Endometriosis and other causes of infertility photos

Endometriosis and other causes of infertility photos

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You can look for various reasons that prevent a long-awaited pregnancy. In fact, there are four alarming facts that say that not everything is in order with a woman’s health. And it is they who destroy the dreams of having a child.

Anna Ryzhova, obstetrician-gynecologist, fertility specialist at the IVF Reproductive Health Clinic, told what physiological problems can prevent a woman from getting the desired pregnancy, as well as what to do if you have been given a disappointing diagnosis.

Reason 1. Tubal-peritoneal infertility

“Under this complex name lies the change in the fallopian tubes. It is this pathology that is the cause of infertility in about 25% of infertile women. The role of the fallopian tubes in the onset of pregnancy is very high. After all, the fallopian tubes are the meeting point of the egg and sperm, the place of fertilization and the first path of the young embryo to the uterine cavity. Therefore, it is very important that the fallopian tubes are patent and function properly. Unfortunately, in recent years, the pathology of the fallopian tubes is increasingly common. Experts associate this unpleasant fact with the spread of sexually transmitted infections (for example, chlamydia in the past often leads to impaired patency of the fallopian tubes). Also, interventions in the uterine cavity (abortion, curettage) and any operations on the pelvic organs in the past can have an adverse effect. In addition, obstruction in the tube itself is possible, disruption of the normal course of the fallopian tube due to the adhesions surrounding the tube. Any deformation or narrowing of the fallopian tubes can prevent the meeting of the sperm with the egg and the onset of pregnancy. But do not take this diagnosis as a verdict. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment – these can be conservative and microsurgical methods – there is a chance to get pregnant! “

Reason 2. Endocrine infertility

“The cause of 30-40% of all cases of female infertility. In this case, there is a violation of hormonal mechanisms that regulate the proper functioning of the ovaries. There may be several reasons. But the clinical manifestation will be one thing in common – it is an irregular nature or a complete absence of ovulation. Violation of ovulation processes can be associated with a violation of the production of hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and the brain. An increased level of prolactin, polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperandrogenism, thyroid dysfunction, ovarian depletion syndrome have a huge impact. All these reasons, individually, and sometimes in combination, lead to a violation of the ovulation process. And in this case, there is no need to despair – with complex and correct treatment, the ovulation process is normalized. “

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clinic for reproductive health “IVF”

“Insidious disease is extremely common in women of reproductive age. Very often, the only manifestation of endometriosis is infertility. In patients with endometriosis, ovulation occurs in a large number of cases and the fallopian tubes are patent. That is, in general, the reproductive system is in order, then the question arises – what is the reason for infertility? The fact is that infertility in endometriosis can be based on different mechanisms: adhesions of the small pelvis caused by the functioning of endometrioid foci, immunological mechanisms. And despite ovulation, a change in the biological environment in the small pelvis negatively affects the correct process of maturation and fertilization of the egg. Be aware that endometriosis only reduces the chances of pregnancy, and a timely visit to the doctor and proper treatment will help you increase these chances! “

4. Pathology of the uterus and fallopian tubes

“Pathology of the uterine cavity can be either congenital or acquired. Moreover, a woman can first learn about some types of congenital uterine pathology only at the stage of pregnancy planning using special studies of the uterus: hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. This is such a pathology as an intrauterine septum, the presence of additional uterine horns. Acquired pathology of the uterine cavity, as a rule, is a consequence of the transferred inflammatory processes, infections, curettage of the uterine cavity. As a result of these reasons, adhesions, polyps can form in the uterine cavity, chronic endometritis can occur, which interfere with the normal process of attachment and introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall. Also, one of the reasons may be uterine fibroids, but of a certain localization. These are the so-called submucous fibroids, which deform the uterine cavity and lead to infertility or miscarriage. Undoubtedly, such pathologies are a serious obstacle to conception, but thanks to modern methods of laparoscopy, the situation can be corrected. Do not forget that timely diagnosis will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences that can affect the possibility of conception, the ovulation process and the bearing of the fetus. Do not postpone the visit to the clinic’s specialist until the last – after all, a lot can be changed for the better right now! “

Clinic for reproductive health “IVF”

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