End of July: it’s not too late to plant in the country

End of July: it’s not too late to plant in the country

It’s never too late to bring beauty to your garden, even when most of the summer is over.

You can transform a desert cottage with the help of garden decor and a variety of perennial and annual plants, which can be safely planted even in July. They will take root perfectly and will delight the eye with their flowering and beautiful foliage until the first cold weather.

Expert of the network of hypermarkets for repair and dacha OBI

The beauty of annuals

A beautiful site needs to be carefully planned, but if you did not have time to decide what and where will grow, or are taking your first steps in landscape design, then annual plants will come to the rescue. This is a good option to outline the layout of future permanent flower beds without large-scale earthworks and, if you don’t like something, change everything next season.

“Of course, it’s too late to plant flower seeds in the ground in July,” says OBI expert. – However, at this time, a wide selection of ready-made seedlings for every taste is on sale. Unpretentious petunias are very popular; they can be planted in a flower bed or hung on the veranda with ampelous varieties in pots. Another popular option is tagetes, better known as marigolds, pelargonium and begonia. These flowers easily take root in almost any soil, do not require complex maintenance and bloom almost until October. “

Marigolds, begonia, and pelargonium look great in rabatkas – long flower beds that line garden paths. Also in July, gerberas and geraniums can be planted in the ground. Gerberas, similar to large multi-colored daisies, prefer sunny places. Plucking flowers into bouquets must be very careful, the stem will have to be unscrewed from the leaf outlet: if part of it remains, the plant may die.

Geraniums with their vibrant bunches of flowers can be planted in a flower bed, hanging planter, or placed in pots on the site. Geranium, like gerberas, loves warmth, therefore, with the onset of the first cold nights, the plants need to be dug up and transplanted back into the pots – these flowers should overwinter at home.

Blooming perennials

Perennials are a great solution for those looking for a beautiful plot with minimal effort. The main thing is to put them in the right place and provide simple care, unless, of course, we are talking about complex and demanding flowers and shrubs.

“In mid-July, you can safely plant a variety of roses in the garden – from small flowers, which are sold as seedlings in pots, to large bushes. Roses prefer partial shade, undersized varieties feel great in the shade of large bushes, ”the OBI expert advises.

Noble hydrangeas will be a wonderful decoration of the site. Lush shrubs with small tops of flowers are usually unpretentious and thrive in moderately sunny places. Cultivars with pink, crimson, lilac and blue flowers are a little more demanding: they will have to be covered for the winter. However, like roses. The main thing is to provide hydrangeas with abundant watering and feed them regularly, then they will bloom profusely until the end of September.

Unpretentious hosts with leaves of various colors and textures quickly grow in flower beds. Lilies and daylilies look great next to them.

Fragrant garden

The absolute hit of this summer season is perennial aromatic herbs. Lavender, thyme, sage, rosemary, lemon balm – all this not only grows beautifully and smells delicious, but is also used in cooking. Tea with lemon balm, for example, perfectly quenches thirst and tones up. Thyme is a great addition to meat and fish dishes, and it also goes well with vegetables and mushrooms. This spice is indispensable in the preparation of fatty foods, as it contains substances that help to digest heavy foods. Thyme is a fairly drought-resistant plant, but in hot weather it needs watering. Remember to loosen the soil regularly, but be careful not to damage the shallow root system.

“It is better to arrange fragrant beds in partial shade and provide areas for the growth of herbs. Or to thin out the plants so that they remain in the same volume, ”says the OBI expert.

Beauty accessories

A variety of accessories will help to bring beauty to the summer cottage: solar-powered lanterns, funny clay sculptures, an artificial pond.

“It’s not just plants that create coziness and beauty in a summer cottage,” the OBI expert notes. – If the site is new and there is no natural shade on it, put a swing with an awning or a couple of sun loungers with umbrellas.

Among the pots of flowers, for example, a bench looks good. Decorative fences for flower beds, colored gravel covering the ground between flowers – all these little things can turn an uninhabited area into an island of beauty and tranquility in a couple of weekends. After all, there is still a whole month of summer ahead and, possibly, a warm autumn.

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