With the end of summer, the topic of strengthening immunity comes back to life. No wonder, infections are associated with fatigue, runny nose makes it difficult to fall asleep, everything hurts. It is also irritating to know that after recovery we will have to catch up, which makes it difficult to rest, even when we have to lie on the couch in front of the TV.
Work in case of infection the immune system is the fight of lymphocytes, i.e. white blood cells, with bacteria and viruses. Lymphocytes produce antibodies that neutralize the harmful effects of microorganisms on our body. If we have a shortage of them, the infection grows stronger, and we plunge into fever, headaches, muscle and joint pains, coughs and runny nose.
Homemade recipes
- Thinly slice part of the ginger root. Leave on low heat for 20 minutes along with 500 ml of water. After straining, you can season the decoction with raspberry juice or honey to taste. Drink a cup of hot drink before going to bed.
- Syrup to strengthen the body and lower blood pressure can be prepared on the basis of 40 g of garlic. Crush the garlic and squeeze the juice out of it, season with 80 g of sugar, mix with 80 ml of water. Use a tablespoon in the evening every day.
- Grate a cup of onion, then mix it with a cup of honey, leave for 60 minutes. Then boil it and when hot, strain it. This type of syrup is recommended to consume in the morning and evening after a spoonful dissolved in warm milk or water.
Natural ways to strengthen the immune system
- A warm dish eaten every day perfectly strengthens immunity. The ideal solution is to include a plate of vegetable soup in our nutritional plan, with which we will absorb large amounts of minerals. Let’s add fish or a portion of lean meat to brown rice or thick groats and, of course, vegetables. Remember to prepare light dishes instead of fatty ones, because overweight and obesity weaken the body, which contribute to increasing our susceptibility to infections.
- Get health from sprouts and parsley. In addition to the fact that they strengthen the immune system, they affect the improvement of digestive processes and protect against the adverse effects of free radicals. They have valuable elements and vitamins, protein and even omega-3 acids. Of course, eat them raw.
- Set aside one day each week to eat foods high in zinc. Instead of white bread, reach for rye wholegrain bread, and replace the pork chop with potatoes with liver with the addition of dark rice. Zinc is essential for the production of leukocytes, while most of the population suffers from its deficiency. You don’t have to worry about overdosing on this element because it has low bioavailability.
- Fruit teas made of raspberries, wild rose, aronia or blackcurrant contain vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It is thanks to them that they strengthen the body and allow us to deal with stressful situations more easily.