Endometrium during pregnancy, early pregnancy
The endometrium during pregnancy plays an important role – the ovum is implanted to it. It lines the entire inner surface of the uterus, and in order for the embryo to properly anchor in it, the endometrium must have a certain thickness.
What role does the endometrium play during pregnancy?
The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus. It is abundantly supplied with blood vessels. Its thickness depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle.
Endometrial thickness is an important indicator for pregnancy
The endometrium has the smallest thickness immediately after the end of menstruation. Later, it begins to grow and by the end of the cycle reaches a thickness of 17-20 mm.
If fertilization does not occur, its particles are rejected and come out with the blood during the next menstruation.
But if conception occurs during ovulation, menstruation does not occur, and the endometrium continues to develop. This is necessary for successful implantation and anchorage of the ovum.
The endometrium in early pregnancy has a thickness of about 20 mm. An experienced specialist is able to see this during an ultrasound scan and assume pregnancy, even if the ovum is not yet visible. The endometrium is actively supplied with blood and subsequently becomes part of the placenta through which nutrients are supplied to the child.
Endometrial thickness: norm and pathology
Often, various pathologies of the endometrium become the reason for unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. In order for the ovum to penetrate the wall of the uterus, the thickness of its mucous membrane must be at least 7 mm. If the endometrium grows poorly, it is called hypoplasia. The embryo simply has nowhere to gain a foothold, and the pregnancy breaks down. The reasons for this may be inflammation, genital infections, abortions in the past.
The opposite situation also happens. Excessive proliferation of the mucous membrane is called endometrial hyperplasia, pregnancy with it is also very problematic.
The causes of hyperplasia are hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, uterine fibroids
Endometrial problems not only reduce the chances of conception, but with successful fertilization increase the likelihood of miscarriage. Therefore, it is so important to plan a pregnancy and undergo a medical examination in advance.
For the treatment of hypoplasia, hormonal drugs, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. Hyperplasia is eliminated by correcting the hormonal background; surgery is often required.
Endometrial thickness and pregnancy are closely related, this is one of the first indicators to check when planning a pregnancy.