Endomorphs – characteristics, diet, training. What can a person who is harder to lose weight do?

It has been known for a long time that a slim figure and lack of fat are not always a gift of nature. Obtaining them often requires a lot of effort. In addition, some people find it much harder to lose weight than others, even if they put more effort into it and follow a proper diet. Various biological conditions may be the cause. This problem concerns endomorphs, which are representatives of one of the three body types.

Somatotype – what is it?

Somatotype to body type determined on the basis of its proportions and shape. Individual somatotypy they differ in the content of adipose tissue, its distribution and predisposition to its burning, muscle structure and tendency to increase muscle mass, metabolic rate, shape of the chest and the shape of the whole body.

Ectomorphs, endomorphs, mesomorphs – the three basic somatotypes of our body

Let’s look at the basic three somatotypomto better understand the differences between them and see the problems they will face endomorphism. Let’s look at the opposite type first. Ektomorfik is a person whose body fat is very low. Ectomorphs are the proverbial “sticks” – people with a slender body, very small muscles, slim shoulders and a flat chest. This slim figure is the result of a very fast metabolism.

Fast burning means that with a normal lifestyle, nutrients are not stored in the form of fat and muscles, even with an unhealthy diet – overeating results in gaining weight only after some time. Ectomorph If you want to impress with a muscular figure, it will be difficult to build muscle mass and it will require appropriate exercises and a training plan adapted to your metabolism.

Endomorphism is a type of construction from the very opposite extreme. Body endomorphika it is characterized by a high content of adipose tissue. This is due to a slow metabolism. Fat is distributed over all parts of the body and the silhouette is oval.

In addition, the body has a tendency to retain water, which further enhances the round figure. The hips are wide and the shoulders are narrow. Mass, but also strength endomorphika they are usually large – it easily gains both fat and muscle tissue. Among these extreme types of figure is the somatotype mesomorphic – people with a figure defined as athletic, which is the dream of many men.

Mezomorficy have a low level of body fat, with clearly visible muscles, wide shoulders and a well-proportioned figure. It is easy for them to both burn fat and gain muscle mass. The distinction of these three basic genetically determined types of structure is the so-called Sheldon’s typology.

Endomorphs – how to outsmart genetics on the way to the desired figure

Slow metabolism and the tendency to accumulate body fat are definitely not allies endomorphika on the way to the desired figure. His build is often described as stocky and squat. Fortunately, genetics isn’t everything. Following a proper diet and a specially prepared training program will help to sculpt the body, but requires endomorphika effort and self-denial – the results do not come easily in this case. It is worth knowing a few tips here that will help you burn fat and achieve your dream figure somatotypu.

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Workouts for endomorphika should include exercises that are selected in such a way that they focus on the expansion of the arms and the reduction of fat tissue in the hip area. The most important factor is a properly selected diet – it allows not only to reduce body fat, but also is of key importance in preventing many cardiovascular diseases to which it is prone. endomorphism.

A slow metabolism means a lower energy requirement than others somatotypes. The diet should be high in lean protein and unsaturated fats from fish, and low in carbohydrates and saturated fats. You should definitely limit your intake of salt, which causes water retention in the body. Meals should be small and frequent – even 5 to 7 meals a day, with carbohydrates mainly being included in the breakfast menu so that they can be burned for the rest of the day. It is also worth checking the level of thyroid hormones, which have a large impact on the level of metabolism, and in the case of poor functioning of this organ, supplement with iodine and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

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