of the forehead muscles, and smooth out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. The rehabilitation period after surgery is one to two weeks. A special compression bandage should be worn for five days after the surgery.
Endoscopic mid and lower face lift
Endoscopic midface lifting helps to restore the volume characteristic of a young face, smooth out the nasolabial folds, and also lift the middle third of the face. The specialist makes two incisions 1,5–2 cm long in the hairy region of the peri-temporal zone, as well as two incisions in the oral cavity under the upper lip. Soft tissues are separated from the periosteum, then pulled and fixed in a new position, excess tissue and skin are excised. Endoscopic lifting of the midface is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia and lasts up to 3 hours. The rehabilitation period after surgery is 7 to 12 days.
Endoscopic upper and lower face lift can be performed simultaneously, sequentially or separately
This operation allows you to achieve a noticeable lifting of soft tissues with the formation of a clear contour of the face, effectively removes nasolabial folds, raises the corners of the mouth, zygomatic tissues, and partially lifts the facial skin in the cheek area.
Endoscopic neck lift is performed using a small incision in the chin area. By moving the tissues, the operation allows you to make the transition from the chin to the neck clear and maximally pronounced.
Combination of endoscopic facelift with other procedures
Endoscopic facelift works well with other cosmetic procedures – for example, eyelid blepharoplasty, liposuction and lifting of the lower part of the face, neck lift, lipofilling, etc. Moreover, often such combined operations give the best effect of facial rejuvenation.
The sequence and number of additional procedures regarding an endoscopic facelift can only be correctly set by a qualified plastic surgeon.
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