End of weight loss – what next?

For many people Weight Management is not only a process aimed at restoring the correct body weight, but also a specific lifestyle. Such people are very involved in the pursuit of obtaining the dream body weight, you can even say that they live weight loss. In the vast majority of cases, they treat achieving a correct body weight as one of the stages healthy lifestyle. Hence, even after losing weight, they adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and they exercise systematically. On the other hand, we have people for whom achieving a healthy body weight (ending weight loss) is the end counting calories, pay attention to what you are eating and exercise regularly. While in the case of the former, a return to excess weight or obesity it is practically impossible, in the latter case the chances are big and uncontrolled growth body weight increases significantly.

Worth exercising?

Many people ask themselves if you need to lose weight practice? The answer to this question will undoubtedly surprise many people, as it is no. Where did this answer come from? Well, you must practice whether or not you do we are slimmingwhether our BMI is normal. The World Health Organization (WHO) operating at the United Nations recommends that for preservation full of healthexercise 3 times a week, 30 minutes each, with a heart rate exceeding 130 beats per minute, both physically and mentally. Of course exercisesthat will be used during weight loss slightly different from those used “on a daily basis” by people with correct body weight. In conclusion, you should always exercise, remembering that you use it physical activity take into account our health condition and the set training goal.

What exercises to use?

At correct body weight, you can use exactly the same exercises that we used in the process of losing weight. In principle, there is no division that would classify exercises into those intended for obese / overweight people and those aimed strictly at people with a normal BMI. Of course, they may be slightly different from each other parameters such as volume (duration), number of repetitions / series, load, or the duration of breaks between series and individual exercises. However, these are cosmetic changes, adapting the given exercise to training goalwhich is to be implemented.

Modeling exercises and correct BMI

Exercises modeling / strength primarily affect our muscles. Depending on the parameters we use, they can slenderize body parts subjected to exercise, correct strength muscles or increase them volume (muscle mass). It is worth remembering that it is impossible to strive to achieve all of the above training goals simultaneously. First, you should focus on implementing one of them, and only after you have achieved it, can you start practicing enabling achievement next training target. 

Cardio and proper BMI

Treningi cardio are primarily responsible for increase in endurance the human body. They achieve this thanks to a significant improvement in the functioning of the circulatory and respiratory systems. In addition, cardio exercises are mainly responsible for burning unnecessary adipose tissue. After completing the weight loss process, you should not give them up precisely because of the extraordinary positive influencing the human body (especially the already mentioned circulatory and respiratory systems). Once you reach your dream body weight, you should increase the intensity of your exercise cardio performed using the method continuous at the expense of their volume (duration). In turn, in the case of cardio exercises performed with the method interval you can reduce their intensity, but extend their duration (volume).

Exercise plan with the support of a personal trainer: Give it a try

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