Endorphins or how to lose weight joyfully?

From the point of view of science, “hormones of happiness” are called endorphins… When there is not enough of them in our body, then we easily gain excess weight and then we get rid of it with great difficulty.

What is endorphins?

The hormone endorphin was discovered relatively recently – in 1970. The studies were carried out by European scientists who wanted to find out why acupuncture has an analgesic effect. Scientists have found that during acupuncture, the body produces pain relieving compounds similar to morphine. These substances were called endorphins, which are morphines that are produced inside the body.


These hormones are produced by the cells of the pituitary gland. These substances contribute to the conduction of nerve impulses to the pleasure center, which is located in the brain. When this center is excited, then we feel joy, lightness, cheerfulness. In addition, hormones are able to memorize information, reduce pain, various inflammations and temperature.

The presence of endorphins in the human body contributes to the fact that we are completely satisfied with our life, less often worry and worry. Scientific experiments have proven that when there is a sufficient amount of hormones in our body, self-esteem, energy and strength increase. We feel in demand in this society, we have no problems with sleep. I must say that these are very important qualities for a successful weight loss process.

What increases the level of endorphins in the body?

After scientists became aware of the structure of endorphins, they began to do experiments to create artificial analogs that could be sold in pharmacies. But all their efforts were in vain, because the human body very quickly got used to them and this did not bring any positive effect.

It is known that substances such as vitamins A and C, as well as trace elements, iron and zinc, contribute to the increase in endorphins.


Unfortunately, we cannot get endorphins with food. But we can eat food that would promote their synthesis. These products include: dark chocolate, honey, potatoes, bananas, carrots, sea fish, bell peppers, eggs, as well as some spices: basil, celery and others.

There are ways by which you can independently regulate the level of hormones in our body. The most effective is having sex, which would end with the achievement of orgasm. Some people replace this way with delicious food and alcoholic beverages. A good method is to practice various sports. All this is justified by the fact that in the process of physical activity, our muscles begin to ache, and in the meantime, endorphins are produced to reduce this pain. In order to increase the concentration of happiness hormones by 7 times, it is enough to work out for about half an hour.


The level of endorphins also rises after a person has achieved some previously set goal or successfully completed a job. The opposite result is to be expected from constant inhibitions, disappointments, and failures.

What affects low endorphin levels?

Why do people suffer from insufficient amounts of endorphins in their bodies in different ways? The production of these substances is influenced by many factors, for example, viral and endocrine diseases. The reaction of a person to a variety of failures and problems also affects. Perhaps for some, being in a constant bad mood is the norm. It is also important what thoughts visit us. Scientists have found that endorphins help cells read our thoughts. Only positive thoughts contribute to the production of endorphins.


Very often, these hormones are associated with a problem such as overeating. For most people, food serves not only as a source of energy, but also as a means to improve their emotional state.

Thus, we have told you how to lose weight simply. By applying our tips, you can make the process of losing weight much easier.


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