EMS training – what is it and what is it for?

What is EMS training, the history of its appearance. What happens during EMS training, features of the exercise. Main contraindications. Benefits of EMS training.

EMS training is a trend among people who exercise hard and want to have beautiful body shapes. This type of exercise was created back in the 1960s. Initially, training was intended for athletes who were injured, as well as for astronauts with atrophied muscles.

Now EMS has become available for ordinary, healthy people. Many sports clubs and gyms are equipped with simulators for just such activities. During EMS training, suits equipped with electrodes are used. As a result, a person performs cardio exercises with increased muscle stimulation.

By training, the athlete gets the opportunity to better and more intensely contract muscles. The work will necessarily involve tissues located deep in the body. See also: Ideal relief with isolation exercises

How does EMS training work?

Electrically stimulated EMS training affects breathing and heart rate, speeding up and accelerating these indicators. Even very simple exercises are quite difficult to perform due to the effect of the electrodes on the muscles. One session should be approximately 25 minutes long.

It usually includes the following steps:

  • warm-up before the main workout;
  • EMS-exercises;
  • recovery and rest after intensive training.

The athlete puts on special clothing to which electrical wires are connected. They carry an electrical impulse. Begins to perform exercises that you already know. These are regular squats, lunges, various push-ups, planks, etc. The coach closely monitors the signals given, their power. If necessary, correct them.

Moreover, the adjustment of the strength of the impulses occurs for each part of the body separately. And the level of load will be individual for each athlete. See also: What is dynamic heating?

Benefits of EMS training

EMS training is very beneficial for the body, as it increases the efficiency of performing the simplest exercises. If you just exercise on simulators or squat without connecting the electrodes, then the efficiency will be 30-40% lower.

  1. The electrical signal that the device gives affects the stimulation of muscle fibers, allowing them to contract more intensively. It is worth considering the factor that in ordinary fitness the body tries to save energy: regardless of the will of the person, it turns on defense mechanisms. These mechanisms do not allow the muscles to contract simultaneously.
  2. When electrode stimulation occurs, the body does not turn on the defense system and does not save energy. All muscles get a boost, even those that don’t normally work during fitness workouts. Such manipulations allow you to train the whole body evenly so that all muscles work. Thanks to this, a beautiful relief is formed, the muscular frame of the whole body is built up, and not just its individual sections.
  3. It is worth considering that EMS training can be used to lose weight. Electrical stimulation effectively affects the accelerated burning of fat. In addition, cells and tissues begin to regenerate faster. With the help of exercises, you can quickly recover from injuries. The technique is actively used by athletes who train professionally.

To achieve maximum results, do not forget that you need to change your diet. Control your calorie intake, include meat, greens, seafood, fresh vegetables in your daily breakfast, lunch and dinner. Read also: How to eat right before a workout?

Contraindications for EMS training

EMS training has some contraindications and prohibitions that should be taken into account so as not to harm your health.

Here are the main ones:

  • oncology;
  • unhealed wounds;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • serious neurological pathologies;
  • tuberculosis;
  • circulatory problems;
  • fever, chills, cold;
  • diabetes mellitus, especially in the last stages;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • epileptic seizures.

Before EMS training, you need to visit a specialist and undergo an organism diagnosis. This will allow you to exclude a number of diseases and safely perform exercises at maximum intensity. If this is not done, there is a risk of worsening your condition.

EMS training is very well suited for those people who, due to circumstances, are not able to exercise on their own. This applies to those who have partially or completely atrophied muscles, as well as those who are obese. See also: Why do you need kinesis training?

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