Driving a car at a certain age is not only a threat to the driver, but also to other road users. However, older people often feel that they are still fit enough to drive a car. What signals indicate that it is better to change to the passenger seat? American scientists indicate a way that will make this decision easier.
- When it comes to driving licenses, there is currently no upper age limit in Poland
- The decision to end driving a car must be made by seniors alone or with the help of family members
- American scientists have checked whether the tool helping to make this difficult decision actually influences drivers’ thoughts.
- A new study has found it works
- More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page
The decision to end a driver’s career is not easy. The car often gives seniors independence, which they do not want to give up. A lot of people just like to ride.
In Poland, there is no upper age limit beyond which you cannot drive. Since 2013, however, only term driving licenses have been issued in Poland. – A category B driving license document is currently issued for a specified period, maximum 15 years, this is determined by the validity period of the medical examination and this date is entered in the driving license. Before its expiry, you should go to a doctor authorized to examine drivers, who will decide, based on your health, for how long the rights will be extended — explains Roman Nowak, director of the Pomeranian Road Traffic Center in Gdańsk, in an interview with Trojmiasto.pl.
Drivers with an indefinite document will have to replace their driving license between 2026 and 2033. In this situation, some seniors will have to go to checkups.
Before this happens, however, it is worth finding out what signals indicate that it is better to change to the passenger seat.
Driving a car – contraindications
Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease are not the only conditions whose presence is a strong contraindication to driving. The long list also includes:
- hearing loss,
- significant deterioration of eyesight,
- diabetes,
- stroke,
- kidney disease
- neurological problems,
- arthritis,
- mental disorders,
- diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Professor Marian Betz from the Colorado School of Public Health emphasizes, however, that not only age is a factor influencing our ability to drive a car. Many diseases can affect driving safety at any age.
— There is no age where someone becomes dangerous or has to stop driving. It is very important to avoid assumptions about age — translates in an interview with Verywellhealth.com.
Is it time to stop driving?
Professor Betz is the lead author of a study published in April this year entitled “Is it time to stop driving?” («Is it time to stop driving?»). To see how elderly people can help them decide whether to continue or stop driving, American scientists decided to conduct a clinical trial involving over 300 people over 70 years of age.
All study participants were fluent in English, drove a car at least once a week, and had at least one medical condition that could potentially cause them to stop driving. However, none of the people were cognitively impaired.
The study participants were divided into two groups. One of them used the online driving decision support tool developed by Healthwise. This tool included, inter alia, information on driving and age. There was also a place to express the feelings of the driver and the decision whether he wanted to continue driving the car.
This tool is designed to help people think about their options, preferences, needs and then decide which is right for them.
— Betz told Verywellhealth.com.
The second group, which acted as a control group, looked at the National Institute on Aging website on older driving.
The study showed that the use of an online decision support tool it reduced the internal conflict person related to the decision to stop driving. At the same time, it also increased participants’ awareness of how to continue, stop or change the way they drive a car. About 87 percent. participantswho used the online tool said that would recommend them to someone in a similar situation.
Ultimately, most of the people taking part in the trial decided to continue driving the car. However, the researchers intend to follow the study participants for the next two years.
Necessary support
Not for everyone, making the decision to stop driving early, even with the help of a special tool, will be an easy choice. — In some cases, you will need the help of a specialist, such as an occupational therapist or driving specialist. They may also require a long discussion with your family or GP — explains Betz.
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It is also very important that those who ultimately decide to put their car keys on the shelf are not socially excluded. Their relatives should then make sure that these people still have contact with others, can go to the doctor or do basic shopping. The author of the American study also pointed out this aspect.
— It is very important that people are not isolated in the home. Both in terms of nutritional and medical needs as well as emotional — Betz stressed.
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