Encephalopathy – causes and types

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By encephalopathy is meant chronic or permanent damage to the structures of the brain. Encephalopathy leads to the loss of basic human functions such as mobility and intellectual abilities. They are often accompanied by neurological disorders of the central nervous system. The causes of encephalopathy are very diverse.

Encephalopathy is a very general term. It deals with a variety of chronic or permanent brain damage. For example, encephalopathy leads to paralysis and loss of intellectual abilities. Many diseases and injuries can cause encephalopathy, including during pregnancy.

Congenital encephalopathy

Congenital encephalopathy is divided into those resulting from:

  1. perinatal trauma – resulting from mechanical (pressure, skin damage) and physical (intrauterine pressure disorders);
  2. fetal infections – encephalopathy can occur as a result of cytomegaly, rubella, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B, herpes, chicken pox;
  3. pregnancy poisoning – pregnancy poisoning is the so-called gestosis, and its causes are unknown. Its development may be influenced by multiple pregnancy, first pregnancy, mother’s age;
  4. hereditary conditions such as Down’s syndrome.

Acquired encephalopathy

Acquired encephalopathy may develop as a result of:


  1. concussions of the brain,
  2. contusions of the brain,
  3. formation of epidural, subdural and intracranial hematomas;
  4. hypertension – encephalopathy in this case is associated with a sudden increase in blood pressure. Blood flow is disturbed, causing brain swelling, petechiae and small brain attacks. Symptoms of hypertensive encephalopathy are headache, vomiting, seizures, visual and consciousness disturbances;
  5. atherosclerosis – results from damage to small arterioles located in the brain against the background of atherosclerosis. The damage results in small but numerous brain infarctions;
  6. metabolism – encephalopathy in this form results from the toxins produced inside our body. These toxins are produced during organ failure, resulting in abnormal brain functions. The group of metabolic encephalopathies includes:
  7. hepatic encephalopathy,
  8. uremic encephalopathy,
  9. hyperglycemic encephalopathy,
  10. hypoglycemic encephalopathy;
  11. inflammation – this type of encephalopathy develops as a result of an infection such as meningitis. It manifests itself, inter alia, in seizures, mood changes, decreased intellectual abilities, blindness;
  12. vaccinations – post-vaccination encephalopathy is a consequence of preventive vaccinations. However, it happens around 1: 140000-1: 300000 vaccination cases. As a result of post-vaccination encephalopathy, mental retardation, convulsions and epilepsy are common;
  13. the so-called Spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) – encephalopathies developing as a result of: Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS), kuru, family fatal insomnia (FFI), Alpers syndrome;
  14. toxic effects of alcohol – Wernicke’s encephalopathy, the so-called alcoholic encephalopathy. It results from the toxic effect of alcohol and a simultaneous vitamin deficiency. As a result of the disease, for example, the paravomotor muscles are paralyzed;
  15. AIDS – AIDS encephalopathy, i.e. AIDS dementia syndrome, HIV dementia. The disease results from inflammation that develops around the vessels of the gray and white matter leading to defects in the brain. Cognitive, motor, speech, and behavioral changes are impaired as a result of AIDS encephalopathy.
  1. hepatic encephalopathy,
  2. uremic encephalopathy,
  3. hyperglycemic encephalopathy,
  4. hypoglycemic encephalopathy;

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