Endoscopic examination of the nose, esophagus and stomach. How to prepare for an endoscopic examination?

Endoscopic examination is a diagnostic method involving the insertion of special devices into the body, called endoscopes. They contain light, thanks to which it is possible to illuminate a given field. The test is not the most pleasant, but in some cases it is worth doing.

Endoscopic examination – nose

The main indication for endoscopic examination of the nose is sinus problems. Very often people who have an abnormal anatomical structure of the nose and sinuses are referred for endoscopy. Inflammation that develops in the sinuses can cause irreversible changes. Some people are afraid of inserting the device, even if it is done through the natural orifices of the body. If any abnormalities are found during endoscopy of the nose, surgery can be performed.

What are the indications for endoscopic examination of the sinuses and nose? First of all, acute and chronic sinusitis. Endoscopy can also be performed with benign tumors. Sometimes the indication for endoscopic examination of the nose is a foreign body that has somehow entered the sinuses. Endoscopy also allows you to look at malformations within the nose.

Besides the indications, there are also contraindications. Nasal and sinus endoscopy must not be performed in patients who suffer from malignant neoplasm, as well as in people whose lesions are of considerable size.

Endoscopic examination – esophagus

An endoscopic examination of the esophagus can also be performed. Most often, the doctor refers a patient who suddenly complains of problems with swallowing. Endoscopic examination of the esophagus will detect any abnormalities and make it possible to remove the lesions. The doctor will carefully inspect the entire area being examined and make a decision on further treatment.

What will esophageal endoscopy detect? The abnormalities detected by this examination include, for example, varicose veins of the esophagus, sudden narrowing of its sections. Esophageal endoscopy can also cause discomfort, but it allows us to detect the cause of the symptoms that bother us. It should be noted that endoscopic examination is a method that limits the formation of complications. It is distinguished by enormous effectiveness, which is why it is very often used to diagnose many diseases.

Endoscopic examination – how to prepare

Endoscopic examination – like most examinations – requires special preparation. The method of preparation for the examination depends on the examined place. If you are to undergo gastric endoscopy, you should refrain from eating 6 hours before the examination. About 2 hours before the examination, the patient can drink still water. From now on, you can no longer take any liquids. The examined person should inform the physician about the medications taken. If you have had endoscopic examinations before – bring your results. They will allow the doctor to properly conduct the examination and find out about the previously detected abnormalities.

If you know you are allergic to certain drugs and substances, please pass this information on. This is very important because in most cases it will avoid unpleasant consequences caused by contact with the wrong substance. You will be provided with most of the instructions for the endoscopic examination on site.

Name of the study Endoscopic examination
Introduction – what is this research / what the research is for Examination of the inside of the body using endoscopes.
Indications for the examination Various
Standards Determined individually
Interpreting the results (at least basic) Individual interpretation
How is the test going Insertion of endoscopes inside the body
How to prepare for the test According to doctor’s indications. In the case of gastric endoscopy – do not eat 6 hours before the examination, you can drink still water 2 hours before the examination, then do not drink any fluids
Information to be reported prior to testing Allergies, medications taken, results of previous endoscopic examinations, if any
How to behave after the examination There are no rules for post-test behavior.
Possible complications after the examination A gentle feeling of distress and pain.
Other important (if any) x

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